Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Hobbit (The Lord of the Rings Prequel) ★★★★★

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Title: The Hobbit
Series: The Lord of the Rings Prequel
Author: J.R.R. Tolkien
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 235
Format: Digital Edition


Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit. Who ends up with a wizard and 13 dwarves for dinner. And somehow gets finagled into going on an adventure to recover the dwarves lost treasure, that is guarded by the dragon Smaug.

Along the way Bilbo meets elves, runs away from goblins, plays a riddle game in the dark with Gollum for his life, finds a ring of invisibility, flies on eagles' wings, fights giant spiders and is almost eaten by 3 trolls.

Eventually he and the dwarves reach the Lonely Mountain and Laketown. They rouse the dragon and Bard of Laketown kills Smaug and then elves, humans and dwarves prepare to fight over the treasure. Until a huge goblin army shows up and everybody fights them. The good guys win, the treasure is shared and Bilbo returns home a better, wiser and more eccentric hobbit than ever.

My Thoughts:

What a book. I've read this enough times that nothing is a surprise. And yet... I am still in awe at how Tolkien weaves such a children's tale so as to keep me intrigued, for the umpteenth time.

What do I say? A simple tale of adventure that is the prequel to one of the worlds most renowned fantasy series? A tale of bravery, generosity and kindness overcoming perils, greed and hatred? A stout heart being greater than a dragon? I just don't know what to say beyond the fact that I enjoyed the heck out of this just like I have all the previous times and I don't have any issues with it.

Well, except maybe all the singing. I wouldn't have minded if there hadn't been any singing. In regards to the singing though, the only thing I can say positively about the horrific movie trilogy is that the song by the dwarves in Bilbo's house is absolutely haunting and enchanting. Who knows how long this link will exist, but here's a youtube link:

If only the Silmarillion had been this interesting. Well, at least I've got the rest of the Trilogy to look forward too!


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