Showing posts with label Uncategorized. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uncategorized. Show all posts

Friday, December 13, 2024

Love Saves the Day, Chapters 4-5

Chapter 4 is simply a page break, as the story continues like there had been no break at all. The Earl makes an undying enemy of the Greedy Developer by kicking him out of Tiana’s castle, with threats of physical violence no less. Dude gets mega-points for that as far as I’m concerned.

It also wakes up Tiana to the fact she is in desperate straits and her parents dream, now hers apparently, of restoring the castle is an impossibility. This gives her the courage to ask The Earl if his offer of marriage is still open. He says it is and that she should really take the day to think about it, as it will be a decision to affect her for the rest of her life. He sets dinner plans for later that day so they can discuss things.

Tiana is 19. The Earl is 29. At least he is decent enough to realize what his marriage proposal will do to her reputation and the fact that she’s not lightly making this. At the same time, 29 and 19 don’t seem as far apart as say Marianne and Colonel Brandon from Sense and Sensibility. It’s still a gap though, which means that our cultural differences from now to 1903 haven’t changed in some of our underlying sensibilities.

You know, I have to say, I think I would have fit right into this story. That, or my emotional quotient is just about the same as Dame Cartland’s. Here’s a quote from Tiana as she is getting ready for dinner that night.

‘I always vowed,’ she reflected, ‘that I would only ever marry for love a man I could respect, who would be my friend and partner.
~Chapter 4, Love Saves the Day

That made me realize that both Mrs B and I have been blessed with being able to state that we got all those things when we married the other. We love each other, we respect each other and we are best friends. I know that isn’t the case with every couple, even happily married ones, so I am thankful that I got such a trifecta.

The rest of the chapter deals with one of the servants taking things amiss and planning on going to the Greedy Developer for nefarious reasons. We also get the engagement ring scene and the chapter ends with the wastrel cousin making a surprise entrance just after the engagement.

It is all so simple and trite and cliched. And I am loving every second of it. I can’t believe I wrote that, but it’s true. Reading this is like eating a white chocolate truffle. Just one little bit is enough to go a long way.

Chapter Five sees Tiana immediately having regrets and doubts about the wisdom of her choice. It doesn’t help that the Wastrel Cousin begins talking to her and talking about how “poor” he will become. Of course, The Earl sees them together, immediately jumps to the wrong conclusion and storms off in a jealous rage. Tiana rebuffs the Wastrel, who in turn writes to a former Lady Love of The Earl’s to come back and come between Tiana and The Earl. The Earl escorts Tiana back to her home and on the way they have “relationship” moment where they both realize that yes, this can work. The chapter ends with Lady Lover determining that only SHE can have The Earl and she swans off to England to put Tiana in her place.

Oh, this was one cliche on top of another. From the “old and jealous” reaction of The Earl to the “misunderstanding” to the “other woman”, they are all situations you’d expect to find in a soap opera. If I was just reading through this at my usual speed, I’d be well past this before all the issues caught up to my attention. I’d just enjoy it and blast on through like a whirlwind. That’s one unforeseen consequence of taking just a couple of chapters at a time.

Friday, December 06, 2024

Love Saves the Day, Chapters 1-3

The date given right in the first chapter is 1903. And Dame Cartland wastes no time in inundating us with the most purple’ish of prose. The saving grace is that each purple description is so short.

We find out that Tiana’s parents (Tiana is the main character, who is 19) died together from a fever they contracted while nursing amongst the local villages. And her father wrote her a letter saying not to worry, because they were so happy together and were happy they both were dying so they could be in heaven together. Oh, and they talk about restoring the dump of a castle they had inherited and been pouring their money into. I mean, your wife has just died, you are about to die and you’re sending your only child of 19 a letter and you talk about the bloody castle restoration?

It was all just a syrupy potion to mask the reality of the sadness of their death. Can’t have sadness in a romance after all. Not even “I” would want that. So I have to give Dame Cartland her due, she writes the situation well.

