Showing posts with label My Week. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Week. Show all posts

Friday, January 17, 2025



Technically,  this will cover the last two weeks because January has been just as challenging as December,  unfortunately.

Sunday, two weeks ago, I and another guy from church helped an older couple finish their move into a condo. It only took 20-30 minutes and I was inside for about 15min. On my drive home from their place my car engine began overheating and I saw steam coming from under the hood. I made it home safely,  but when I lifted the hood, the engine block was just covered in what turned out to be coolant. I figured my radiator had blown, as this has happened before, one of those joys of owning used cars. One of the guys at work is a gear head and said he could install a new radiator. His rates were half those at a shop, so I dropped the Subaru off at his house Friday evening.

He contacted me Saturday letting me know the radiator was just fine. The problem is that the plastic overflow reservoir was missing. Someone had torn it out. He said he's seen this before. Meth heads like them to cook meth in and it takes all of 2 minutes to lift the car hood, rip it out and lower the car hood. So he just had to replace that. Less than half the price of a radiator.  Hurray!

But wait, the drama continues...

Saturday it snowed several inches. Since we don't transact business on the Sabbath, we picked up the Subaru Sunday morning.  There was a little stone retaining wall covered by snow that I didn't see and I backed into it. I was halfway home when I realized that had popped my tire. Pulled into someone's driveway to get off the road and jacked the car up with the little emergency jack. Only to find I was missing my tire iron to remove the lugnuts. Thankfully, Mrs B was parked next door, as she was following me home. I grabbed the tire iron from that car only to find it didn't fit. Oh, I was not a happy camper! Thankfully,  one of the men from church stopped by with a tire iron that fit, so we got the spare tire on and trundled home.

Work has been brutal the last 2 weeks as well. It's not only been cold, but the windchills have kept the temps feeling like -5 to 5F, which just drains me to be out in for hours on end. And next week is supposed to be in the teens too. I'm trying not to think about it too much to be honest.

Mrs Bookstooge

Mrs B continues to heal up but won't be returning to work for another two weeks.

I had my latest round of eye injections on Wednesday.  That's always a good time, sigh. It's my new normal though so I have to get used to it.  A combination of Tylenol,  advil and a sleeping pill helped the recovery process. I hate sleeping pills because they always make me feel so groggy when I first wake up the next morning.  But sleeping a solid 10-11hrs really helps my eyes feel better.

Sadly, while I was hoping to get a new, positive start in 2025, it's been more of the same from the tail end of '24. So now I'm looking forward to the end of January and pinning my hopes on February,  hahaha!

♪Get in the Zone, the Judge Zone!♪

How has YOUR month gone so far? Feel free to unload in the comments. It is a Judge Zone, but I'm the only one doing any judging and since I read so much you know my judgements are classy.
*raises pinky finger

Friday, November 22, 2024

My Week XVII

Last week I told you how Mrs B survived a blown tire and that we were also dealing with a dead starter. Turns out it was way more than just a dead starter. Our A/C compressor had seized up and was dead as a doornail. That is run on a serpentine belt, which means everything else running off of that belt needed the compressor to be working. So we had to get a new one installed, along with the new starter.


Right before Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Folks, I am not feeling very thankful right now, I really am not. Not even a new journal could make me feel better at the moment. While we have the money, thank God, this is going to impact us for the whole of 2025. This happened on Monday, so I’ve been stewing about it all week. I’m like a stewed prune right now.

And just because, I also caught a bug that had been going around Mrs B’s work place, so I was out of work on Wednesday and Thursday, being very noisily sick.

Best. Week. Ever.

Friday, November 15, 2024

[Journal] Amy Winehouse, Tears Dry or My Week XVI

 He walks away, the sun goes down
He takes the day but I am grown
And in your grey, in this cool shade
My tears dry on their own 

All I can ever be to you
Is the darkness we once knew
And this deep regret
I had to get accustomed to

This journal is one in honor of Amy Winehouse and based on her song “Tears Dry”. I included the lyrics just in case you couldn’t read them in the picture. That is the inside cover of the journal and is supposed to be a copy of the lyrics in Amy’s own hand writing. Talk about depressing.

