Monday, April 29, 2019

Under My Heel (Kurtherian Gambit #6) ★★★☆½

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Title: Under My Heel
Series: Kurtherian Gambit #6
Author: Michael Anderle
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: SF
Pages: 306
Format: Digital Edition


BA and Michael and the rest of the Queen Bitch's Guard must take down the Forsaken so that they can begin dealing with the potential threat from space. At the same time the military has begun sniffing around the AI project. BA is going to have to accelerate her plans in acquiring a secure military base where she can move the AI and begin producing prototype starships.

The remaining son of Michael, the most powerful of the Forsaken, sets a trap for the Guard and eventually BA herself. BA and her crew get to test themselves against a whole host of nosferatu and have a test run of their new attack ships.

Of course BA and Co are successful, in just about all their endeavors. The ambush is unsuccessful, the military base is procured, the prototype ships a success and the AI is moved into the Ether and begins learning with TOM as a (rather unsuccessful) gatekeeper.

My Thoughts:

The profanity is just stupid. It's not amusing, it's not actually profane, it's just an ignorant stringing together of as many curse words as possible. It felt like a teenager trying to show how tough he was by saying everything he knows he's not supposed to.

I had fun reading this even while knowing the outcome. BA is just so powerful. But that is ok because I'm not reading these for dramatic tension but for butt kicking action, which is delivered in spades.

Sorry, I just don't feel like writing and I really don't have anything else to say. These are popcorn books. So if you like that, great. If you want epic fantasy or {L}iterature, then this won't do it for you. It really is that simple.


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