Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Village of Miggledy (Groo the Wanderer #37) 3.5Stars


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Title: The Village of Miggledy
Series: Groo the Wanderer #37
Author: Sergio Aragones
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Comics
Pages: 25
Words: 2K

This is a game of telephone, but with Groo being the message and the consequences being the destruction of an entire village. The very IDEA of Groo is enough to wreck a village, and it’s funny. Now that is incredible work by Aragones!

While Groo is trying to be a hunter, and failing miserably, the village self-destructs and things escalate at an incredible rate. I’m going to leave the synopsis unhidden, because it’s so amusing (to me anyway).


From Bookstooge

Groo is hungry but has no money. He tries to train Rufferto to hunt and fails miserably. He decides to go to the nearest town to beg some food. Several villagers overhear him and return to the village with the bad news. By the end of the comic, the king’s army is in the town to protect it, the villagers have all been driven out by pimps, gamblers and land speculators and villagers from the next village over have bought all their houses dirt cheap. THEN Groo shows up while the town is burning to the ground.

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