But you know what? Sometimes the things we put in our journals ARE depressing. Life is not a bed of roses, and sometimes it feels like we’re forcing our way through nothing but thickets of thorns. So we write them down, exorcise them from our mind and continue on. And if we have to write them down every week, then so be it. There is healing in simply expressing yourself in a completely safe place.

My journals are my safe place.

Well, another week come and almost gone. Started things off with a bang! Mrs B was driving to work at 530am when one of her tires blew out. She was fine, but it was a thumb size hole and we have zero idea what caused it. Got that taken care of by Monday evening. Then on Thursday the starter went, so you’d turn the key and you’d just hear “click, click, click” but the engine wouldn’t turn over. So back to the shop the car went. I haven’t gotten my Christmas bonus yet, but it’s pretty much gone already!

Made my first batch of chili for the season. My sister recommended I try Kinder’s Wood Fired chili seasoning. In years past I’ve used other brands and it always felt like something was lacking. Apparently what it was lacking was Kinder’s seasoning 🙂 It is the best chili I’ve made yet. Put it over some jasmine rice and you’ve got yourself one delicious meal. Or in my case, about 8-10 delicious meals, hahahahaa.

With the weather finally getting colder, the days being shorter and Thanksgiving right around the corner, food has been on my radar quite a bit. I bought some corned beef hash and sliced red beets so I can make Red Flannel Hash on a less than busy weekend. I used to love that stuff when I was in my 20’s, so I want to see if my tastebuds have changed.

Neuromancer has absolutely destroyed my desire to read novels. I have been coming home from work and watching tv. It has made me feel disgusted with myself, dirty and dumb. I know I am harping about that book, but you have to understand, reading is what I do. This is like not being able to run after having been a marathoner my whole life. I read. I enjoy reading. I blog about reading. And this month I am barely reading. And I’m watching tv instead!!!! It’s like eating dog food. I will get over this and I will get better, I just don’t know how long it will take and I am not enjoying the process.

Thankfully, last night was also Date Night with Mrs B. Each month we go out to a local or semi-local restaurant (local for me is in town, semi-local is 30min away) and eat and chat and catch each other up on the things that matter most to us at the moment. Something about it is different than just chatting on the couch at home. I look forward to it immensely. Mrs B does too, but more for the food 😉 We went italian this month and I got the Chicken Alfredo with egg fresh fettuccini. I’m usually a fan of angel hair pasta (the thinner the better!) but I just wanted something different and it was a smashing success. The portions are HUGE too, so I never bother to get an appetizer and I still usually take leftovers home. The picture doesn’t do it justice, because that looks like a normal or small amount. I was only able to eat half of that, that’s how much there was.

My goodness, there was a lot of food in this post wasn’t there? I hope your happy, because now I weigh about 500 pounds (227 kilograms or 36 stones) and if you make fun of me, I’ll just waddle on over to your blog and smoosh you flat!

Friday, November 01, 2024

[Journal] Orwell's 1984 or My Week XV

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

This is the next journal I have on tap. Number 24. This is a reproduction of a hand written copy of Orwell’s 1984. The most disturbing quote ever. It is a good reminder however. Every time I’ll write in this I’ll be reminded of just how dangerous blind fallen humanity is.

Man, I just LOVE looking at these journals. They are a joy to write in, but they look good too. I am realizing how important that is to me now. I couldn’t tell you WHY it is important, but I really don’t think I could go back to writing in a plain spiral bound notebook again.

Ahhh, good times. Started looking around for a non-contemporary music service as where we currently attend is getting so loud that we have had to start sitting outside until its done because its so loud. That’s just obnoxious. Besides, contemporary christian music is obnoxious. Period. We did find a church that has a “traditional” service and Mrs B really liked the hymn singing (they also just use an organ for music and ONE lead singer, that’s it) so that aspect was really good. The sermon part, well, it seemed more geared towards unbelievers or very new Christians, which considering that most people who want hymns are older Christians didn’t make a lot of sense to me. All of that is to say that our church attendance in 2025 is going to undergo yet another change, just like it did back in ’17. I hate change 🙁

I was tired and achy all week. I never had a fever, so I don’t think I had a bug, but it was persistent. That made work hard, as doing such a physical job gets very hard when you’re tired at 8am and your knees hurt. It made for the kind of week where I came home, collapsed on the couch, ate whatever was easiest for dinner and was then in bed at 8pm and asleep by 10pm. It also meant that I had to curtail any non-essential activities.

