Monday, July 01, 2019

[Manga Monday] Epilogue II (Shaman King #21) ★★★☆½

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Title: Epilogue II
Series: Shaman King #21
Author: Hiroyuki Takei
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Manga
Pages: 192
Format: Digital Copy


Manta, Ryu and Tokagero arrive at the abandoned mansion where the X-Laws are reviving Ren. Ren is a spirit and doesn't want to be revived since he knows it will mean Yoh has to drop out of the Shaman Fight but he can't communicate with anyone, not even his spirit ally Bason. Lady Jeane revives him. He has a huge increase in mana ability so when Marco and his Angel spirit attack hims, he simply dodges out of the way.

Horohoro and Joco are walking along the beach trying to figure out what they're going to do, as they don't know Ren is back. They come across minions of Hao harassing some defeated shamans. Horohoro steps in even though there is no way he can materially affect the fight. At the same time his father and little sister appear and are watching to see what Horohoro does. Horohoro's dad leaves and Hao's minions try to stop him. Even though his mana is much lower than theirs, he flattens them with one punch and leaves. This gives Horohoro hope and he starts a fight with a Lego Man (no joke). He wins using his brains and ingenuity instead of straight up brawn. Lyserg shows up and defeats the final minion and brings Horohoro back to Yoh.

Another minion of Hao tracks them down and attacks them. Yoh has important news to tell the group so he designates Ryu to fight the minions while the rest of them simply leave. One of the minions falls to his death and his partner is all “eh, whatever”. That pisses Ryu off so he decides to stay and finish the fight instead of just delaying them.

My Thoughts:

Interesting tidbit that death and resurrection increase mana ability exponentially. Not the way I'd choose to get more powerful though!

The fighting is back and I'm glad for it. However, with all of these fights taking place outside of sanctioned Shaman Fights it just further cements the fact that the Patch are a corrupt bunch of scumbags. Or they're playing a long game that we the audience aren't aware of.

It is also obvious that Yoh has a plan even with him being out of the official Shaman Fight. I guess I'll find out what it is next volume.


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