Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The City of Mirrors (The Passage #3) ★☆☆☆☆ DNF@13%

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 Title: The City of Mirrors
 Series: The Passage #3
 Author: Justin Cronin
 Rating: 1 of 5 Stars
 Genre: Fantasy
 Pages: DNF
 Format: Digital Edition

My Thoughts:

I gave this until the 13% mark to draw me in. It never did. The writing was just fine, there were no problems or anything I could point a finger to and say “Therein lies the the problem.” No, this was just like the previous 2 books in that it bored me. I might have put up with that for those 2, but now? Not so much.

If you liked the previous books I suspect you'll like this one as well. I was pretty meh about them and nothing in this book was any different, so I was pretty meh about it as well. I've got about 120 books on my Oasis and around 100-150 books in Calibre that I plan on reading so I am not going to waste my time reading something that I am not enjoying.

It doesn't help that besides Dracula, I am not a vampire fan, nor am I a big post-apocalyptic fan.


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