For example, last night was Halloween and our church puts on a Harvest Party for the community. It’s part of a larger community trick or treating time for the kids. The town closes off roads to a large section of the town for about 3-4 hrs and the kids go trick or treating. Our church hands out popcorn, has games for the kids and literal buckets of candy, provides bathroom access and warm drinks and a chair for weary parents and grandparents. I helped out last year on some of the games and probably dealt with close to 200 kids just on that one game. This year, because of the really nice weather, over 800 people were expected to go through. I just couldn’t face dealing with hundreds of people, so I had to stay home. I knew if I went, I’d end collapsing either physically or emotionally, so that just wasn’t an option.

If you didn’t know, I am a words of affirmation kind of guy. When people say nice things to me, or even just send a text or email with some genuine thought (and not just a generic “hey, how’s it going”) put into it, it makes me feel really appreciated. So Wednesday after work I got the mail and there was a hand addressed letter to me and the return address was in the same town. I figured it was someone from church and was really looking forward to reading a nice “Be encouraged, been praying for you” little note, or something like that. I open it up and it’s a mass mailing letter from the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I admit, I just about cried with the disappointment.

I realize I’ve made things “sound” bad, but it really wasn’t. It was just a very tough week and one that I’ll be glad to see the back of after tomorrow.

Friday, October 25, 2024

11 Years or My Week XIV

If you wonder why there is no support at now, it’s because the owner just kicked out almost 10% of the workers. He paid anyone who disagreed with him to leave. Awesome.

Where can I get some of that moulah? I’d leave wordpress for 30K in a heartbeat.

Oh, this was supposed to be a celebratory post? My bad. Let me switch the flip and go into happy mode.

Oh frabjous day, oh hurray, hurray. Everything is just perfect and wonderfully and happy. Yippee ki-yay, miserable frackers!

That’s what happens when I stay awake for 40hrs. It has taken me all week to get over that little episode.

Sadly, work was absolutely bonkers this week. Several of the project managers had big jobs coming due and they were panicking like chickens with their heads cutoff. On Tuesday we started out scheduled to stay at one job for the whole day. By the end of the day, we had gone to 4 different jobs, and because we’re so fething awesome, we finished them all! Of course, on Wednesday we got jerked around again, but accomplished almost nothing. That day I went home, ate a bowl of cold cereal and went to bed.

Thursday I had a “writer” encounter with a solicitation to review a book. Nobody gets to tell me how to review their book, period. Doesn’t matter if it’s as simple as “You have to be completely honest”. That is a “condition”, a boundary, a limiting of MY FREEDOM as a reader and reviewer. They weren’t necessarily bad conditions or even onerous, but NOBODY tells me how I review a book. I left devilreads (that wretched hive of scum and villainy) over that very issue. Thankfully, it ended up being ok, as I simply declined after the conditions were revealed and we each went our separate ways. No harm, no foul. But I really could have done without that bit of straw on this camel’s back.

This whole week I have wanted to go to bed and not bother getting up. Just 9 more hours to go…

Friday, October 18, 2024

[Journal] Renoir, Letter to Morisot or My Week XIII

This is the first journal from the 8 Journals I ordered last month. It is a letter from Renoir to Morisot with Renoir’s famous “Bed of Anemones” as the backdrop. I included front, back, fully extended and then one of it open so you can see how flat it lies on its own. I mentioned that in the 8 Journals post so I wanted to show you what I meant. It is practically like having a writing desk included.

Had a situation this week where I thought I was doing the right thing only to find out that someone else thought I was doing the wrong thing, on purpose. It really set me back for a couple of days. I volunteer once a month and after December will not be able to continue it due to various reasons. So I began approaching some of the younger people I know asking them if they had any interest in getting training and beginning to volunteer themselves. I presented the volunteer leader with a list of teenager’s names with a note about each’s seeming interest (from highly interested to not really but said yes just to get rid of me, hahahah). Well, boy howdy did I get raked over the coals by him for that! He replied to my email, leaving out key people who I had initially included so as not to step on anybody’s toes, and impugned my motives and told me that kids weren’t welcome as the program being done right was more important than anything. Sadly, I’ve seen this kind of behavior before and it always ends in a death spiral for whatever program is in question. That just kept me in a state of low level turmoil until Wednesday.

