Sunday, August 07, 2016

Leviathan Wakes (Expanse #1)

Leviathan Wakes  - James S.A. Corey This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at Bookstooge.booklikes.blogspot. & Bookstooge's Reviews on the Road Facebook Group by Bookstooge's Exalted Permission.
Title: Leviathan Wakes
Series: Expanse
Author: James Corey
Rating: 4 of 5 Stars
Genre: SF
Pages: 583
Format: Kindle digital edition


There is Earth. There is Mars. There are the Belters. All living together in an uneasy truce of shared humanity.
That truce is shattered and war and chaos ensue. The crew of a freighter somehow ends up in the middle of it all right from the beginning and begin to piece together a conspiracy that could change life itself.

My Thoughts:

Firefly, welcome back! That was what I kept thinking as I read along.

This was pure fun, pure space opera. I didn't try to make connections, or get upset at the characters or wonder how things were going to work out. I was simply along for the ride. Lots of things were implausible and there was a lot of ridiculousness floating around but I never really noticed it because I was enjoying myself so much. That says a lot.

I gave this the Horror tag, not so much because it was scary  but because of the vomit zombies and the whole mass reknitting of human flesh and bone into something else.
It was creepier than those faux-horror Star Wars books released years ago.
I also put on the Tv Tie In tag because of the tv show. I would really like to watch it now but I think I'll wait until I've read the series. I don't want the tv show to accidentally spoil something in the book for me. Book spoiling movie, I am A-OK with that however.

Thoroughly enjoyed this and am looking forward to the rest of the series.

Saturday, August 06, 2016


Taboogasm - Gregor Xane This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at Bookstooge.booklikes.blogspot. & Bookstooge's Reviews on the Road Facebook Group by Bookstooge's Exalted Permission.
Title: Taboogasm
Series: ------
Author: Gregor Xane
Rating: 3 of 5 Stars
Genre: SF
Pages: 157
Format: Hardcover

Synopsis: SPOILERS

This picture is so spot on for a synopsis that you have no idea.

My Thoughts:

I knew going into this that Xane writes stuff that isn't up my alley. So with that in mind, I plunged right into this signed and numbered hard cover edition. I didn't get #1 and but I did end up with my favorite number, so it all works out great.


That totally describes this book. Can't really say much else. Like a roller coaster, you have to experience it for yourself.

I was wondering where the title Taboogasm came from and what it had to do with the book. Nothing in fact. It is a movie within the book and all we know about it is what is depicted on the cover of the book, ie, a couple having sex on a motorcycle that get eaten by Shamu. Bizarre.

I had fun reading this, so thanks Gregor. I hope others have fun as well.

Friday, August 05, 2016

Resurrection (Demon Squad #2)

Resurrection - Tim Marquitz This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at Bookstooge.booklikes.blogspot. & Bookstooge's Reviews on the Road Facebook Group by Bookstooge's Exalted Permission.
Title: Resurrection
Series: Demon Squad
Author: Tim Marquitz
Rating: 1 of 5 Stars
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Pages: 344
Format: Kindle digital edition


Trig gets tricked, manipulated and whatnot into stopping a necromancer from raising Longinus, the soldier who stabbed Christ's side. Only Longinus was a demon, so he got a butt load of power from that act. If he comes back, he'll be top dog.

My Thoughts:

The first book was crass. I figured Marquitz was just seeing how this whole writing gig worked. This time around, his writing was just as crass, if not more and it is very apparent that this is a style choice by the author. So if you like your 500 year old half demon commenting on every pair of breasts and butt that he sees, running commentary on the state of his genitals at any given moment, and unrestrained lewdness and lustfulness, then this book is for you.

If, however, you have even an ounce of taste, restraint or class, this book will either secretly titillate you or disgust you. Considering the juvenile tone of everything, I'm betting on disgust.

The only positive is that now I can clear this series off my kindle and make room for another. That is damning praise indeed.

Thursday, August 04, 2016

She is the Darkness (The Chronicles of the Black Company #8)

She Is The Darkness - Glen Cook This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at Bookstooge.booklikes.blogspot. & Bookstooge's Reviews on the Road Facebook Group by Bookstooge's Exalted Permission.
Title: She is the Darkness
Series: The Chronicles of the Black Company
Author: Glen Cook
Rating: 4 of 5 Stars
Genre: SFF
Pages: 477
Format: Kindle Digital Edition


Murgen continues on as the Standardbearer and the Chronicler.  Croaker drives the Black Company onward towards Katovar, even as he begins to realize that Katovar might not be the Haven he thinks it is.
Shadowlords ahead of them, betraying employers behind them and nutcases all over.

My Thoughts:

I thoroughly enjoyed this. Murgen has pretty much stopped his uncontrolled travels through time and that made all the difference to me.

There is so much going on with these stories now. Murgen is dealing with the fact that his wife isn't dead and he has a son. The Black company is dealing with Katovar and nobody knows exactly what it is or what it means for them.  The death goddess and Croaker and Lady's daughter continue on their little path. The Lady's sister continues her games just for the kicks of it. What she wants or will plan to do is beyond guessing.

