Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Review: Cobra Slave

Cobra Slave
Cobra Slave by Timothy Zahn

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I wrote my long [for me] review and accidently hit the back button on my browser because of my stupid touchpad on my laptop.

And so I lost it all.

Basically, I absolutely loved this book and thought that the Dominion of Man was the perfect badguy and I love having good badguys to hate.

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Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Review: Wool

Wool by Hugh Howey

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A solid 3star, but no more. A story about a dystopian society, a wife who kills herself and her depressed husband/sheriff. Who ends up killing himself in the same way.

But! Did they actually die? At the end of this short story we're just not sure. In fact, I'm not sure about a lot of things.

I would recommend people read the omnibus edition, [b:Wool Omnibus (Silo, #1)|13453029|Wool Omnibus (Silo, #1) (Wool, #1-5)|Hugh Howey||18979356], as they can immediately read the rest of the story without waiting. Not having the sequel immediately after reading the first story killed it for me, as I don't like dystopia for the most part and nothing in this story encouraged me to read more.

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Sunday, July 07, 2013

Review: The Stress of Her Regard

The Stress of Her Regard
The Stress of Her Regard by Tim Powers

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Normally, I'd probably be giving this a 4star rating. It was extremely well written, exciting, horrifying, action-packed and chock full of blood and magic.

So stop there if you liked this book.

The main reason I'm going with 2stars is because the week that I read this book I worked double shifts almost every day, was coming down from dealing with my first ABB and had no emotional cushion to deal with this book.

It many ways it was brutal. When Michael wakes up the first morning and sees Julia and reacts, I almost screamed right along with him. When the children and relatives keep dying off, something inside me just curled up and died with them. When Keats did what he needed to to keep others safe, I almost cried. When Byron tried to have the best of both worlds [or at least the non-worst of both], I wanted to shoot him.

The only other books by Powers that I've read have been [b:The Anubis Gates|142296|The Anubis Gates|Tim Powers||2193115] and [b:On Stranger Tides|15670|On Stranger Tides|Tim Powers||17505]. Both were pretty cool and I especially liked Anubis, as it was pretty much a character kicking ass, making the best of a bad situation and coming out on top at the end.
This book, not so much. I felt like the characters, all of them, were barely making it through each day and that was just depressing to me the reader.

So to end. If you've enjoyed Powers other books, you'll probably like this one. If you like vampires, you'll probably like this one.
But if you're an emotional person like me, wait to read this until you've got some reserves to deal with it. You'll need it.

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Friday, July 05, 2013

Review: Shadow's Rise - Return of the Cabal

Shadow's Rise - Return of the Cabal
Shadow's Rise - Return of the Cabal by Joseph J. Bailey

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

From the description, I was kind of hoping for a book along the vein of [b:Way-farer|967191|Way-farer|Dennis Schmidt||952088]. And I LOVE that book and re-read it. Way-farer is martial arts and zen.

And this is what I thought this was going to be. So I dl'd the sample from amazon and jumped right in. So everything that follows is from the sample only. The first 5 or 6 chapters I believe.

My first, very charitable thought, was that Bailey was trying to emulate [a:Patricia A. McKillip|25|Patricia A. McKillip|], with her lyrical, almost poetical style of prose.

The potential, the interrelationships, the interconnectivity, and individuation all commingled in a great sea of light scintillating beneath the sun.
-Location 209

The problem is, this verbose, florid overuse of descriptive wordiness continued on for the whole book. McKillip is a master, while Bailey sounded like a rank amateur.

Word craft. Lots of words are used that I had to go look up. And all were technically correct. But they tended to be 'archaic' forms of other words we already use:
[I could NOT find that one. If you know of a link to a definition, I'd appreciate it]

The above words, and others, were used, it seemed, not so much as to make the story better but more along the lines of a little boy waving his shiny new trumpet hollering "look at me! I have a shiny trumpet!".

...his head close enough to the beast' smell the creature's thick, unkempt rank
-Location 1034

Just another example of things being slightly off. Hair can be unkept [unkempt is a slightly older version] and thick, but "rank" means smell. Just slightly too enthusiastic with describing things and not paying attention to the nuts and bolts of the story.

Which brings us to plot.

A monastary of super monks [who have been around, apparently, an age beyond description ] in touch with the lifeforce of creation itself is attacked and forced to move to another plane of existance. And our MC is left behind because he isn't advanced enough to do the plane walking AND he wants to fight the badguys, who seem to be just "evil".

a couple of questions immediately sprang to mind.
1) Why did all the supermonks, priests and other trainee's leave? Wasn't it their duty as well to stay and fight?
2) the monks appear to have "just begun their work" in the area, even though they've been there an age beyond description. Huh? Which is it?
3) MC isn't well trained enough. But when he starts his journey/quest, all I heard about him from the author describes how he can "X, Y and Z" because of his many years of intense training. Our MC is apparently both a complete novice and a master. But you the reader will never know which one will be in control.

Then there are things that just didn't make sense to me. MC is hiding from the Evil Guys, who can track his psychic footprint and his very life essense. So what does he do the first night out? Call out to his master in his dreams and have a long coversation with him.

