Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Ring for Jeeves (The Jeeves Omnibus #3.1) ★★★☆½

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Title: Ring for Jeeves
Series: The Jeeves Omnibus #3.1
Author: P.G. Wodehouse
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Humor
Pages: 256
Format: Digital Edition


In this novel, Bertie Wooster has gone to school to learn to take care of himself and so Jeeves is on loan to another useless lump of English Aristocracy. Unfortunately for this lump, he's not rich like Bertie so his life is a bit harder. He wishes to marry the local veterinarian but without the funds, well....

Jeeves suggests he become a bookie and between the 2 of them, they start bringing in the money. Until the Lump (as I shall be calling him from here on out) goes against Jeeves' advice and covers a bet. The horse wins and suddenly the Lump owes an african hunter 3000 pounds, plus some odd change. At the same time the Lump's ancestral house is falling to pieces and the only way to save it is to sell it. Hopefully to a rich american widow. Unfortunately for the Lump, the Great White Hunter chases him and Jeeves and tracks him down to his ancestral home. Where it turns out the rich american widow is someone he knows and has loved.

Hijinks ensue, Jeeves gives advice and the Great White Hunter and the Widow marry, the Widow buys the house and ships it to America and the Lump now has the money to marry the Vetinarian. And Jeeves gets a call that Bertie has been kicked out of the school for hiring an old woman on the sly to do his darning of socks for him.

My Thoughts:

While this was amusing, Lumpy Aristocrat was no Bertie Wooster. And Jeeves taking an active part in the proceedings seemed a bit out of character for him. Wearing a fake mustache and hoofing it with a fiver when Lumpy welshes on the bet, well, it just didn't seem like Jeeves.

Lumpy was useless. Bertie isn't useless because he has money but Lumpy? That guy needs to be cut out of the gene pool. Makes me wonder how long before this starts happening to the nouveau rich here in America in this day and age.

I breezed through this and while I wouldn't recommend skipping it if you're reading the omnibus editions, I certainly wouldn't recommend seeking it out just on its own.


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