Friday, January 24, 2025

My Week XIX

Well, another doozy of a week! But in different way, thankfully, I guess?

Sunday was our church's annual business meeting, where they ratify the budget and do all the usual church business'y stuff. Even though Mrs B and I aren't members, I like to keep abreast of what is going on. We're growing. I think I've mentioned it before, but the pews are getting full. To the point where you actually have to sit right next to someone else. It's incredibly uncomfortable for me personally. Thankfully, the leadership is aware and are looking at options. Right now we're too small to move (not enough tithing members to support leasing a building) but too big to stay in the building we're in, long term. Our church is also in the historic district, so expanding the building is almost certainly out. The Historic Committee takes their job very seriously, the prigs. Makes me glad I'm not in charge :-D

This winter has been mild in terms of snow, but as for temps, we've definitely gotten "winter" down pat. Tuesday morning it was -8F (-22C) when we started work. Even with gloves on, my hands ached just from brushing the work vans off from the little bit of snow we got. It was instant arthritis and I sure hope I don't have to deal with a lot of that later on in life.

Mrs B began gearing up to go back to work next week after her cast comes off. She is not looking forward to that at all and I don't blame her on bit.

Been doing a bit of cleaning as some family is coming to the area on Friday and we're having visitors over on Sunday. Thankfully, having a small place pays dividends in the cleaning department, hahhahaha.

Wednesday evening I got a call from my endocrinologist's office. I was supposed to have a visit on Thursday. Well, it turns out the endo just up and quit that morning so they had to cancel my appointment. The kicker is that another endo is retiring in March and the other endo accepting new patients is booked up through October. I'll still be able to get my prescriptions through the office, but man, things are going to be unsettled for a while. Might even have to start seeing my primary care doctor as my diabetes manager. Like that poor lady needs yet another thing on her shoulders. I thought I was ok with this happening, but this morning when I was getting ready for work I had dry heaves and I could tell it was from being nervous about the future. Did just fine the rest of the day, so I suspect I'll be just fine later on too.

I was hoping to have some heartwarming stories that would make you go "Awwww", but you know, New England in January just isn't known for heartwarming. I came home from work, did the absolute minimum for existence and then went to bed. So here's a fluffy bunny to fool you into thinking I DID write a heart warming post that made you go "Awwww". Man, some people will believe anything, you know?

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