There is a lot of action. Lots of battles and magical fights. I loved it. This series continues strong and I am pleased with that. Sometimes these things take a downward turn.

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

The Silver Hand (Song of Albion #2) (Audio)

The Silver Hand - Stephen R. Lawhead, Stuart Langton This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at Bookstooge.booklikes.blogspot. & Bookstooge's Reviews on the Road Facebook Group by Bookstooge's Exalted Permission.
Title: The Silver Hand
Series: Song of Albion
Author/Narrator: Stephen Lawhead, Stuart Langton
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Fantasy
Minutes: 760
Format: Audible audio edition

Synopsis: Spoilers

Lewis, now known as Lhew, has been proclaimed King by Tegid. However, poisoned by Simon, Meldrawn kills all the bards of Prydain, blinds Tegid and cuts off Lhew's hand, thus making it impossible for him to be king.
Lhew and Tegid make their way to Caladon where they find a small hidden valley to rest and recover. Meanwhile, Meldrawn begins to conquer all of Prydain, using bribes, fear and intimidation. Lhew begins to create a safe haven and refugees from all over come to be safe from the predations of Meldrawn.
Eventually, Meldrawn and his host, led by Simon, find Lhew. A battle ensues and while things go bad for Lhew, roles are reversed in the end and Meldrawn dies, Lhew is magically given a silver hand and Simon is sent back to our world, supposedly with a mortal wound.

My Thoughts:

I had forgotten that the whole book happens before the Silver Hand actually occurs. Also, the point of view is from Tegid instead of Lewis this time around. Considering that he is blind, but magically given inner sight, it all works out. There were times however,  where the inner sight, leaving or coming, felt like the contrivance it was.

I like this story. I like this book. But this whole audio thing is just killing it for me. I'm currently listening to book 3 but after that, I think I'll stick to books that I don't really care about and are filler. The odd thing is, I grew up with my mother reading to me before I could. I loved it. It was a huge part of me learning to love books and the written word. But now, I don't know. Maybe it is because when I read, I want to be in total control and a narrator takes a big part of that away?

With that being said, I'm definitely not giving up on audio books. If I can listen to an extra book a month to and from work, that is 12 extra books a year. Considering that my average rating is 3.1, and half my reads are filler anyway, using filler books for audio doesn't seem like a waste. It is an efficient way to utilize 20 minutes in the morning and afternoon. And right now at my stage in life, consuming books like pixie dust is my goal.

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

The Complete Stories #2

Isaac Asimov: The Complete Stories Vol. #2 - Isaac Asimov This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at Bookstooge.booklikes.blogspot. & Bookstooge's Reviews on the Road Facebook Group by Bookstooge's Exalted Permission.
Title: The Complete Stories #2
Series: The Complete Stories
Author: Isaac Asimov
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: SFF
Pages: 560
Format: Kindle digital scan


A large collection of short stories from Isaac Asimov.

My Thoughts:

Unfortunately, most of these stories I had already read. So there was almost nothing new and without the shiny of "new", I can't say that Asimov's stories are all that engaging.

Nothing is bad or boring. They just aren't the type of stories that I want to read again and again. Most of them have a "hook" at the end and if you already know that hook the whole story loses most of its punch. I also found that a large portion of these were longer stories than in volume 1.

I have seen references to a 3rd volume of short stories but as far as I can tell, they were never published. That is too bad because I would like to see a finishing up of all of Asimov's stories.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

July '16 Roundup & Ramblings

I was pretty satisfied with this month. No dnf's, which is always nice. Started my audio book adventures and while it was ok and I'll be continuing it with various random books, it is apparent to me that audio and I just don't quite hit it off.

My top reads this month were Talion: Revenant, part of my Project Reread and The New Watch, the latest in the Russian Night Watch series. Talion was a good re-re-re-read but I suspect this will be close to my final read of it. New Watch brought us full circle from new member to mature member and the writing has matured and mellowed.

There were no real stinkers this month, but some pretty Meh reads. Jupiter Theft and Nephilim: Genesis of Evil were both outstanding in their lack lustre'ness and mediocrity.

I am still working my way through Superman: Doomed, and by that I mean I keep thinking about getting back into it and just finishing it off in one fell swoop. I've got 125 books on my kindle so my Priority collection and Reread collection are both taking a place in the regular rotation as I need to get through some of the other books. My Misc collection is the only one that I'm keeping at the front of the queue. Read 8 other books, read a Misc book, rinse and repeat. That collection has grown to over 25, so I really need to work through it and get it under 15, otherwise the books are going to sit in that collection for at least another year.

