Sunday, March 31, 2013

Review: Olympus Union: The Past Repeated

Olympus Union: The Past Repeated
Olympus Union: The Past Repeated by Gary Bloom

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

DISCLAIMER #1: The author asked me to review this and sent me a free epub version.

DISCLAIMER #2: I asked the author to make sure this was a proofread/edited copy so as not to waste my time. Therefore, I am not holding any punches.

This was a short novel, a bit over 100 pages on my Nook.

The reason I put this on my "Abandoned" shelf and gave it one star was because by the time I was halfway through I had come across several instances of:
1) TO/TOO was misused
2) words were misused [Root instead of Route]
3) words were left out of sentences [very obvious when a sentence NEEDS a pronoun, and it isn't there]
4) extremely awkward sentence structures that left me scratching my head as to what the author meant to convey

From a literary standpoint [and while SFF might not be what the so called Literati's read, it still has to follow the rules], this was SO 'amost good'.
I liked the basis of a one world gov't divided up into 10 sections [Revelations anyone?], but the characters. Caricatures, ideas of characters, extremely well painted cardboard cutouts. But not real characters.

There are just to [or is that too?] many instances of a character acting out of character [at least from the tiny bit I knew of them]:

1) you have this lady who is supposed to be the "Peace Keeper" of the whole shebang, ie, the top Warlord.Someone who is put in a position like that is not some dewey eyed idealist. They don't have to be some Satan worshipping, baby eating Nazi, but still, a corrupt set of officials isn't going to appoint a Paragon of Virtue to that position. So why does this Lady peacekeeper come across as a do-gooder?

2) the Aries Elite character. I was under the impression that the Aries were gene-modded to be supermen without the brains or emotions. But Captain Courageous is the polar opposite of his boss, an Aries who is a fat slob sitting behind a desk. Which is correct? Superman with a brain or fat corrupt Blobbo? It can't be both, they're GENE-MODDED!, ie, it is hardwired into them.

3) Kro, the mysterious guy dressed in black. He should have been cool. Space ninja. But we get someone who is completely schizo. He can avoid the OU gov't, the rebellion AND move around the solar system as he pleases, but he's worried about having enough patience to deal with one lousy lowlife spaceship captain? For someone to BE that good, they have to have the internal & external skills already worked out. Or they would have been caught/dealt with before we get to the story.

When I started this book, I felt like it could be good; run of the mill, but enjoyable.
But obvious lack of proofing/editing and unskilled character writing killed this for me.

If you read this review, you might feel like I completely savaged Mr. Bloom. And you would be correct. I did. I didn't pick this book up on my own. I was ASKED to review it.

If you want to read it anyway, and you love it, that is great! I really hope you read the rest in his series if you do. Any comments from Mr. Bloom I will do my best to answer honestly.

But just to give fair warning, inflammatory comments will simply be deleted. I don't have the patience to deal with them. .

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Review: Point Of Impact

Point Of Impact
Point Of Impact by Stephen Hunter

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed the movie, Shooter, enough to check the book it was based on.

Thoroughly enjoyable. A bit of gun porn, with numbers and X's and this's and that's thrown about that meant absolutely nothing to me, but it didn't really detract from the story.

Shooting, government conspiracies, etc, etc.

It wrapped up nicely and Bob Lee gets to walk off into the sunset.

And then I see that it is a whole series. He's a middle age man from Vietnam. How many adventures can he have? I guess I'll be finding out.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Review: Goblin Quest

Goblin Quest
Goblin Quest by Jim C. Hines

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a lot of fun to read.

Take your typical "hero on a quest to kill a dragon, blah, blah, blah" and completely turn it on its head.

We follow Jig, a runt of a goblin, who is nearsighted. He just wants to have enough to eat each day and to not be bullied about by the bigger goblins.

Unfortunately, for Jig, he is thrust into the company of aforementioned adventurers. Who are vile scumbags who simply want to use Jig and then kill him.

