Showing posts with label Angelina Ross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angelina Ross. Show all posts

Friday, December 13, 2024

Love Saves the Day, Chapters 4-5

Chapter 4 is simply a page break, as the story continues like there had been no break at all. The Earl makes an undying enemy of the Greedy Developer by kicking him out of Tiana’s castle, with threats of physical violence no less. Dude gets mega-points for that as far as I’m concerned.

It also wakes up Tiana to the fact she is in desperate straits and her parents dream, now hers apparently, of restoring the castle is an impossibility. This gives her the courage to ask The Earl if his offer of marriage is still open. He says it is and that she should really take the day to think about it, as it will be a decision to affect her for the rest of her life. He sets dinner plans for later that day so they can discuss things.

Tiana is 19. The Earl is 29. At least he is decent enough to realize what his marriage proposal will do to her reputation and the fact that she’s not lightly making this. At the same time, 29 and 19 don’t seem as far apart as say Marianne and Colonel Brandon from Sense and Sensibility. It’s still a gap though, which means that our cultural differences from now to 1903 haven’t changed in some of our underlying sensibilities.

You know, I have to say, I think I would have fit right into this story. That, or my emotional quotient is just about the same as Dame Cartland’s. Here’s a quote from Tiana as she is getting ready for dinner that night.

‘I always vowed,’ she reflected, ‘that I would only ever marry for love a man I could respect, who would be my friend and partner.
~Chapter 4, Love Saves the Day

That made me realize that both Mrs B and I have been blessed with being able to state that we got all those things when we married the other. We love each other, we respect each other and we are best friends. I know that isn’t the case with every couple, even happily married ones, so I am thankful that I got such a trifecta.

The rest of the chapter deals with one of the servants taking things amiss and planning on going to the Greedy Developer for nefarious reasons. We also get the engagement ring scene and the chapter ends with the wastrel cousin making a surprise entrance just after the engagement.

It is all so simple and trite and cliched. And I am loving every second of it. I can’t believe I wrote that, but it’s true. Reading this is like eating a white chocolate truffle. Just one little bit is enough to go a long way.

Chapter Five sees Tiana immediately having regrets and doubts about the wisdom of her choice. It doesn’t help that the Wastrel Cousin begins talking to her and talking about how “poor” he will become. Of course, The Earl sees them together, immediately jumps to the wrong conclusion and storms off in a jealous rage. Tiana rebuffs the Wastrel, who in turn writes to a former Lady Love of The Earl’s to come back and come between Tiana and The Earl. The Earl escorts Tiana back to her home and on the way they have “relationship” moment where they both realize that yes, this can work. The chapter ends with Lady Lover determining that only SHE can have The Earl and she swans off to England to put Tiana in her place.

Oh, this was one cliche on top of another. From the “old and jealous” reaction of The Earl to the “misunderstanding” to the “other woman”, they are all situations you’d expect to find in a soap opera. If I was just reading through this at my usual speed, I’d be well past this before all the issues caught up to my attention. I’d just enjoy it and blast on through like a whirlwind. That’s one unforeseen consequence of taking just a couple of chapters at a time.

Sunday, December 08, 2024

[Art] The Christmas Witch

While Santa might drop off the presents for the kiddies, he’s outsourced that whole “coal” thing. So now the Christmas Witch exists and if you’ve been a bad boy or girl, she’ll be dropping coal into your stocking. Or onto your head if you’ve been really bad!

Look at those boots, eh? I just love boots!

Friday, December 06, 2024

Love Saves the Day, Chapters 1-3

The date given right in the first chapter is 1903. And Dame Cartland wastes no time in inundating us with the most purple’ish of prose. The saving grace is that each purple description is so short.

We find out that Tiana’s parents (Tiana is the main character, who is 19) died together from a fever they contracted while nursing amongst the local villages. And her father wrote her a letter saying not to worry, because they were so happy together and were happy they both were dying so they could be in heaven together. Oh, and they talk about restoring the dump of a castle they had inherited and been pouring their money into. I mean, your wife has just died, you are about to die and you’re sending your only child of 19 a letter and you talk about the bloody castle restoration?