Injections in both my eyes on Wednesday. Amazing how some pain and suffering can wipe away emotional baggage in about an hour. Can’t say I was particularly thankful for that, but I was glad to stop thinking about the volunteer situation. I do not need to get bitter about it.

Today I have some more Endo (endocrinology for my diabetes) appointments. After that, going to try to catch up on some blog posts, as I didn’t write for most of the week because I didn’t feel like it. It still amazes me, after all these years, just how much work a hobby can be 😀

But for some surprisingly GOOD news. We are having Mac-N-Choose for dinner. I am getting the philly steak and cheese mac and cheese. Oh yeah baby!

Friday, October 11, 2024

[Art] Lady of the Fall or My Week XII

Tonight is the Pumpkin Festival. I wanted something to celebrate that event, as I don’t know if I’ll be able to get pictures and write up a post like I did last year (Pumpkin Fest ’23). So I asked Miss Ross to do something Festival’y and I think she delivered in spades. I’m pretty happy with this and I hope you can enjoy it too.

The week, up to this point, has been something else. My coworker took the week off, just because apparently,  so I was working with the new guy. He’s been hired to work in both the field and the office, and he’s 6’6″. I’m 5’3″. It has made setting up our equipment a real chore and I’ll be glad when things return to normal next week.

Other than that and the falling temps and leaves, not much else to report.

Have a good day and if there is a Pumpkin Fest post, it won’t be until after 8pm tonight,  so don’t hold your breath 🙂

Friday, October 04, 2024

8 Journals or My Week XI

Not much to report on the work front. Working 11+hr days, while exhausting, isn’t exactly news. As of this post going live I’ve got 38hrs and there’s still today to get through. Also, there’s only so many ways to say “I cut some trees down and tramped all over creation” before it starts to sound repetitive.  On the plus side, that means I did not encounter a bear, or a moose. Or even mutant acorn flying bears that drop out of trees and eviscerate you and eat your brains. Those are the worst. For which I am very grateful; that I didn’t encounter them, not that they eviscerate people, because that would actually be kind of cool.

He WILL eat your brains. Unless you’re armed with a machete of course.

You should be grateful too, otherwise there would be nothing here for you to read and then you would be sad. You would be a sad, lonely blogger. But I am here and I’m your friend, so now you are a happy, popular blogger! And as a bonus, you still have your brains and viscera.


And what really makes a blogger happy? This is a multiple choice test, so here are your choices:

  1. Eating at “Rubbin Butts BBQ” (it’s a real place, I kid you not)
  2. Getting 1 million followers who promptly do nothing and never interact with you
  3. Running over a squirrel
  4. Buying 8 journals
  5. Writing the best post in your entire life in said journals and then bragging about it on your blog and telling everyone they simply aren’t worthy to read it.

Remember, there are no wrong answers here.  But if you don’t pick the correct one, I’m totally scourging you with a flaming, fiery whip from hell.

Because I can.

I am currently writing in my last journal and should have it filled up by Thanksgiving or Christmas.  With that impetus,  I went and bought the eight current Paperblanks Embellished Manuscripts journals that I didn’t yet own.

This week you just get to see the packages they all came in. Over the coming weeks I’ll be showcasing each one individually for your viewing pleasure.

I’ve talked about the PEM journals before and how much I like them, but I think I’m going to talk about them some more. I’ve written about my journaling journey before (A History of…Journaling) and have gone through a wide variety of styles.

The reason I like the PEM’s the best is three fold. 

First, they lay flat when opened without having any pressure put on them. I do a lot of my journaling while sitting, in a pew, in the work van, on the couch at home. I need the pages to lie flat so I can easily write on them. If I have to press on the journal to keep it open while writing, that doesn’t make for a good writing time.

Second, they have a flap closure. This means that when closed, the pages are not subject to rubbing up against whatever else I may have in my bag. It also means it can’t accidentally fall open and expose all my secrets to the world. Like the formula for becoming one of the world’s foremost bloggers.

Thirdly, it is the right shape and size for me. It’s not quite square but neither is it so narrow that I feel I can only write 5 words on one line. The line spacing is also good for my eyes so I can write as large as I need to without strain.

And I think that’s enough blabbing from me. Happy Sabbath when it arrives for you (sun down).