The scene then immediately changes over to the other main character, Richard, Earl of Austindale. Who has just found out that the will from his grandfather has made matrimony a part of inheriting the estates. If he’s not married by 30, he loses it all. What kind of nonsense is this?!? Not that it exists, because that kind of stipulation seems rather wise to me. If you have to think about somebody else besides yourself in regards to your fortune, you are going to be LOT more careful. No, what I refer to is that Richard is just finding this out 3 months or so before his 30th birthday when this will take effect. WUT?!?! That’s the kind of information his dad should have talked about with him along with the birds and the bees talk at 12. If I were him, I’d immediately fire the lawyer handling this for dereliction of duty. Like a real man, Richard immediately thinks of a solution and realizes it isn’t viable (some chickie boo who he likes and apparently likes him, but prefers gallivanting across the continent to country life). At least Richard is smart enough to realize trying to marry Chickie Boo would be a huge mistake. Good on him for that! And it gets even more drama’y when he finds out that his younger cousin will inherit everything, and said cousin is a confirmed gambler and will spend the accumulation of wealth of three lifetimes in a matter of months, thus destroying the family name, honor and material wealth. Now there’s a conundrum for you.

The chapter ends with the two main characters meeting each other.

Incredible! While the prose is some of the most purple I have ever read, and so generic and vague that it feels like a formula (Duke “insert name” with “insert pants type” walked over to Heroine “insert name” and said “insert romantic platitude”), the intent and the information are gotten across quick as a whip. The setup is completely done in ONE chapter. Man, I wish more authors out there would do things like that.

On to chapter two.

In which we find out that Tiana’s parents were typical pie in the sky dreamers and wasted everything on restoring the castle, to the point where they left no money whatsoever to their daughter. And the castle wasn’t really restored. Oh, that pissed me off. The parents put their dream ahead of their child. If they weren’t already dead, I’d be tempted to toss them off the battlements of Castle Rose. I would say they were typical English idiots without a passing grasp of reality, the kind who squander the little they do have and bring their children to rack and ruin. Shame on them. They aren’t going to heaven now, that’s for sure!

Tiana meets an old Grand Uncle who drops by for just enough time to give her a family heirloom, which she can sell to live on. Of course we know she’ll use the funds for the castle. She approaches Richard and they are both surprised when they discover who the other really is. They met in chapter one and Richard thought Tiana was a visiting townie and Tiana thought Richard was a farmer. Richard is not at all impressed with the Grand Uncle placing the burden of selling the jewelry on Tiana, and I must admit, I am in full agreement with him on that.

The chapter ends with Richard proposing to Tiana, since he needs a wife and she needs the funds for Castle Rose. It comes out of no where, but it fits with the hasty speed of this story. It wasn’t jarring, it simply needed to happen, so Dame Cartland made it happen.

Chapter three sees Tiana being highly insulted at the Earl’s proposal and storming out of the room, just like a teenager, without thinking through the consequences of her actions, ie, Castle Rose aint going nowhere except to the seller’s block without outside money. She accidentally meets the wastrel cousin and is instantly attracted to his youth, blond locks and deep blue eyes. Aye carumba.

I’ve noticed that teenagers tend to group adults into two groups. I vaguely recollect doing this myself too back in the day. There are the adults in their 20’s who are adults but you still feel comfortable with. Then there are the adults over 30 and they are just plain old. They are all the same and a homogenous group and it’s easier to ignore them and go about your own business of living your life. Dame Cartland obviously remembers this too and uses it, albeit as lightly as any other trope to amp up the drama.

