From Pooja on her post The Blog Tag. I haven’t done a Tag post in quite some time (a year and a half in fact!) and this felt like a good one to do.
The Blog Tag
How did you come up with your blog name?
I was on Devilreads from 2009-2013. During that time I used my real name and a real photograph of myself. During that time I also had enough run ins and threats from crazy writers and rabid fans that I swore never again. So when Devilreads began their campaign to censor reviews under the guise of “guidelines’ and silence people, I left for Booklikes.
I chose Bookstooge because I read so many books (you’d be surprised how many people on a site dedicated to reading think 100+ books a year is some impressive number, sigh) and stooge because I was willing to do a lot to make sure that books (and the attendant reviews) had a very high place in my life. There is no “wrong” way to review, whatever Devilreads and the idiots who inhabit that stygian darkness may claim.
On the avatar side of things, I started using one with this review:
Since then I have gone through several facelifts until I am where I currently am now.
If your blog was a person (fiction or real), who would it be?
Hands down, it would be Shrek. Mrs B told me that and she’s 110% correct!
What helps you create new content if you feel like you need some inspiration?
Rockstar, baby! The power of caffeine running through my veins powers everything I do.
Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with?
I do consider myself to be collaborating with Miss Ross, as she does the art for the artwork posts and I do the words side of things. But the reality is that I would not willingly choose to share the writing aspect of blogging with anybody. I chronicled that decision here:
A Loner But Not Alone
The words here at are mine and mine alone. I take the glory and the responsibility. Words are important to me.
Is there anything more you wish you had or would like to learn as a blogger?
I think every blogger wants more, something. Finding out what that is is part of the fun of being a blogger. For me, it is interaction, specifically, comments. I want more of those suckers, I really do.
As for learning, I wish I knew how to be a better craftsman when it comes to the words I write. I want to look at my posts and see exactly which word is needed at “that” point to make the whole thing flow like a stream.
Do you have a specific style of blogging?
My blog is mainly book reviews. I do try to leaven things out with various non-review posts, which can run the gamut from Tag posts like this to personal posts where I bare my soul and cry like a baby for you all to see (yeah, ok, maybe NOT quite that personal) to Art related posts. I would say it is 50-60% book reviews and the rest is whatever I feel like.
As for “style”, I am not sure. Intelligently Ironic? Punchyouintheface-fu? Studiously Ignorant? Pugnaciously Pink? Whatever style, it’s me and don’t you forget it!
And there we go, the Tag is finished. I like short tags like that.
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