It was all just a syrupy potion to mask the reality of the sadness of their death. Can’t have sadness in a romance after all. Not even “I” would want that. So I have to give Dame Cartland her due, she writes the situation well.

The scene then immediately changes over to the other main character, Richard, Earl of Austindale. Who has just found out that the will from his grandfather has made matrimony a part of inheriting the estates. If he’s not married by 30, he loses it all. What kind of nonsense is this?!? Not that it exists, because that kind of stipulation seems rather wise to me. If you have to think about somebody else besides yourself in regards to your fortune, you are going to be LOT more careful. No, what I refer to is that Richard is just finding this out 3 months or so before his 30th birthday when this will take effect. WUT?!?! That’s the kind of information his dad should have talked about with him along with the birds and the bees talk at 12. If I were him, I’d immediately fire the lawyer handling this for dereliction of duty. Like a real man, Richard immediately thinks of a solution and realizes it isn’t viable (some chickie boo who he likes and apparently likes him, but prefers gallivanting across the continent to country life). At least Richard is smart enough to realize trying to marry Chickie Boo would be a huge mistake. Good on him for that! And it gets even more drama’y when he finds out that his younger cousin will inherit everything, and said cousin is a confirmed gambler and will spend the accumulation of wealth of three lifetimes in a matter of months, thus destroying the family name, honor and material wealth. Now there’s a conundrum for you.

The chapter ends with the two main characters meeting each other.

Incredible! While the prose is some of the most purple I have ever read, and so generic and vague that it feels like a formula (Duke “insert name” with “insert pants type” walked over to Heroine “insert name” and said “insert romantic platitude”), the intent and the information are gotten across quick as a whip. The setup is completely done in ONE chapter. Man, I wish more authors out there would do things like that.

On to chapter two.

In which we find out that Tiana’s parents were typical pie in the sky dreamers and wasted everything on restoring the castle, to the point where they left no money whatsoever to their daughter. And the castle wasn’t really restored. Oh, that pissed me off. The parents put their dream ahead of their child. If they weren’t already dead, I’d be tempted to toss them off the battlements of Castle Rose. I would say they were typical English idiots without a passing grasp of reality, the kind who squander the little they do have and bring their children to rack and ruin. Shame on them. They aren’t going to heaven now, that’s for sure!

Tiana meets an old Grand Uncle who drops by for just enough time to give her a family heirloom, which she can sell to live on. Of course we know she’ll use the funds for the castle. She approaches Richard and they are both surprised when they discover who the other really is. They met in chapter one and Richard thought Tiana was a visiting townie and Tiana thought Richard was a farmer. Richard is not at all impressed with the Grand Uncle placing the burden of selling the jewelry on Tiana, and I must admit, I am in full agreement with him on that.

The chapter ends with Richard proposing to Tiana, since he needs a wife and she needs the funds for Castle Rose. It comes out of no where, but it fits with the hasty speed of this story. It wasn’t jarring, it simply needed to happen, so Dame Cartland made it happen.

Chapter three sees Tiana being highly insulted at the Earl’s proposal and storming out of the room, just like a teenager, without thinking through the consequences of her actions, ie, Castle Rose aint going nowhere except to the seller’s block without outside money. She accidentally meets the wastrel cousin and is instantly attracted to his youth, blond locks and deep blue eyes. Aye carumba.

I’ve noticed that teenagers tend to group adults into two groups. I vaguely recollect doing this myself too back in the day. There are the adults in their 20’s who are adults but you still feel comfortable with. Then there are the adults over 30 and they are just plain old. They are all the same and a homogenous group and it’s easier to ignore them and go about your own business of living your life. Dame Cartland obviously remembers this too and uses it, albeit as lightly as any other trope to amp up the drama.

Then the drama amps up again and I must say, I actually loved it! A developer, an EEEEEEEVIL developer shows up and he owns all the bills that Tiana’s parents never paid. Apparently, they were even worse than I initially thought. They not only spent all their money on the ruin of the castle, leaving their daughter destitute, but they also spent well beyond their means and left debts amounting to “a lot” (money from that time period means absolutely nothing to me, so whenever an amount is named and the form of currency, I just translate it as “a lot” or “a little” in my head). Said developer is described just how you’d expect an “evil greedy” developer to be described and he’s a complete ass. The chapter ends with the Earl threatening to toss him out when he refuses to leave at Tiana’s request. That’s how a man should act. Good for the Earl!

