Monday, July 27, 2015

ATLAS 2 (Atlas #2)


ATLAS 2 - Isaac Hooke

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Title: ATLAS 2

Series: Atlas

Author: Isaac Hooke

Rating: 3 of 5 Stars

Genre: SFF

Pages: 482




The Super Duper Aliens are back and they want Humanity enthralled.

How do you fight a multi-dimensional being that can take over people?


My Thoughts:

This was too long. That really sums things up. In many ways, the suspense, the tenseness was negated by the almost journal like writing. I much prefer reading from an omniscient narrator viewpoint instead of from the characters' view.


Also, a glossary is so the author can use acronyms to their heart's content without interrupting the flow of the story. If you feel that you'll lose your audience by using acronyms and not explaining RIGHT THAT SECOND, then you're doing it wrong.


I enjoyed the first book, this one was ok. I'll be reading the third, but don't have high hopes. That is sad.


And once again, WHY is this series called ATLAS when the robots called Atlas's aren't much of the story? This story is about the special forces known as MOTHS. While I'm nitpicking, why in the world ATLAS 2? Come on!!!!!!! Show a tiny bit of imagination.


Not a bad book or story, just needs some serious work by a professional. So worth your time if you like military SF and you can pick it up for free. Otherwise, stay clear. It's not good enough to pay money for.


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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Fathers and Sons (Classic)


Fathers and Sons - Ivan Turgenev, Constance Garnett

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Title: Fathers and Sons

Series: ------

Author: Ivan Turgenev

Rating: 4.5 of 5 Stars

Genre: Classic

Pages: 233





We follow 2 young men, Bazarov and Arkady, as they relate to each other, their fathers and their romantic interests.


My Thoughts:

I was not expecting to like this so much. This book is a snapshot of the changing of a generation and how it can clash with those before. In Russia.

[if you've ever watched Yugioh the Abridged series, you'll know that comes from Bandit Keith and his "In America!" schtick]


Honestly, this was melancholy, romance, young silliness, arrogance and then maturity all rolled into one.


Bazarov is our main antagonist and he does a good job of being an ass for the whole book. He is a nihilist and simply wants to destroy anything and everything, period. He is well enough off that he doesn't have to work and so has lots of time to think and like many introspective young men,his thoughts are centered on himself. That never turns out well and in the end Bazarov gets what is coming to him.


As for protagonists, there didn't seem to be just one and in fact it could be argued that Bazarov is the protagonist as well. Arkady is a young man under Bazarov's philosophical sway until he comes under the sway of Katya, a reserved young lady who is strong as steel but covers it with a modest and demure exterior. The Fathers, of Bazarov and Arkady, don't seem to be strong enough to count as the protagonists as they are afflicted with trying to be their sons best friend instead of their fathers. They typified everything that I associate with Russian men: emotional, philosophical and very melancholic.


I really liked the progression of seeing Arkady and Bazarov mature. Arkady takes on responsibility and finds his place and begins to shoulder the burden that his station in life places upon him. Bazarov lives true to his destructive principles and I was glad to see him die.


To end, thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed this book and am now going to have to search out a hardcover copy in a used book store. On amazon, "good" hard cover copies start at $35. That is to rich for me.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Fall of Highwatch (Chosen of Nendawen) (Forgotten Realms)


The Fall of Highwatch - Mark Sehestedt

This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at & Bookstooge's Reviews on the Road Facebook Group by Bookstooge's Exalted Permission.

Title: The Fall of Highwatch

Series: Chosen of Nendawen

Author & Artist:  Mark Sehestedt

Rating: 3 of 5 Stars

Genre: SFF

Pages: 320




Hweilan is an only daughter in a castle where her mother is despised and she herself is about to be married off for political gain.

However, treachery from within changes everything and Hweilan finds herself on the run with an elf that is distantly related to her.

Then things get bad.


My Thoughts:

This was pretty enjoyable. A case of revenge and encountering a literal Ice Queen, who happens to hate you and your companion. 


A good enjoyable tale filled with betrayal, destiny and more enemies and friends than you can shake a stick at.

Original post:

Monday, July 20, 2015

Operation Odessa (Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin #8) (Manga)


Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin, Vol. 8: Operation Odessa - Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, Yoshiyuki Tomino

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Title: Operation Odessa

Series: Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin

Author & Artist: Yoshikazu Yasuhiko

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars

Genre: Manga

Pages: 470




After several books of back story, we are catapulted back into the present. The Federation is making a big push to put Zeon off the earth and back into Space.

The White Base personnel are growing up, coming into their own as a military force.

Amuro continues to grow as a pilot but not much as a man. He's still a pretty whiny teen.

And Char's obsession with him grows even greater.


My Thoughts:

I wasn't real keen on returning to the "present". I found the characters much more likable, interesting and generally all around more engaging in the "past".


However, the story must proceed. Amuro and Char have a really good battle where Amuro starts to come into his own as a warrior. Char's obsession with New Types seems to be affecting his decision making abilities and I can see it bringing about his destruction.


On a side note, I've been wondering how many volumes this is going to be. I still don't know. I see that Vol.'s 11 and 12 are going to be coming out this fall. I think 12 is the last one and I hope so.  Who can afford 12 books at $30 a pop? I am slowly collecting these but I have to wait for sales where they go down to 20 or less for a day, then save up my amazon points and snatch one up here and there.


Well, with that being said, these are worth every penny and I'm really glad I saw these at our local library. If I had to wait to read these until I bought them, ha.