Friday, September 20, 2024

The Trip or My Week X

The post begins with work and ends with work…

Technically, this post will be about last week, but since it does lapse into this current week, this is what you get! Most of my pictures from the trip were people heavy, and as the rest of my family feels the same as I do (except my Mom) about putting up pictures online, there probably won’t be very many.

On Wednesday the 11th, Mrs B and I took a leisurely flight down to the Atlanta Georgia airport. My sister and her partner picked us up and they dropped us off at my parents house where we were staying. My brother and sister-in-law were down as well and so that evening everyone went out to a nice eyetalian restaurant called Provinos. Mrs B got a sampler platter of all their fried veggies and cheeses and I went with the chicken and broccoli alfredo with fettuccini. It was gooood!

Thursday was our big “do things” day. Everybody (except my dad, and including my Mom and niece Grizzelda) piled into 2 cars and we struck out for the wilds of Tennessee. Went up to Chattanooga to an aquarium there and spent the morning going through that. It was just the right size for Grizzelda and just the right amount of people for me (ie, not a lot at all). Between me, Mr and Mrs Bombfunk, Grizzelda’s mom and my sister, we managed to keep track of Grizzelda, but it was definitely a group effort. She literally didn’t stop moving the entire time. We would get to a new room and all spread out and she’d just zoom around the room 3-4 times, taking in everything at 30second intervals.

Blue Morpho Butterfly

It was in two buildings, one for fresh water exhibits and one for salt water creatures. By the time we were done the second building I was exhausted. Thankfully, Grizzelda’s mom knows the area (she’s a wedding photographer and goes all over the place) and already had a great restaurant in mind. We made a reservation and I ordered the whiskey and onion smash burger.

I know it doesn’t look big on that plate, but that’s two quarter pound patties and so many onions that I had to scrape off about half of them. It was delicious! And so filling. Afterwards, I went back to the car and took a food fueled coma nap while the others took a walk and looked at tourist’y things. Then we did the two hour drive back to Mom and Dad’s place and collapsed for the evening.

Oh yes, on the way to the aquarium, we stopped at a gas station that Grizzelda’s mom described as the Walmart of Gas Stations. It is called Buc’ees and boy howdy, was her description spot on. We saw signs for the place 75miles away for goodness sake.

Buc’ee the Beaver. In bronze. I got a picture of him with me and Grizzelda for posterity’s sake. She’s going to just love that in about 13 years when I send her a big glossy 8×11 as a birthday present 😀

Friday we all gathered over at my sister’s place and just hung out and played games. It was lowkey and I loved every single second of having zero responsibilities. We all scattered around 2pm and went back to our separate places. My Mom, Mr and Mrs Bombfunk and Grizzelda’s mom all went to a Brave’s baseball game that evening while everyone else went to bed and slept the sleep of the exhausted.

Saturday we once again gathered at my sister’s and had homemade brunch. They have chickens and so we had scrambled eggs, bacon and pancakes. Then we played games again and chilled until it was time for the Bombunks to leave for the airport so they could go back to the adult world. Once we were back at Mom and Dad’s, we packed up and headed off to bed.

Friday started off at 330am, when we had to wake up. Dad drove us to the Atlanta airport and we had a very uneventful flight home. We were back at our condo by 1pm. Spent the afternoon unpacking, doing laundry and getting used to being home again. That’s a good feeling!

Monday we had taken off just in case there were flight delays or cancellations. Since there weren’t, we had a free day. Mrs B went to visit some historical house with a friend and I sat home and pretended I was a log. Hahahaha!

Bookstooge Revealed!

And then it was back to work for the rest of this week. Sigh….

Friday, August 16, 2024

Liquid Death or My Week IX

Murder Your Thirst, with a Chainsaw made out of Mangos!

In recent months I’ve been trying to wean myself away from drinking diet soda, mainly because of all the chemicals in them that I KNOW aren’t good for me. As a diabetic, drinking regular soda with it’s 3 day supply of sugar in one can just isn’t an option, so I always went diet. But as I’m getting older and my midlife is staring me full in the face, I’ve realized I have to take better care of myself, even if in small ways. A friend of mine from my Bibleschool days always talked about how he just drank seltzer and so I began that. It has worked. I get my bubbly without the thick, cloying sensation of artificial sweetener and I don’t feel like I’m pouring something down my throat that can clean toilets. But I have to admit, the “flavor” of seltzers is so light that at times it is really nonexistent and I just crave some flavor.