Then the drama amps up again and I must say, I actually loved it! A developer, an EEEEEEEVIL developer shows up and he owns all the bills that Tiana’s parents never paid. Apparently, they were even worse than I initially thought. They not only spent all their money on the ruin of the castle, leaving their daughter destitute, but they also spent well beyond their means and left debts amounting to “a lot” (money from that time period means absolutely nothing to me, so whenever an amount is named and the form of currency, I just translate it as “a lot” or “a little” in my head). Said developer is described just how you’d expect an “evil greedy” developer to be described and he’s a complete ass. The chapter ends with the Earl threatening to toss him out when he refuses to leave at Tiana’s request. That’s how a man should act. Good for the Earl!

And thus ends this particular update for the first three chapters of Love Saves the Day by Dame Barbara Cartland. I have to admit, I enjoyed this way more than I thought I would (ie, not at all). Cartland’s writing, while formulaic and generic, gets the point across very well. There is no mistaking who is who, who is good, who is bad, who is supposed to end up with who. It is a comfort read I would say. I’m no longer dreading the rest of these updates 😀

Friday, November 29, 2024

November '24 Roundup & Ramblings

Raw Data:

Novels – 6 ↓↓

Short Stories – 0 ↓

Manga/Graphic Novels – 6 ↑↑

Comics – 1 –

Average Rating – 3.08 ↓

Pages – 3022 ↓

Words – 709K ↓↓

The Bad:

Neuromancer1/2star of Utter Badness

Web of Spider – 1.5stars of neo-paganism

The Good:

If Only He Knew – 4stars of good relationship advice

Demon Slayer #1 – 3.5stars of mercy in action


Vacation Daze, the 5th dvd in the Cardcaptor Sakura anime.

Miscellaneous Posts:


As you can tell from the book numbers, Neuromancer absolutely destroyed my book reading rhythm. I had almost zero desire to read after that blasted thing. If it wasn’t for me trying out the Demon Slayer manga and loving it (I read more manga this month than I have in the entire year for goodness sake), my numbers would have been even worse. As it was, I read about half the number of words that I usually consume in a month.

Couple that with one week at work where my coworker and I were setting lot corners all week. That is a combination of granite bounds and iron pins. We set a total of 20 granite bounds and 25-30 pins. A day or two isn’t a problem, but by day three my elbows begin to throb by 8am and it’s pain reliever time at lunch time for the rest of the week. And one night of sleep isn’t enough for my body to recover from that level of labor any more, so I was simply exhausted by week’s end. Thankfully, that was only one week out of the month, so it was survivable, just not enjoyable. But it did coincide with the week I reviewed Neuromancer, so I was blasted both in body and in mind.

Thanksgiving, REAL Thanksgiving, was yesterday and I had that off and I get today off from work as well. Using that time to do as much nothing as I can.

Cover Love:

The Old Gods Waken, the first in the Silver John series takes this month’s cover love. I love the cover, but in all honesty, it had NO competition at all this month.

Plans for Next Month:

I am desperately hoping my reading mojo returns and that I can return to my more normal levels of reading. I do have a bunch more of the Demon Slayer manga on standby though, just in case I’m still not fully recovered.

Each Friday in December I plan on doing my Love Saves the Day by Barbara Cartland update for the chapters I’ve read. Anybody is more than welcome to ride along. Here is the schedule for the chapters and dates

  • December 6 – Chapters 1-3
  • December 13 – Chapters 4-5
  • December 20 – Chapters 6-7
  • December 27 – Chapters 8-10
  • January 7 – Final Review

Other than the usual Magic the Gathering posts, I figure I’ll squeeze in an Art post or two. Honestly, the first week in January is looking extremely busy (in terms of blogging) so I’m trying to give myself all the extra padding I can ahead of time. Yes, that’s a month away, but doesn’t everybody plan their blogging schedule that far ahead? 😉

Thursday, November 28, 2024

[Art] Happy Thanksgiving 2024 /Updated

The last several years I have done pretty much the same thing for Thanksgiving. The things I have given Thanks for have remained pretty steady. If you’d like to see that list, feel free to visit last years post, Thanksgiving 2023.

