Friday, February 28, 2025

February '25 Roundup & Ramblings


Raw Data:

Novels - 13 -

Short Stories - 1 ↑

Manga/Graphic Novels - 1 -

Comics - 1 -

Average Rating - 3.06 ↓↓

Pages - 3008 ↑

Words - 988K ↑

The Bad:

Mephisto's Game - 2stars of me abandoning the Galaxy's Edge authors :-(

Faust: A Story in 9 Letters - 2stars of russian infidelity without repentance

Death in Ecstasy - 2stars of continued wallowing in the fallen human condition

Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine Sept '12 - 2stars of not very good stories

The Good:

The Finality Problem - 5stars of ending for Warlock Holmes

Too Many Clients - 4stars of Nero Wolfe not wallowing in the fallen human condition

Nemesis - 4stars of monster butt kicking


YuYu Hakusho: The Spirit Detective arc was a fun rewatch and gave me hope that maybe I'm not too old for anime, not yet anyway.

Miscellaneous Posts:


Just like the last couple of years, February has been the month where Winter bared it's arm and smacked us as hard as it possibly could. Multiple snow storms kept us busy and made work a real bear (pope) of a time.

Yes, the Pope DOES wear a hat...

Readingwise, this month also felt bad. Getting three 2-2.5star books in a row in the second to last week was like getting kicked in the sensitives. If you're wondering, that is NOT a good thing. If it wasn't for those books, my average would have stayed the same or even gone up a tiny bit from last month.

Cover Love:

Veruchia by Edwin Tubb. Really no surprise. Nothing else really came close to even challenging it. Curse of the Spider King was the only challenger but with all the "dark" on the cover, I said "no".

Plans for Next Month:

Magic cards will be moving to noon or 1pm while the book review for that day will go at 5am. So still a double posting on Monday but in a different order, as what I consider more important goes first.

Mr Zip will be making an appearance one Monday, so for all his fans, you now have something to look forward to. You are welcome.

Other than that, it is all the usual magic, journal/my week, reviews and blatherings you can cope with.

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