Wednesday, October 05, 2022

The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes #6) ★★★✬☆

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Title: The Hound of the Baskervilles
Series: Sherlock Holmes #6
Author: Arthur Doyle
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Mystery
Pages: 317
Words: 86K



  1. I've never read this although I have read books ABOUT Holmes, usually spin offs or reimaginings. Sounds like this one was okay.

    1. I've always anyone interested in the mystery genre should read Holmes just to see what the foundations of the genre are like. It would be like loving cosmic horror but never having read Lovecraft.

      On a side note (and if you don't reply, don't worry), how do you handle the blogs you follow? Do you use the blogger reading list or some other rss feeder? WP just changed things yet again and I'm about ready to call it quits. I'm trying to find viable options though.

    2. True. Interestinhgly enough, I've been seeing some Holmes/ Lovecraft overlap lately and it makes me curious. For example, James Lovegrove has a series where Holmes investugates Cthulhu shenanigans. I read the first one.

      You know, honestly I just go around and hit blogs I like, which is totally random and just me. I have Bloglovin and used to use it a bit, and I still get a weekly notification (sometimes) but a lot of people are saying Bloglovin is like defunct. So I just try to hit the blogs I like at least once a week or whatever and to visit people who've commented to me?

    3. Yeah, a couple of people who I follow have read Lovegrove and some graphic novels and enjoyed them, but for some reason that overlap just doesn't appeal to me.

      Thanks. I'm trying to avoid having to go that route myself but it might just happen that way, sigh...