I wanted to do something slightly different this year. So the first change was including an Art piece. That visual change helps me change my mindset about the whole post. I wanted to give thanks this year for the little things that I might usually take for granted.

Our world is chockful of little things to be thankful for. I immediately think of grass. I like how grass looks. It’s soothing and calm. Seeing a little patch of green in a sea of pavement or concrete can bring a moment of peace. I am thankful such opportunities exist.

I am thankful for leaves (I suspect the fact that I don’t have to rake them up affects that 😀 ). From their brilliant green in the spring and summer, to their wonderful colors in the fall, to the fact that their death replenishes the nutrients in the ground. We live in a wonderful created world, with each part doing the job it was created to do. I am thankful for that.

I am thankful for such small things as Rockstar energy drinks. I just have to be careful not to be TOO thankful and imbibe more than is safe 😉

Finally, I am thankful for all of my fellow bloggers, from those who write multiple times a day to those who write once a month. My blogging experience wouldn’t be the same if you weren’t there. My world would be a poorer place if you weren’t in it. So thank you for fighting the good fight and pushing out those posts and comments.

Cheers to you all!


It is now approximately 9am and Mrs B and I have already had our Thanksgiving Dinner, for breakfast. I absolutely love having the day off.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Book Recommendations IV

Please read the Intro Post if you haven’t already. It explains pretty much everything (except how to use your microwave. Nobody can explain that!) Given how many responses I got from the Get-Go, my plans to collect responses over several months fell by the wayside. I’m able to start right away! That makes me pretty happy.

Recommendations & Responses

This will be a longer than usual list. People have really gotten into the spirit of things and so I need to up my blogging game as well.

A Kiss Before Dying by Ira Levin was recommended to me by Film-Authority. While he had the temerity to suggest a Barbara Cartland romance novel in an earlier Book Rec post (thus earning himself the first diseased Chartreuse Flag), this was a serious recommendation. I hate Modern Lit and A Kiss is square in the midst of that time period. So I’m going to dive into it and see what I think. Added

The House on the Borderlands by William Hope Hodgson was recommended by Snapdragon. I have heard of Hodgson but never read anything by him. I’m totally up for trying out an old newtome author! And look at that cover? Is that just plain creepy or what? Added

The Mr Men series was recommended by Dave. Going to have to pass as I never experienced these as a kid and thus have no nostalgia factor to draw me to them. Pass.

Bartimaeus trilogy by Jonathan Stroud was recommended by Mallika. I’ve read this Trilogy and the Prequel back in 2009-2011.

The Stand by Stephen King was recommended by Firewater. Sadly for him, I’ve read that, back in 2008.

Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman was Mogsy’s recommendation. Now, you have to understand, Mogsy and I have a “history”, a book history that is. We read upon parallel SFF tracks and over the years have found that our tastes are VERY similar, but our bookish interests never quite converge. In fact, it’s become a running joke that if Mogsy absolutely loves something that I think sounds interesting, I’ll end up hating it. Because that’s how it has shaken out every single time. So this gets a hard Pass!

Chartreuse Flag Hall of Shame

Now we come to the part where I begin to wonder about all of you. Seriously.

Version 1.0.0

Jilly Cooper’s Polo was recommended by Nic. Based on that cover alone gets Nic a Chartreuse Flag of Shame. Good job Nic, you earned that flag! 😉

The Most Important Part

Recommend me some more books!!!! Leave a comment with your recommendation of books you think I should respond to. I have the list of all the recommendations so far, so don’t you worry, I’ll be getting to them all eventually. And I had a lot of fun doing this 🙂

Friday, November 22, 2024

My Week XVII

Last week I told you how Mrs B survived a blown tire and that we were also dealing with a dead starter. Turns out it was way more than just a dead starter. Our A/C compressor had seized up and was dead as a doornail. That is run on a serpentine belt, which means everything else running off of that belt needed the compressor to be working. So we had to get a new one installed, along with the new starter.