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Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Tejano Conflict (Cutter's Wars #3) DNF@1%


The Tejano Conflict - Steve Perry

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Title: The Tejano Conflict

Series: Cutter's Wars

Author: Steve Perry

Rating: 1 of 5 Stars

Genre: SF

Pages: Abandoned




My Thoughts:

Due to the inclusion and normalization of homosexuality, I will not be finishing this series.


Which is to bad, because I've been really enjoying these military SF adventures.

Original post:

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Deathstalker Rebellion (Deathstalker #2)


Deathstalker Rebellion - Simon R. Green

This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at & Bookstooge's Reviews on the Road Facebook Group by Bookstooge's Exalted Permission.


Title: Deathstalker Rebellion

Series: Deathstalker

Author: Simon Green

Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars

Genre: SFF

Pages: 510





The first crack in the Empire has appeared. Now it is up to Owen Deathstalker and Company to turn that crack into a full blown crumbling.

And the aliens are wicked bad ass.

Can, and Should, Owen and Co. start a rebellion now? But how can they not?


My Thoughts:

Owen Deathstalker was a very small part of this book. He was the pinky in the handful of characters. Everyone else seemed to play a bigger part than him.


I enjoyed this, but the never ending succession of seat of your pants adventures actually got tiring, as I followed Character 1 through a harrowing adventure and then before I could catch my breath, I was swept up into Character 2's adventure, times 5. It just felt too long.



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Monday, July 13, 2015

Dryad-Born (Whispers from Mirrowen) DNF@10%


Dryad-Born  - Jeff Wheeler

This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at & Bookstooge's Reviews on the Road Facebook Group by Bookstooge's Exalted Permission.


Title: Dryad-Born

Series: Whispers from Mirrowen

Author: Jeff Wheeler

Rating: 3 of 5 Stars

Genre: YA Fantasy

Pages: 466





The sequel to Fireblood


My Thoughts:

Put this down at the 10% mark.


Definitely a "nothing wrong with this book, it just wasn't for me" kind of thing. I have a VERY low tolerance for YA these days.


Original post:

Thursday, July 09, 2015

Blood and Bullets (Deacon Chalk #1)


Blood and Bullets - James R. Tuck

This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at & Bookstooge's Reviews on the Road Facebook Group by Bookstooge's Exalted Permission.


Title: Blood and Bullets

Series: Deacon Chalk: Occult Bounty Hunter

Author: James Tuck

Rating: 3 of 5 Stars

Genre: Paranormal

Pages: 350





Deacon Chalk is a haunted man. Vampires killed his family years ago and that set him on the path of so many other Hunters. Deacon rescued an angel and died because of it. Now he has angel essence to help him in his fight.

Today, somebody ambushed Deacon, with 50 vampires.

Deacon doesn't know of anybody, or anything, strong enough to do that!


My Thoughts:

This was really a 4 star read for me, except for the following two items.


1) The F-word was dropped way more liberally than I was really comfortable with

2) The "almost" sex scenes. I don't need sex thrown in to make a book interesting. Tell me a good adventure story instead.


If more paranormal was written like this, I'd probably be reading more of it. I really liked the intro where Deacon name drops a bunch of other fictional vampire hunters. I only got about 1/2 of them, but that was a fun tidbit.


Non-stop, adrenalin pumping action. Ambush, rescue and finally, Destruction! Deacon talks a lot and I could see that getting on peoples' nerves, but besides two instances of almost word for word repeat of info [one about guns and the other tattoos], I found it quite bearable. The whole "my wife and kids are dead" angst thing was done just enough but not too much.  I didn't feel like rolling my eyes at it, which means it was done right.


I did like the twist about the Wandering Jew and his connection to vampires. The so-called theology was thrown in to explain some stuff but it was so empty that I couldn't even find the "harrumph" to lambast the shallow triteness of it. And the smoking, drinking, womanizing, super killer/exorcist priest is old hat. EVERY vampire hunter knows one of those!


Overall, enjoyable with some edges I didn't care for and would cause me to not out right recommend this series. I will be, however, reading the next 2 books in the series. Guess I'll be finding out if this is a trilogy or a series. Oh, and that series name. It is way to long. Just call it Deacon Chalk, kind of like I did *wink*

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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Warlord (Warlord #1)


The Warlord - Jason Frost

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Title: Warlord

Series: Warlord

Author: Jason Frost

Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars

Genre: Action/Adventure

Pages: 398





Former super special secret sauce Vietnam vet now has a normal life in California, except he has to testify against his former commander for super dee duper evil crimes committed in Vietnam.

Bad guy goes free and vows vengeance on Awesome Sauce.

Then California breaks off the United States because of a Super Quake. Not only that, but the Bad, Evil Government was hiding Super Secret Evil Weapons and those somehow formed a cloud that caused the United States Government to declare California under quarantine.


So the Bad Guy decides to wreak his revenge on Awesome Sauce now. Because NOW is the time. And Awesome Sauce takes HIS revenge. And thus ends the book.


My Thoughts:

Gregor Xane recommended this series when I was reading the End World series. Thankfully, this was leagues above that series.


I know my synopsis was a bit heavy handed, but it adequately describes the tone of this book.


I wasn't expecting the brutalness of this though. This was a no-holds barred violence fest. There were several times where I just cringed and went "oh..." inside. The Bad Guy was BAD!!! I like my bad guys to be really bad. I'm just not real cool with seeing what makes them so bad.


The sensual/sex scenes were gratuitous while not being completely erotical level. It wasn't necessary and just made me shake my head. I really hate it when an author does that.


This was a fun read though. I have the next 2 available and am looking forward to them. Part of that is that I'm a big fan of California falling off the West Coast. I don't make jokes about it anymore though, as my wife doesn't find it funny ;-)

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