Showing posts with label Ipiccy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ipiccy. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2022

September '22 Roundup & Ramblings


Raw Data:

Novels - 21 ↑

Graphic Novels - 6 ⭤

Average Rating - 3.07 ↓

Pages - 6116 ↑

Words - 1919K ↑

The Bad:

Dead Silence - 1star of totally awesome space horror RUINED by scyenze and romance

Hunting Zero - 1star read that killed this already dead series for me.

The Good:

American Assassin - The ONLY 4star read I had this month. sigh....


Muppets Now, while quite enjoyable, had some serious flaws as an episodic show, in my opinion. There hasn't been a season 2 yet and I doubt there ever will be.

Miscellaneous Posts:


What a busy, busy month. The only way I got through all the blogging was knowing that October was going to be totally different (more on that in the next section). After August's R&R and realizing I was on the edge of burnout, I spent September strategizing. It helped me mentally and emotionally (you try being an introspective introvert who hates people yet still wants to be liked).

Work still continues to be the dominant part of both my and Mrs B's life. We are both working overtime every week and the holiday season is approaching (Mrs B has already seen Christmas stuff getting readied to be out on the sales floor, boooo!). So Mrs B is only going to get busier and my own work shows ZERO slow down. We're still running about 2 months behind (so if you call and hire us, we won't be able to get there for 7-8 weeks) so this winter is probably going to be as busy as ever. I'm tired just thinking about it.

The weather started to change, which was much appreciated. Some mornings it was chilly enough so you could see your breath but the afternoons were still warm enough that t-shirts and shorts were more than enough. With the drought we're having I don't know what is going to happen for the foliage. Glad I'm not a leaf peeper.

Utilities are skyrocketing in price. The electrical company instituted a price hike that comes out to about a 50% across the board hike. It's all in the "service" part of the bill so you can't even offset it by trying to use less electricity. Once the cold weather hits and we have to turn on the furnace, and the natural gas bills start coming in, well, it's going to be an expensive winter. Thank goodness I have 3 can of campbell's chunky soup in reserve!

On the good side of things, Mrs B and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary. God has truly blessed us together and we are so thankful He led us to the other. We don't take it lightly. I've also been playing the board game Doom with my brother every 3-6 weeks and that has been a blast. I keep taking pictures of the board and mini's when we're playing but my goodness, it is HARD to get even decent pix out of it, much less good ones. I'm going to keep trying though and maybe in the next month or two I'll have a mini's update about it. I also found someone at church who is interested in playing Magic the Gathering. We played a couple of games and while it was a bit too complicated for him, his 9 year old son was utterly enthralled. He's literally inhaling the rules and we're probably going to schedule play times a couple times a month. I figure I've got a year or two before he starts wiping the floor with me. So I'm going to enjoy my "win time" while I can :-D Also, if I play my cards right (oh, aren't I SO clever?!?) I can get him to sort through my cards and take out all the uncommons, rares and mythics in exchange for about 2000 commons. I'll see what his dad has to say on the subject.

Plans for Next Month:

I'm still reading up a storm but for October, while I'll be posting reviews, said reviews will only contain all the data I put in the very beginning. Pretty much going back to my roots of 2000-2001 and how I reviewed books then. That cuts about 90% of the writing so that pressure just isn't on me. That will have the 2fold effect of relieving the pressure and also letting my word well recharge. I won't even be adding covers. We're talking straight up text posts. LITTLE text posts too.

Depending on how that goes I might carry that format on for the rest of the year. Once my words get recharged and I keep on doing the minimum for reviews that will allow me to start writing some non-review posts again. It's been months since I've written something based on an idea that popped into my head at 1435 or some such thing. I need the spontaneity back and I can't do that if all my words go to just reviews.

I suspect October will be a recovery time for me and not a "hey, look at me blogging about Whatever" kind of month. Lots of tiny review posts. I'm hoping it will also help me to clear my head about blogging in general and using wordpress in particular. One change that will be big, for me anyway, is that I'll be crossposting everything to blogger now, starting with this post. I might not get everything all at once, but I'll be working on getting my blogger site more socially friendly.