Thursday, February 24, 2022

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 ★★★✬☆


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Title: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2
Authors: Peter Laird & Kevin Eastman
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Comics
Pages: 42
Words: 3K


Dr Baxter and his assistant April have created robotic mousers to help with the city's rodent problem. Baxter goes nutso and decides to use the mousers to rob banks and eventually hold the entire city hostage. When April refuses to join him, he dumps her into the sewers and sends some mousers after her.

She encounters the turtles and they all head back to the secret lab to put Dr. Baxter out of business. Baxter initiates a fail safe where all the mousers will come back to the lab and eat everything within it. With only moments left, April and Donatello figure out a way to shutdown the power and stop the mousers.

My Thoughts:

This was a great little Mad Scientist story. We're also introduced to April O'Neil who I know is part of the Crew in later stories. Whether Eastman and Laird created her with that in mind or as a one off isn't apparent here but the fact that she now knows all about the turtles and didn't die is probably a good indicator that they had plans for her from the get-go.

This issue had much higher resolution pictures making up the cbr file, so it was a much better visual read. Of course, it still looks like the creators used nothing but Number 2 pencils to draw this. I guess I am pretty spoiled by either more modern comics (Bone) or higher quality ones (Asterix). Of course, I think budget had more to do with it than anything. Akira was being published at this time and that artwork isn't anything near as rough as this.

The main reason I bumped this up a half star from the previous issue is because with the introduction of April I was expecting some heavy fan-servicey shots; which never appeared. While Eastman & Laird's skill as artists is still in the budding stage, it doesn't take much to turn a woman into a sex fantasy and they chose not to go that route. It was nice to not to have to deal with that kind of thing.


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