Right before Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Folks, I am not feeling very thankful right now, I really am not. Not even a new journal could make me feel better at the moment. While we have the money, thank God, this is going to impact us for the whole of 2025. This happened on Monday, so I’ve been stewing about it all week. I’m like a stewed prune right now.

And just because, I also caught a bug that had been going around Mrs B’s work place, so I was out of work on Wednesday and Thursday, being very noisily sick.

Best. Week. Ever.

Friday, November 15, 2024

[Journal] Amy Winehouse, Tears Dry or My Week XVI

 He walks away, the sun goes down
He takes the day but I am grown
And in your grey, in this cool shade
My tears dry on their own 

All I can ever be to you
Is the darkness we once knew
And this deep regret
I had to get accustomed to

This journal is one in honor of Amy Winehouse and based on her song “Tears Dry”. I included the lyrics just in case you couldn’t read them in the picture. That is the inside cover of the journal and is supposed to be a copy of the lyrics in Amy’s own hand writing. Talk about depressing.

But you know what? Sometimes the things we put in our journals ARE depressing. Life is not a bed of roses, and sometimes it feels like we’re forcing our way through nothing but thickets of thorns. So we write them down, exorcise them from our mind and continue on. And if we have to write them down every week, then so be it. There is healing in simply expressing yourself in a completely safe place.

My journals are my safe place.

Well, another week come and almost gone. Started things off with a bang! Mrs B was driving to work at 530am when one of her tires blew out. She was fine, but it was a thumb size hole and we have zero idea what caused it. Got that taken care of by Monday evening. Then on Thursday the starter went, so you’d turn the key and you’d just hear “click, click, click” but the engine wouldn’t turn over. So back to the shop the car went. I haven’t gotten my Christmas bonus yet, but it’s pretty much gone already!

Made my first batch of chili for the season. My sister recommended I try Kinder’s Wood Fired chili seasoning. In years past I’ve used other brands and it always felt like something was lacking. Apparently what it was lacking was Kinder’s seasoning 🙂 It is the best chili I’ve made yet. Put it over some jasmine rice and you’ve got yourself one delicious meal. Or in my case, about 8-10 delicious meals, hahahahaa.

With the weather finally getting colder, the days being shorter and Thanksgiving right around the corner, food has been on my radar quite a bit. I bought some corned beef hash and sliced red beets so I can make Red Flannel Hash on a less than busy weekend. I used to love that stuff when I was in my 20’s, so I want to see if my tastebuds have changed.

Neuromancer has absolutely destroyed my desire to read novels. I have been coming home from work and watching tv. It has made me feel disgusted with myself, dirty and dumb. I know I am harping about that book, but you have to understand, reading is what I do. This is like not being able to run after having been a marathoner my whole life. I read. I enjoy reading. I blog about reading. And this month I am barely reading. And I’m watching tv instead!!!! It’s like eating dog food. I will get over this and I will get better, I just don’t know how long it will take and I am not enjoying the process.

Thankfully, last night was also Date Night with Mrs B. Each month we go out to a local or semi-local restaurant (local for me is in town, semi-local is 30min away) and eat and chat and catch each other up on the things that matter most to us at the moment. Something about it is different than just chatting on the couch at home. I look forward to it immensely. Mrs B does too, but more for the food 😉 We went italian this month and I got the Chicken Alfredo with egg fresh fettuccini. I’m usually a fan of angel hair pasta (the thinner the better!) but I just wanted something different and it was a smashing success. The portions are HUGE too, so I never bother to get an appetizer and I still usually take leftovers home. The picture doesn’t do it justice, because that looks like a normal or small amount. I was only able to eat half of that, that’s how much there was.

My goodness, there was a lot of food in this post wasn’t there? I hope your happy, because now I weigh about 500 pounds (227 kilograms or 36 stones) and if you make fun of me, I’ll just waddle on over to your blog and smoosh you flat!