Enter the Fortuitous Hand of DESTINY!

I was browsing Amazon one day while looking for deals on Rockstarenergy drinks and saw Liquid Death. I thought it was a new brand of energy drink to be honest and so I bought a case to check it out. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was only flavored sparkling water. More flavor than seltzer though! And it comes in 20oz cans, which is a big plus for me, as I like to have something to sip all evening long as I read on the couch or write up my latest masterpiece for the blog.

I later found out that Liquid Death is marketed towards Metal Heads, to try to get them to drink more water and stop being dumby heads. There’s a whole marketing scheme about selling your soul to the Company, etc, etc. That doesn’t bother me at all because I’m sure the Company believes in your soul about as much as I believe that you can sell it. So as I’m typing this, Thursday evening, I’m eating some french bread pizza and sipping on a Mango Chainsaw Liquid Death. Eat, Drink and Blog is a great way to spend your evening!

And on to this week’s part of the My Week post.

Bupkiss. Doody. Nothing. Voido. Entropy!

Oh wait. I ate some cold cereal for dinner one day. That counts as exciting and exhilarating blog material right? Sigh, yeah, I didn’t think so either. That’s the problem with being me. I crave the bland weeks, the weeks where nothing happens. I WANT my days to blend into each other, where I literally can’t tell one from the other. Because that means everything is going smoothly, that there are no hiccups. Hiccups in Life always means bad things in my experience.

Like thinking your eye doctor appointment is just a checkup and so you make plans with Mrs B to go to IHOP afterwards to have breakfast for dinner (because that IS exciting news and blows having cold cereal right out of the water) and then finding out that no, you’re scheduled to get injections in both eyes that day. Now THAT is a hiccup. Because all you can do afterwards is get driven home, take 2 extra strength Tylenol and collapse into bed and hope you feel better by the next morning. Things like THAT are not what I look forward to. If you do, you are a sick fether and I’ll gladly put you out of your misery.

See, weeks that have things like that are not cool. So I just pretend that that didn’t happen this week and thus nothing happened and I am entirely happy and you get a vanilla post about nothing. Which I’m ok with too, because really, just who do you think you are that I have to entertain you? YOU should be entertaining ME in the comments section. So get cracking.

Or you could always buy me some more Liquid Death. I wouldn’t say no to that…

the featured image for this post is the side of the box of Liquid Death. Yep, that’s what the box looks like…

Friday, August 02, 2024

Family or My Week VII

♪Brothers and Sister and Cousins, Oh My!♪

I grew up with a large extended family. My mother and her sisters were all very close and as such there were times we all got together for several days to a week. Nothing is better than a Thanksgiving with close to 20 people in a big old house capable of holding twice that.

There was a pond with a homemade slip and slide that must have been close to one hundred feet long. In the summers it was the best thing ever. Running as fast as you could and throwing yourself headfirst while screaming as loudly as possible the whole time was the epitome of fun! And trying to break the speed record of the older cousins always gave it purpose!

My uncle and two of my cousins were hunters. The deer they shot put food on their table. I remember one Thanksgiving seeing three dead deer hanging in the yard from trees, by their hind feet. I asked my uncle why they were hanging there and he patiently explained the whole process of draining the blood and why it was so important.  To a nine year old, that was big stuff!

Once I hit my teens, our families moved away from each other.  But each summer I would go and spend a week with one of my cousins. We would wile away the days playing games, doing chores and reveling in the fact that we were old mature teenagers and everyone had to treat us seriously now.  One game we played was Pass the Pigs.

We learned the game from one of our older cousin’s boyfriends. He had a pony tail and a British accent, so of course he was the coolest person in the whole world. Well, he liked Pass the Pigs, so we liked it too! We would use candy skittles to bet too, until “somebody” spilled the beans to her parents and we were forbidden to gamble any more. I still have my set 🙂

So family has been important to me my whole life. Which is why Mrs B and I bought plane tickets this week to go to Georgia in the fall to help celebrate my Mom’s birthday. 

Who knew that buying plane tickets would unlock such a welter of good memories? I know not everyone has good family memories and I don’t take mine for granted. I have been blessed.