And thus ends this particular update for the first three chapters of Love Saves the Day by Dame Barbara Cartland. I have to admit, I enjoyed this way more than I thought I would (ie, not at all). Cartland’s writing, while formulaic and generic, gets the point across very well. There is no mistaking who is who, who is good, who is bad, who is supposed to end up with who. It is a comfort read I would say. I’m no longer dreading the rest of these updates 😀

Thursday, November 28, 2024

[Art] Happy Thanksgiving 2024 /Updated

The last several years I have done pretty much the same thing for Thanksgiving. The things I have given Thanks for have remained pretty steady. If you’d like to see that list, feel free to visit last years post, Thanksgiving 2023.

I wanted to do something slightly different this year. So the first change was including an Art piece. That visual change helps me change my mindset about the whole post. I wanted to give thanks this year for the little things that I might usually take for granted.

Our world is chockful of little things to be thankful for. I immediately think of grass. I like how grass looks. It’s soothing and calm. Seeing a little patch of green in a sea of pavement or concrete can bring a moment of peace. I am thankful such opportunities exist.

I am thankful for leaves (I suspect the fact that I don’t have to rake them up affects that 😀 ). From their brilliant green in the spring and summer, to their wonderful colors in the fall, to the fact that their death replenishes the nutrients in the ground. We live in a wonderful created world, with each part doing the job it was created to do. I am thankful for that.

I am thankful for such small things as Rockstar energy drinks. I just have to be careful not to be TOO thankful and imbibe more than is safe 😉

Finally, I am thankful for all of my fellow bloggers, from those who write multiple times a day to those who write once a month. My blogging experience wouldn’t be the same if you weren’t there. My world would be a poorer place if you weren’t in it. So thank you for fighting the good fight and pushing out those posts and comments.

Cheers to you all!


It is now approximately 9am and Mrs B and I have already had our Thanksgiving Dinner, for breakfast. I absolutely love having the day off.

Friday, October 11, 2024

[Art] Lady of the Fall or My Week XII

Tonight is the Pumpkin Festival. I wanted something to celebrate that event, as I don’t know if I’ll be able to get pictures and write up a post like I did last year (Pumpkin Fest ’23). So I asked Miss Ross to do something Festival’y and I think she delivered in spades. I’m pretty happy with this and I hope you can enjoy it too.

The week, up to this point, has been something else. My coworker took the week off, just because apparently,  so I was working with the new guy. He’s been hired to work in both the field and the office, and he’s 6’6″. I’m 5’3″. It has made setting up our equipment a real chore and I’ll be glad when things return to normal next week.

Other than that and the falling temps and leaves, not much else to report.

Have a good day and if there is a Pumpkin Fest post, it won’t be until after 8pm tonight,  so don’t hold your breath 🙂

Friday, September 27, 2024

[Art] King of Dragons

Now that the Chartreuse Emperor rules his world, albeit a blasted and wasted world, it is time to turn our eyes elsewhere…

A happy scene, one of frolicking dragons in a lovely blue sky. We see before us the King of the Dragons, a lordly yet kindly being, taking care of his subjects like they were his own children.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

[Art] Entropymancer Unleashed

With his plans frustrated by his inability to find the Hidden King due to the Soul Guardian’s protection, the Chartreuse Emperor began constructing his most powerful, yet most dangerous, weapon, an Entropymancer.

Taking the last of the mythical Lord of the Poppies, and subjecting him to untold Suffering, the Mad Emperor brought forth an Entropymancer. Unstoppable. Unkillable. Consumed by a lust to destroy. An Entropymancer was released like an arrow, speeding towards his target, and only death could be the final result.

This was the blasphemous act that the Hidden King could not bring himself to commit. If he had sacrificed his beloved Elf Mage and subjected her to the Ultimate Pain, he could have created an Entropymancer of his own, to aim at the heart of the Chartreuse Emperor. But better the world to burn than for him to taint his soul with such a rite or sacrifice the one he held most dear.

