Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Marvel Champions: The Organizingening


Bookstooge McLeod, better known as the Immortal Lowlander, realized that he'd been sitting on his bonnie backside far too long and that it was time to Enter The Games once again. When he opened his shed to get his gear, he realized what a flipping mess it was and decided his time would be better spent organizing things. THEN he could go to The Games.

All of THAT was simply not going to fit into the standard plastic shell the game came with.

There were a plethora of options. Several companies made inserts specifically for Marvel Champions. Sadly, most of them were of the balsa wood or foam variety that needed to be glued together following a manual. Bookstooge MacLeod was a WARRIOR, not some lowly manual laborer. It was below his honor to do such work. Plus, he wasn't very good at it anyway. BUT HONOR! Remember, that's the important part. Thankfully, Feldherr & Associates didn't hold HONOR! as important as MacLeod did and thus they provided him with a nice premade plastic organizer. Well done, peasants.

With many life counters, little status cards and tokens galore, the Lowlander knew it was imperative to get the little things taken care of first.


Now that all the piddling stuff was out of the way, it was time to GET SERIOUS! Let the Sleevening Part II Begin!
*insert lightning strikes!!!!

Each Hero Pack came with a 40card premade deck built around the hero on the cover. There were also 10-20 additional cards that allowed you to grow your general collection or to modify the premade deck. That's over 300 cards just for the Hero Packs right there. There are 53 cards in the Green Goblin scenario pack and 60 in the Wrecking Crew scenario pack. Therefore, if you do the math correctly, I ended up sleeving between 400-500 cards. Thankfully, Mrs Lowlander was willing to help, even with her broken arm. What a trooper!


By the end, I was able to fit everything except the Wrecking Crew scenario pack into the box. That was easily remedied by taking out a hero deck and a villain deck. I put them into a deck box (pictured on the right) and everything now fits into the marvel champions coreset box. Everything is grouped by Hero, Villain, Aspect and Scenario, so creating a deck is simply a matter of taking out which hero I want, which aspect cards I want (along with any basics), which villain and which villain scenario. Very modular.  My only issue was that getting the sleeved cards into the trays was a tight fit. They still fit, but they would have fit easier unsleeved. If I hadn't trained myself over the years to sleeve every game card I use, I'd probably say "phooie" and let them be. They aren't valuable after all. 

There Can Be…..
…..Only None!

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