Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Rebellion (Omega Force #11) ★★★☆☆


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Title: Rebellion
Series: Omega Force #11
Author: Joshua Dalzelle
Rating: 3 of 5 Stars
Genre: SF
Pages: 232
Words: 80K


Lucky is starting to integrate into his new body but not consistently enough for Burke and the Crew to trust him with important roles on high stakes missions. However, that is taken out of their hands when the ConFed reveals its plans to wipe out the remaining fleet of the Empire it conquored in the previous book.

It's up to Omega Force to put a stop to things and to start a galaxy wide rebellion before the Machine becomes powerful enough to rule unchallenged.

My Thoughts:

This is definitely a junkfood series. It's light, fluffy, doesn't fill you up, tastes good and when you're done you wonder what you ate. And if you eat too much, you get sick. This Omega Force series is a big bag of Cheetos Puffs and 2-3 books is just the right serving. I have a feeling that 2 books is really the recommended Dr Bookstooge serving, but I'll be finding that out next month when I read the 3rd (new to me) book.

But on to this book. My only “real” gripe is Dalzelle's continual pushing of his other current series, The Terran Scout Fleet. It's in this same universe and I “think” the main character is Burke's son (not sure though) and I even understand why Dalzelle is trying to do it, but it just grates on me. Kind of like that guy who coughs “just that way” that annoys you for no apparent reason.

Honestly, describing this series as Cheetos is the best description and I feel no need to elaborate more. But for your edification and continual seeking after Knowledge, I'll include a valuable link only available to everyone who is reading this (so feel very special)

10 Things You Didn't Know About Omege Force Cheetos!


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