Friday, November 08, 2024

Announcement: Love Saves the Day Buddy Read

When I first started out my “Recommend Me a Book” series, someone earned the VERY FIRST chartreuse flag by suggesting I read a Barbara Cartland book. If you don’t know, Barbara Cartland is the Queen of Romance, with over 700 books under her belt. You don’t need AI when you have Ol’ Barbie churning out the mush.

As the jokes flew fast and furious over the days and weeks afterwards, I began to wonder if perhaps I could leverage this into a fun misery read?  Unlike Neuromancer,  there will be no hate, just pure emotional misery as I wade through the estrogen with my extra thick Man Boots on.

I expect this to be comparable to when I read Venetia by Georgette Heyer back in 2016 on a dare. It turned out as badly as I expected and I fully expect this read to be just as tumultuous.

“Oh the sights I have to show you!”

But instead of just keeping this to myself, I figure I’d share the fun and invite anyone who wants to participate in a buddy read during December with final reviews going up January 7th, 2025. Love Saves the Day is approximately 110 pages and consists of 10 chapters.

I will be publishing updates as follows:
December 6 – Chapters 1-3
December 13 – Chapters 4-5
December 20 – Chapters 6-7
December 27 – Chapters 8-10

I plan on fully discussing the chapters in each post, so there will be spoilers. If you would like to participate, let me know in the comments and please use the “Barbara Cartland Buddy Read” tag. This is a “fun” read, so be as crazy as you want, I certainly plan to. Love Saves the Day just screams to be made fun of after all.

Here is the publisher’s synopsis if that will help you make up your mind in any way.

The beautiful redheaded Tiana Weston sets out to visit her inheritance in Dorset with high hopes.
It had been her parents’ dream to restore Castle Rose to its former glory as it is now a dilapidated ruin and only a small part is fit to live in.
But Tiana soon discovers that enthusiasm and determination alone do not pay the workmen or keep property developers at bay and soon she is faced with a dreadful dilemma.
Her handsome and aristocratic next door neighbour Richard, the Earl of Austindale, also faces considerable problems.
He has to be married by midnight on his next birthday or he will lose everything he holds most dear to his cousin Alan, Viscount Paige.
A young girl anxious to protect her home – a man desperate for a wife – it seems like a sensible, business-like arrangement that they should marry each other.
And Tiana finally accepts the Earl’s proposal and they are due to be married on his thirtieth birthday.
But then an old flame of the Earl’s arrives to claim him for herself and Tiana is filled with doubt especially as the Viscount is paying a great deal of attention to her.
She also finds herself in great danger because now so many are determined that the marriage will not take place.
How Tiana realises how much she loves the Earl.
And how she finally finds happiness is all told in this exciting romance by BARBARA CARTLAND

Friday, November 01, 2024

[Journal] Orwell's 1984 or My Week XV

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

This is the next journal I have on tap. Number 24. This is a reproduction of a hand written copy of Orwell’s 1984. The most disturbing quote ever. It is a good reminder however. Every time I’ll write in this I’ll be reminded of just how dangerous blind fallen humanity is.

Man, I just LOVE looking at these journals. They are a joy to write in, but they look good too. I am realizing how important that is to me now. I couldn’t tell you WHY it is important, but I really don’t think I could go back to writing in a plain spiral bound notebook again.

Ahhh, good times. Started looking around for a non-contemporary music service as where we currently attend is getting so loud that we have had to start sitting outside until its done because its so loud. That’s just obnoxious. Besides, contemporary christian music is obnoxious. Period. We did find a church that has a “traditional” service and Mrs B really liked the hymn singing (they also just use an organ for music and ONE lead singer, that’s it) so that aspect was really good. The sermon part, well, it seemed more geared towards unbelievers or very new Christians, which considering that most people who want hymns are older Christians didn’t make a lot of sense to me. All of that is to say that our church attendance in 2025 is going to undergo yet another change, just like it did back in ’17. I hate change 🙁

I was tired and achy all week. I never had a fever, so I don’t think I had a bug, but it was persistent. That made work hard, as doing such a physical job gets very hard when you’re tired at 8am and your knees hurt. It made for the kind of week where I came home, collapsed on the couch, ate whatever was easiest for dinner and was then in bed at 8pm and asleep by 10pm. It also meant that I had to curtail any non-essential activities.

