Showing posts with label Douglas Niles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Douglas Niles. Show all posts

Monday, December 28, 2020

Darkwalker on Moonshae (Forgotten Realms: Moonshae #1) ★☆☆☆☆ DNF@29%


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Title: Darkwalker on Moonshae
Series: Forgotten Realms: Moonshae #1
Author: Douglas Niles
Rating: 1 of 5 Stars
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 351/110
Words: 121.5K/40K


DNF'd at 29%

My Thoughts:

I haven't read a Forgotten Realms book in almost 3 years. My tastes had matured enough that I simply could not enjoy them anymore. So rather than rage or rag on them for being what they are, I simply stopped. Then, as has seemed to happen several times this year, I allowed myself to be convinced by another book enthusiast that this one might be a cut above the herd. A really fat juicy cow amongst a herd of starving and anemic animals. Verily, Pharoah himself would have dreamed of this cow and Joseph would have delighted in interpreting it. Well, as a modern day Joseph, I'm declaring that this cow was ugly and bony, more ugly and bony than any cow ever seen in the entire land of Egypt!

I dnf'd this at the 29% mark because I couldn't take any more. It was trope'ish, written at the level of a 12-15 year old and was EVERYTHING that made me stop reading Forgotten Realms books in the first place. I have to admit, I was pretty disappointed. I had had hopes that this just might be enjoyable.

So I quit and began looking for some higher quality covers, as the ones on amazon were blown up to the 500xwhatever from old 165pix. Turns out, this book was written in the late 80's and was either the first FR book, or one of the first. Which explains a lot.

In all fairness, this really isn't worse than all the other FR books I've read in the past. Don't let that 1star fool you into thinking it's somehow worse than them. It is on the exact same level as all the others and that 1star represents my disappointment that it wasn't a big fat juicy cow that exploded into steaks and then served themselves to me. Douglas Adams would have been disappointed too!
