Thursday, February 10, 2022

Dragon Killer! ★★★☆☆


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Title: Dragon Killer!
Series: Groo the Wanderer #2
Author: Sergio Aragones
Rating: 3 of 5 Stars
Genre: Comics
Pages: 23
Words: 2K


Groo is about to cut the minstrel's balls off and to save himself, the minstrel says he'll sing Groo's praises instead of mocking him. Groo agrees and they head to another town. The minstrel is singing and they end up getting thrown in jail for singing at the princes's funeral procession. The prince was killed trying to slay the marcosa, a dragon that exacts tribute of gold, food and women. The minstrel realizes this is their ticket out of jail and sings a song about what a great dragon killer Groo is.

Groo heads off to the valley, with a group of soldiers behind him to make sure he doesn't run away. He finds out that the “dragon” is just a device used by an old man who has been tricking the villagers. He offers the reigns of power to Groo but Groo doesn't want to give up fighting. He diverts a small stream into the lava pit and makes the volcano erupt, inundating the town with lava and destroying it completely.

But no more dragon!

My Thoughts:

There is another two page spread that once again looks like a Where's Waldo page and I wonder if that will be the modus operandi from here on out. I hope so, because it is pretty fun to look at :-)

I had to laugh at the first page because Dix had asked me what I thought Groo was going to do to the minstrel in the first volume. I never would have guessed he was going to do “that” to him. I'd rather be hung, thankyou very much! However, as it provided incentive for the minstrel to be the voice of Groo, it turned out ok. For us the readers anyway.

I actually found the cover to be the most interesting part of this issue. It is hard to see in the little one provided, but Groo is sneaking up on the dragon's tail with his sword drawn, probably thinking it is a big snake, while the dragon looks on with a rather annoyed expression. It really typifies Groo, hahahahaa. You know what, here's a full size pix. Click to see it in a new tab.


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