And now, dear reader, what shall be the fate of this world? Roll your Dice. Play your Magic Cards. Consult the Codex. Is the destiny of this world written stone? Or, as John Connor once said “The future is not set. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.” Let me know your thoughts.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

[Art] Soul Guardian

Hidden King

Besides his Archmage, the Hidden King was also protected by his Soul Guardian. Knowing he was vulnerable to attacks powered by the Tree of Day and Night, the Hidden King had broken his soul up into five parts. Four of them he entrusted to his Soul Guardian, who had the power to hide from the Tree of Day and Night and whoever might use its power. The fifth part of his soul though, the Hidden King had decided to hide it away where only HE would know of it. Thus was born his name, the Hidden King.

Chartreuse Emperor
Forest Refuge

The Mad Chartreuse Emperor was driven to frothing fits of pique in his search to destroy the Hidden King’s soul. With his entire pool of power tainted by the Tree of Day and Night, even the power stolen from the Spirit of the World Guardian wasn’t enough to allow him to find the soul aspects. The Soul Guardian was doing his job of protecting the King’s four soul aspects perfectly. The Chartreuse Emperor sat in his Forest Refuge, brooding, planning, seeking a way to destroy his foes. He knew his destiny, that this world would belong to him and him alone, and nothing would prevent that.

Saturday, August 03, 2024

[Art] The Hidden King

Tree of Day and Night
Forest Refuge

Long ago, a human lord went into voluntary exile. Many thought he had somehow displeased the current Elven Emperor but this was a long term plan between them because of the Ancient Prophecy that warned about the Chartreuse Madness. The first unmistakable warning was the blooming of the Tree of Day and Night. With this, the Hidden King knew that one day his power would be needed. He went into exile to keep an eye on the Forest Castle where the Tree was growing.


As the centuries rolled by, the Mad Chartreuse Emperor began his sweep of the land with his horde of Warriors. The Hidden King found a diamond in the rough with the last surviving member of the Steampunk tribe. She became his Archmage.

Garden’s True Spirit

When the Spirit of the Garden’s power was co-opted, it was another sign of the Prophecy. The Hidden King was a gentle soul however and he was not sure if he could do what would need to be done. Could he commit that act that would stain his soul for all eternity if it meant stopping the Chartreuse Madness?

Saturday, July 20, 2024

[Art] Summer's Avatar

Spring’s Delight

Oh, it seems just like yesterday that I was celebrating Spring’s Delight.

The above picture is everything I like about Summer. While green springs forth in Spring (oh man, am I clever or what?), it is fully mature in Summer.

When I saw this, it reminded in a roundabout way of the Forest Lord from the anime Princess Mononoke. I like this drawing better though. The Forest Lord did not strike me as an intelligent being, just a force of nature. Here, the Avatar of Summer has the power of an Avatar but also the intelligence to use it.

May the rest of your Summer be temperate and filled with good things!

Saturday, July 06, 2024

[Art] Steampunk Elf Mage

Now that we know the Pegleg Pirate was simply a patsy for the Mad Emperor to acquire the power of the Garden Spirit, who was the REAL opposition to the Emperor? The fact that he had not taken over the world meant there was some force opposing him, no matter how subtle.

But who? Who would oppose such an entity, one that was powerful enough to bend the Throne of Chains to his very will? Someone motivated by revenge, by a thirst to right a wrong, someone whose family had been destroyed by the Chartreuse Emperor! The Steampunk Elf whose eye the Emperor had stolen to use as his talismanic focus of power, was not a single child. He had a sister, a very powerful sister. She was Archmage to the Hidden King. While this Hidden King had forbade her to interfere thus far, she was strong willed and she had loved her brother dearly.

While the Emperor had usurped the power of the Tree of Day and Night, the Archmage was the original owner of it and all it’s power. That should tell you, dear Reader, just how powerful she truly was. And she used her powers to divert, impede, thwart and stall the Emperor until the Hidden King was willing to reveal himself.

Stay tuned readers, for next month’s thrilling installment of “The Mad Chartreuse Emperor’s Conquest”.