Thursday, August 12, 2021

Payback, Part II (Spawn #7) ★★★☆☆


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Title: Payback, Part II
Series: Spawn #7
Author: Todd McFarlane
Rating: 3 of 5 Stars
Genre: Comic
Pages: 25
Words: 1K



Spawn hurries his scavenger mission as US troops burst into the room. Rather than fight them, he teleports away to save their lives.

Re-appering in the alley, a drunk bum helps him and offers him alcohol. When the bum takes off Spawn's mask he's not too surprised by Al's look. Spawn realizes they accept him and don't care about outside appearances. Spawn cries out and experiences a flashback, he can't recall his killer's face but is given hints. He keeps seeing pictures of the grim reaper in his mind. The grim reaper tells him it was a pleasure killing him and he would have done it even if he wasn't getting paid for it. Snapping back to reality, he runs from the alleyway.

Antonio Twistelli asks who OvertKill will work for if Bartino dies.

In Queens, New York, Wanda Blake wakes up screaming, "Stop! Don't kill him!" Terry Fitzgerald comforts her and tells her he'll check Al's files again when she pleads that he was murdered and didn't die in action.

Spawn decides to take on the Mafia. He takes off the cape as it would only get in the way. Unknown to him, the cape follows him as he walks away.

Wanda is curious about when Al visited her in disguise.[1] When she checks at the local pound, she learns that no man matching her description of the man works there. She begins pondering if Terry is in trouble and the man was spying on them.

Spawn breaks into a highrise mob building where he threatens Twistelli. He tells him to deliver a message to Overtkill to meet him in battle at the nearby park.

Overtkill shows up at the park and is quickly destroyed by the ballistics Spawn brought with him.

My Thoughts:

Oh for feth's sake! The comic starts of with Spawn having, and I quote “an AK 830 Rocket Launcher”. FROM A UNITED STATES ARMY BASE!!!!!!! Just in case you don't know why I'm so annoyed, the designation “AK” stands for “Automatic Kalashnikov” and are products of the Soviet Union. Other countries do make AK's, but they are the guns of thugs, drug dealers and other scum. United States army bases would not have something like this on hand, they'd have real guns. I can't tell if McFarlane is being ignorant (which he is) or if he's thumbing his nose at the American Military (also quite possible. Most comic artists are scumbag commie traitors in one form or another).

Last issue Spawn's chains showed some volition and in this issue it's his cape. So his whole costume has power that apparently he's not aware of. We'll have to see how it all works together. Spawn takes on the cyborg Overtkill even though it really feels like he's more of a robot ala Terminator.

I am realizing my biggest issue is that I am expecting these comics to follow the rules of our world. They ostensibly take place in our world, so they should follow the rules, even if supernatural planes of existance are part of it. Spawn toting around 3 guns, each as big as him, while looking wicked cool, is also wicked stupid. If this was in a fantasy setting or another world or something I could probably let things like the guns go, but I just can't.

Right now, Spawn is dicking around with small potatoes while the main roast is burning in the oven. As a reader I'm still waiting for the big picture to be revealed. I'm sure that is being done on purpose by McFarlane, but I don't have to like it. This is going to be the last issue I give a 3star rating too. After this, the books start at 2 and have to impress me to get any higher. I'm done being Mr Nice Guy.


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