Jig ends up being the hero, and the leader of his people.

Where [b:Libriomancer|12844699|Libriomancer (Magic Ex Libris, #1)|Jim C. Hines||17995680] felt like a Dresden clone, this was original. It toed the line between humor, dark humor and sadness, as we see how other races are treated by humankind.

We are also introduced to the the firespider who is part of Libriomancer.

Overall, I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the trilogy.

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Review: Caribbean Kill

Caribbean Kill
Caribbean Kill by Don Pendleton

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This didn't get the "Ultra-violent" tag.

Overall, this seemed pretty lame. A 24hr quickie.

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Review: Gunslinger Girl Omnibus 5

Gunslinger Girl Omnibus 5
Gunslinger Girl Omnibus 5 by Yu Aida

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

We get a TON of backstory for some of the Handler's here.

And the overall plot tightens up into an actual plot, instead of just short stories about the girls. And the first gens are starting to wear out, which changes the dynamics of how the Agency operates.

So lots of info, drama, guns and death.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Review: Forging the Darksword

Forging the Darksword
Forging the Darksword by Margaret Weis

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I certainly enjoyed this more than Weis's [b:The Lost King|317383|The Lost King (Star of the Guardians, #1)|Margaret Weis||29051]. I think she can do fantasy very well.
It was a little confusing as the story kept jumping from one character to another at the beginning, but it then settled down on one of the "priests".
The world is based on magic but there are people who are born without magic, and they are ritually killed after their birth to protect the gene pool. Barbaric.
There is a prophecy about a "dead" king who will completely change the world.

Overall, an enjoyable read but nothing spectacular. Good enough that I'll be reading the next book however.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Review: The Time Paradox

The Time Paradox
The Time Paradox by Eoin Colfer

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Not my least favorite of the AF series, but definitely one of the most "Bad Humans killing and polluting everything".
Interesting plot premise of time travel and the ironing out of supposed paradoxes.

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Review: The Wretched of Muirwood

The Wretched of Muirwood
The Wretched of Muirwood by Jeff Wheeler

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I thoroughly, completely, absolutely enjoyed this read.

To be honest, it is a typical fantasy with a young heroine overcoming great odds, finding out about her past and the promise of a great future.

But it was a great story. I never rolled my eyes, groaned or thought any disparaging remarks. It was well edited, so I was never thrown out of the story by bad grammar or an awkward phrase.

Really looking forward to the rest of this trilogy.

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Review: Stardoc

Stardoc by S.L. Viehl

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was on a very quick path to 5Stars.

A young woman is fleeing her home and Earth, as her father, who is a brilliant and controlling surgeon, has her life all planned out for her.
She flees to a small colony to be part of the medical team. A colony made up of mostly non-Terrans, as humans are called. Did I mention that the controlling father is a leader in a Terrans Only group?

So the young daughter begins her work. Lots of adventures, some romance and then a very large catastrophe on an epidemic level. Which proceeds to an even larger personal crisis for our intrepid heroine.

The story ends with some seriously weird info being revealed. Really made me want to rush out and read the next book. But I didn't. For the following reasons.

1)There is one scene where she and her new lover consumate their love. It was explicit and did nothing to make the story better. It was for pure titillation and "sex sells". I was disappointed it had been added, but would have gone on to the next book, if it weren't for the next reason.

2) There is a graphic rape scene. This is what really turned me off from this book. The reasons for why it happened are explained. But the graphicness of it, the reactions of those involved, just made me feel dirty. I had to stop reading for several days before I could go back and finish the story.

So I will be reading the next book at some time in the future, but Viehl is on serious probation. There had better be NOTHING I don't like in the next book for me to continue the series past Book 2.

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Review: The Steel Tsar

The Steel Tsar
The Steel Tsar by Michael Moorcock

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The wrap of Bastable's story.

The weakest story of the 3. A prisoner of war, socialism, a nuke, blah, blah.

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