Another time he is in a forest, and he starts "casting out his mind" to look for sentient beings so he can avoid them. Hello? Paint a target on yourself or something.

After surviving a poison forest [poison that is both magical and mundane but both and yet neither], he comes into contact with some Super Tree beings. Beings that were the teachers of the elves and have been hidden for eons and eons. Not only does he find them, but makes contact with them mentally, and avoids frying his brain because of all his years of mental training. A certain amount of serendipity I can take, but forcing my brain into a pretzel of unbelief doesn't work for me.

Finally, Bailey can't write an action scene to save his life. Well, technically, he can. Lots of "fast" and "jumping" and action words, but no real combat seems to take place. Kind of like "he moved real fast and hit the creature, who was jumping really high and the battle was over", but in his verbose way of saying things. I got lots of descriptions of the MC waking up, trudging around and feeling all in touch with himself and nature, but when it came to things actually happening, Bailey drops the verbal ball.

So while I liked the idea put forth in the blurb, the verbosity, floridness and lack of good action scenes did this in for me.

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Review: Wired

Wired by Douglas E. Richards

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This review is for the sample I got from Amazon for my Kindle Touch.

I really enjoyed this. It started out with a merc physically bullying/kidnapping a female character which really put me off, but then it was placed in context. And Kontext can be King.

I read 2-3 chapters. Met the male protaganist and am still not sure about the lead female. I am definitely going to either borrow the full book from the library, or if they don't have it, save my pennies and buy it from Amazon.

I am looking forward to the full story.

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Thursday, July 04, 2013

Review: Heir to the Empire

Heir to the Empire
Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Been 14 years since I read this. I remember being blown away when I first read this. Probably helped that this was nearly my first Star Wars book [after Mr Twincest himself's book, poor guy].

This time I read it with a much vaster repertoire of books read under my belt. It was still a very good book. But it wasn't incredible.

Zahn does a fantastic job of creating the characters like how you would expect them to be after the Trilogy. So many foundations of the EU are introduced and laid down in this book and the rest of the trilogy. It almost makes me cry. Especially when considering the Kataana Fleet [mentioned in this book] and how Mr. Mccube Dowel completely gutted that story with his horrible Black Fleet trilogy. [If I'm mixing up authors/series, feel free to correct me in the comments section and I'll fix it. I just don't care enough right now to go look it up].

Mara. To me, that sums up Zahn's highest achievement with this book. Even greater than Thrawn imo.

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Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Review: Monk's Hood

Monk's Hood
Monk's Hood by Ellis Peters

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Truth be told, I am enjoying this series, but it can get pedestrian at times.

Thankfully, the Father Abbot Heribert is being replaced, so I'm hoping the new Father will play a slightly larger role.

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Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Review: The Phantom of the Opera

The Phantom of the Opera
The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I wanted to like this more than I actually did. I know read a version of this book [probably an abridged one] back in highschool and have watched several iterations of the movie and liked them all.

The idea is awesome. The setting is properly "gothic". The characters were appropriately hotheaded, lovely, terrible and stupid, all as needed.

Unfortunately, Leroux's writing just didn't work for me. I can't pin it down exactly what it is that put me off, unfortunately. One of life's great mysteries I guess...

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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Review: Doctor Zhivago

Doctor Zhivago
Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a very hard book to rate. At times I was thoroughly enthralled by Pasternak's wandering thoughts and at other times I felt like I was listening to my Great Aunt Lilly [93'ish] talk about whatever subject came into her head.

The book jumped quite a bit, quite abruptly. Kind of felt like I was on a coal cart and never knew when the cart would jump the tracks to another completely new track.

But this was a lush story. The hope, the despair, the national psyche, how everyone was effected by their emotions was as much a part of the story as the actual plot.

Characters weren't ones that you'd want to hang out with. Everyone was a revolutionary at the beginning, until they realized just want the Communists actually were. And the characters' dream of a Soviet Utopia died in fire, famine and horror.

Zhivago himself was a sad, pathetic character and at the same time I commiserated with him and hated him. He was crushed by the reality of communism, he went into and out of relationships like they had no meaning [3 wives? and 2 of them he created families with? Only to abandon them?]. Let's just say I wasn't sad at the ending of Zhivago's part of the story. In many ways it was better than he, Zhivago, deserved.

The ending to the book itself was so long and drawn out that I was ready for it to be done with after about 2 pages of the "Continuation" and "Epilogue".

It definitely helped that I've read books by [a:Ivan Goncharov|5326370|Ivan Goncharov|], [a:Leo Tolstoy|128382|Leo Tolstoy|] and [a:Fyodor Dostoyevsky|3137322|Fyodor Dostoyevsky|] before this.

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Review: Windows 8 for Dummies

Windows 8 for Dummies
Windows 8 for Dummies by Andy Rathbone

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a review for the full 433'ish page book. Not the quick start guide, not the cheat sheet, etc, etc.

If you are familiar with Windows XP-W7, then the first 50'ishpages will be enough for you. Rathbone goes over the major differences in W8 and how to navigate and accomplish what you want.

After that, this book is more for newbs who are learning about Windows for the first time.

I am glad to have this as a reference for when I forget where something is or how to "Task X". I read the first 135 pages then skimmed the rest of the book.

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