Hope your July was a good one as well. August will be a slower month for me as I'm going to be helping various family members [some near, some far] move throughout the month. Cheers!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Yotsuba&! #13 (Manga)

Yotsuba&!, Vol. 13 - Kiyohiko Azuma This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at Bookstooge.booklikes.blogspot. & Bookstooge's Reviews on the Road Facebook Group by Bookstooge's Exalted Permission.
Title: Yotsuba&! #13
Series: Yotsuba&!
Author/Artist: Kiyohiko Azuma
Rating: 4 of 5 Stars
Genre: Slice of Life manga
Pages: 224
Format: Paperback edition


Yotsuba decides what she wants to be when she grows up. A baker. Or maybe an Udon Noodle maker. Or maybe a housewife. It can be hard to make decisions sometimes.
Then Grandma comes to visit. Yotsuba has been a good girl [well, except for that time with the blue paint] so she knows Grandma is bringing her a souvenir. Grandma brought her kiwi's? That's not what Yotsuba wanted! Sometimes it is hard to have a Grandma.

My Thoughts:

It has been 2 YEARS since the last volume. I have to admit, I was expecting more. This was good, mind you, but it wasn't funny like the previous volumes. The Grandma, while very laid back, was drawn so severely that it kind of detracted from the overall feeling I was hoping to get.

I am wondering if Azuma, the artist, is letting this slide? It kind of felt like the fire had gone out in this volume.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Golden Son (Red Rising #2)

Golden Son  - Pierce Brown This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at Bookstooge.booklikes.blogspot. & Bookstooge's Reviews on the Road Facebook Group by Bookstooge's Exalted Permission.
Title: Golden Son
Series: Red Rising
Author: Pierce Brown
Rating: 4 of 5 Stars
Genre: SFF
Pages: 466
Format: Kindle Digital Edition


Darrow has survived and become a leader for a powerful Gold. His future, and his plans for the sons of Ares, seem assured. But Gold culture is hard and cruel. Your wins mean nothing if you lose. And Darrow loses.
At the same time, when he is about to be sold to the highest bidder, he finds out that Ares is dead and that the leaders now want mass Gold murder and give him a radium bomb to take to the auction.
Darrow overcomes all of the above to start a civil war in the Golds culture and avoid the shortsightedness of the new rebel leaders. He is truly a Golden Son on a meteoric rise.
But the Gold saying of Rise so high, in mud you lie always comes true and betrayal always comes from those closest to you.

My Thoughts: 
Spoilers Ahead

A great addition to the Red Rising series. I didn't enjoy this quite as much as the first book but most of that was because of dealing with spaceship battles. I'm much more of the mano-a-mano type of fighting. Guns, lightsabers, swords, whatever, just give me some ground pounders duking it out.

It was interesting to see Darrow struggling with the ethical dilemma of what he was doing. Is he trying to bring down the Golds? Is he trying to make all the colors equal? Is he trying to make people change? What is he supposed to be doing and at what point is something too much to justify it? That type of pressure would have broken me and I would have just set off the radium bomb and said 'to heck with you all'. And speaking of the radium bomb, I think it still has a part to play.

I kept waiting for the betrayal because that is what Gold's do. A continual culling process that lasts a lifetime. So when Darrow was able to actually attack the Sovereign even after having been betrayed by somebody, I figured that was it. I did not see the ending coming. When one of his friends finds out he is actually a Red and betrays him? And Ares truly dies and we see his head in a box? Blindsided. Completely and utterly blindsided.

Really wetted my appetite for the final book to see how he survives and what his goals become with Ares dead. Highly recommended.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Crimson Campaign (Powder Mage #2)

The Crimson Campaign  - Brian  McClellan This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at Bookstooge.booklikes.blogspot. & Bookstooge's Reviews on the Road Facebook Group by Bookstooge's Exalted Permission.
Title: The Crimson Campaign
Series: Powder Mage
Author: Brian McClellan
Rating: 4 of 5 Stars
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 628
Format: Kindle digital edition

Synopsis: Spoilers Ahead

Tamas is trapped behind enemy lines and must make his way back, all the while dodging the enemy and not knowing of Taniel is alive or not.
Adramat is desperately trying to find his missing wife and son. In the process, he uncovers an elite academy graduate who is wreaking havoc in Adopest. He must rescue one of the former Cabal, the only one powerful enough to face the graduate.
Taniel is on the front lines. But there is a traitor among the generals and that traitor wants Taniel dead. And Kresimir isn't dead.
And now he's not only pissed, but he's probably insane from the bullet in his head.

Good times for everyone.

My Thoughts:

While I enjoyed the first book, it has taken me over 2 years to work up the "oomph" to actually go through the trouble to borrow the next 2. This is flintlock fantasy, and as such, it is grim, dirty and violent. And just like the first book, it is excellently written.

I have to admit, I had a hard time dealing with the 3 different viewpoints of men all having lots of T's, D's and A's in their name. I found myself having to concentrate to make sure I knew who I was reading about.

I'd like to say more, but honestly, the same apathy that I felt after the first book is still in place. I liked the story, the writing was good, but it just didn't do it for me. I suspect that I'll feel the same about the next and final book, no matter how good it is.