Saturday, June 08, 2024

Book of Cthulhu II (Cthulhu Anthology #18) 3.5Stars


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Title: Book of Cthulhu II
Series: Cthulhu Anthology #18
Editor: Ross Lockhart
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Cosmic Horror
Pages: 515
Words: 184K

Not nearly as many repeats as last time. Thoroughly enjoyed this. Still, considering the material, nothing pushed this into 4star territory. After realizing that Cthulhu just doesn’t have re-readability, that really limits how high the rating can actually go. So unless there is something amazing from here on out, 3.5 is pretty much as high as Cthulhu is going to go, no matter how badass he might think he is. He’s dealing with The Bookstooge now. I have my Star Rating System and even Cthulhu has to bow down to my rules.

Iä! Iä! Bookstooge fhtagn!


Table of Contents:

  • ROSS E. LOCKHART : Introduction

  • NEIL GAIMAN : Shoggoth’s Old Peculiar

  • CAITLÍN R. KIERNAN : Nor the Demons Down Under the Sea (1957)

  • JOHN R. FULTZ : This Is How the World Ends

  • PAUL TOBIN : The Drowning at Lake Henpin

  • WILLIAM BROWNING SPENCER : The Ocean and All Its Devices

  • LIVIA LLEWELLYN : Take Your Daughters to Work

  • KIM NEWMAN : The Big Fish

  • CODY GOODFELLOW : Rapture of the Deep

  • A. SCOTT GLANCY : Once More from the Top

  • MOLLY TANZER : The Hour of the Tortoise

  • CHRISTOPHER REYNAGA : I Only Am Escaped Alone to Tell Thee

  • ANN K. SCHWADER : Objects from the Gilman-Waite Collection

  • GORD SELLAR : Of Melei, of Ulthar

  • MARK SAMUELS : A Gentleman from Mexico

  • W. H. PUGMIRE : The Hands that Reek and Smoke

  • MATT WALLACE : Akropolis


  • JONATHAN WOOD : The Nyarlathotep Event

  • STANLEY C. SARGENT : The Black Brat of Dunwich

  • FRITZ LEIBER : The Terror from the Depths

  • ORRIN GREY : Black Hill

  • MICHAEL CHABON : The God of Dark Laughter


  • LAIRD BARRON : Hand of Glory

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