Thursday, February 20, 2025

Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine (September 2012) 2Stars


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Title: Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine
Series: September 2012
Editor: Linda Landrigan
Rating: 2 of 5 Stars
Genre: Crime Fiction
Pages: 122
Words: 45K

Yeah, no. This was no better than the previous editions of this magazine and the stories didn’t have any oomph, any chutzpah, any “grab me by the throat and choke me to death”ness. Landrigan either can’t get a decent set of short stories to publish, or she doesn’t know what a good story is OR, and this is my bet, what she thinks is a good story is so vastly different from everyone else’s definition that it’s impossible to get a good story here. So I’m done with this magazine. I’m going to hunt down as many of the old “Alfred Hitchcock Presents” books as I can. At least those old stories had some guts.

Man, this just not my week for getting along with various series. DCI Roderick Alleyn got kicked to the curb. Then I savaged Conan, which just shouldn’t have been possible. Now I’m striking out with an ongoing publication that carries Alfred Hitchcock’s name. If it weren’t for me reading that Nero Wolfe book on Monday, this week would have been a complete reading waste. I haven’t had a week this bad in YEARS. It also means my average for February is going to plummet like the temperatures outdoors.


Table of Contents:

Department: EDITOR'S NOTE: ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE by Linda Landrigan

Department: THE LINEUP

Fiction: THE VAUDEVILLE DETECTIVE by Garnett Elliott


Fiction: BEEHIVE ROUND by Martin Limon

Fiction: BIG WATTS by Doc Finch

Fiction: FOOL'S GOLD by Dee Long

Department: BOOKED & PRINTED by Robert C. Hahn

Fiction: BRUTAL by Robert Lopresti

Fiction: THE BEST LAID PLANS by Jim Ingraham

Mystery Classic: NIGHT AT THE INN by Georgette Heyer, selected and Introduced by Jane K. Cleland


Department: COMING IN OCTOBER 2012

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