Monday, February 10, 2025

Ghost Ship - MTG 4E


Regenerate is a mechanic (game ability) wherein a player can pay the cost (in this case, three blue mana) and at the end of his turn, if his creature was going to die, it won't. It will be on the field of battle, ready to go again. Which fits with the theme of a ghost ship perfectly. Can't kill it, and it just keeps coming back.

But another reason I've been posting these cards and looking back is because it brings into stark contrast the power creep that has happened over the years. This is an expensive card in terms of mana (4 to cast it and then 3 dedicated blue to regenerate it) and by today's standards, it is completely unplayable. That is just sad because Magic's game play was predicated on the idea of new cards being thoughtfully created to synergize with ALL of the old cards and not to simply replace them. Wizards of the Coast hasn't done that. They have simply increased the power of cards and decreased costs because that is an easier way to sell cards than to come up with good, well balanced cards. It takes time and money to do Magic cards right and Hasbro (Wizards of the Coasts' alcoholic abusive stepdad) is only interested in pimping Magic out for the money it can bring in every 3 months.

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