For example, last night was Halloween and our church puts on a Harvest Party for the community. It’s part of a larger community trick or treating time for the kids. The town closes off roads to a large section of the town for about 3-4 hrs and the kids go trick or treating. Our church hands out popcorn, has games for the kids and literal buckets of candy, provides bathroom access and warm drinks and a chair for weary parents and grandparents. I helped out last year on some of the games and probably dealt with close to 200 kids just on that one game. This year, because of the really nice weather, over 800 people were expected to go through. I just couldn’t face dealing with hundreds of people, so I had to stay home. I knew if I went, I’d end collapsing either physically or emotionally, so that just wasn’t an option.

If you didn’t know, I am a words of affirmation kind of guy. When people say nice things to me, or even just send a text or email with some genuine thought (and not just a generic “hey, how’s it going”) put into it, it makes me feel really appreciated. So Wednesday after work I got the mail and there was a hand addressed letter to me and the return address was in the same town. I figured it was someone from church and was really looking forward to reading a nice “Be encouraged, been praying for you” little note, or something like that. I open it up and it’s a mass mailing letter from the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I admit, I just about cried with the disappointment.

I realize I’ve made things “sound” bad, but it really wasn’t. It was just a very tough week and one that I’ll be glad to see the back of after tomorrow.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

October '24 Roundup & Ramblings

Raw Data:

Novels – 17 ↑

Short Stories – 1 ↑

Manga/Graphic Novels – 0 –

Comics – 1 –

Average Rating – 3.29 ↓

Pages – 3846 ↑

Words – 1333 ↑

The Bad:

False Flag – 1.5stars of fake “american”, sigh

Mostly Harmless – 1star of complete and utter pointlessness

The Good:

Monster Hunter Alpha – 5stars of the ultimate Werewolf fight

My Grave Ritual – 4.5stars of Warlock Holmes


Sakura Fight, the next several episodes in the Cardcaptor Sakura anime, went down like silk.

Miscellaneous Posts:


What a mixed month. Good times at the Pumpkin Festival, bad times with getting needles in the eyes. And everything in between. I rode the rollercoaster of emotions for the full gamut. The month ended on a pretty down note when the volunteer situation I mentioned earlier in one of My Week posts got booted up the ladder to the paid people in charge. They officially endorsed the no youth decision. I didn’t even realize how upset it had made me until I couldn’t sleep. I was awake for close to 40hrs after that happened because I was so stressed out. Thankfully, I’ve been purposefully letting it go and praying that my attitude stays right. But boy, 40hrs without sleep took a long time to recover from. I guess I’m not 30 any more.

On the reading side, I managed to bag a total of 19. That pushes me over the 150mark for the year, which is always my unofficial goal. So now I’m coasting for the rest of the year, which is always a good feeling to have, as life seems to get especially busy from now until New Years.

Cover Love:

Lallia, the next book in the Dumarest series. Chickie-boo dies, just so you know.

Plans for Next Month:

art credit to sxwx

Got a serious Hate Read going for Neuromancer. That is so I can participate in Scifi Month. Oh, the Hate will be strong in this one! I guarantee that with every iota of my being.

Emperor Palpatine wants YOU to read Neuromancer!

Blogging will probably be lighter, quite a bit lighter in fact. I just got the wind knocked out of me in October and I know that kind of thing always plays havoc with my desire and ability to churn out the posts.

I am going into work early today and looking at a 10hr+ day. So I don’t know when I’ll be able to respond to comments. Just making sure you know I’m not ignoring your comments.