Friday, February 26, 2021

One Killer Force (Delta Force #4) ★★☆☆☆


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Title: One Killer Force
Series: Delta Force #4
Author: Dalton Fury
Rating: 2 of 5 Stars
Genre: Action/Adventure
Pages: 301
Words: 107K



Still recovering from his near fatal wounds suffered at the Yellow Creek Nuclear Plant, Delta Force Commander, Major Kolt "Racer" Raynor, is thrust into a new battle with some of the toughest killers he's ever faced - US Navy SEALs. Government austerity measures have the Joint Chiefs of Staff contemplating the unthinkable - combining Delta Force and the SEALs into a single unit: One Killer Force. In this installment of Dalton Fury's Delta Force series, Kolt's career is in jeopardy and worst of all, the final say rests in the hands of men who have reasons to want to see Kolt gone.

Recovered from her own wounds, Cindy "Hawk" Bird is closing in on becoming the first official female operator in the history of the US military...She only has to survive an insertion into the most repressive regime on earth.

Meanwhile, a new terrorist threat looms on the horizon in the form of not one, but possibly two mushroom clouds. Kolt earns his call sign as the action has him racing to the world's hottest combat zones from Syria to Ukraine on hunter-killer missions to eliminate the terrorists before they can enact their deadly mission.

Half a world away, a spy deep in the secretive North Korean regime sends a desperate call for help. A new danger to world peace and security is growing in the heart of the increasingly unstable Communist country and no amount of sanctions or political negotiations are going to stop it. Violently applied force is needed, and needed now before it's too late.

My Thoughts:

In my Currently Reading post about this book I stated I wouldn't be continuing the series even if the book ended up being much better. Well, it wasn't much better, hence the 2 stars. Plus, I found out the author died back in '16 and there was only 1 more book anyway, so I'm sitting pretty.

This was as much about the political side of the military as it was about killing the bad guys. Reading about “Points” (“appointed” military people) always annoys me and the whole “Git da wimminz in'ta Delter” was just more than I wanted to deal with.

Overall, this series has left a very “bleh” taste in my mouth. I didn't particularly hate it, but neither did I truly enjoy it. It felt, and I suspect it was meant to be, very “true to reality”. That is what the radio and tv are for, for me.

At least now I can go to my Calibre library and pick the next reading selection to replace this. At least that process is always enjoyable.


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