Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine (May 2012) 3Stars


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Title: Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine
Series: May 2012
Editor: Linda Landrigan
Rating: 3 of 5 Stars
Genre: Crime Fiction
Pages: 115
Words: 41K

Having finished up the collections of old Hitchcock anthologies that I had on hand, I found a couple of the “new” Mystery Magazines and decided to try them out. This was touted (on the cover) as the “humor issue” and I’m afraid the writers took that to mean “light and whimsical” instead of as funny.

The stories themselves barely passed muster and if I’d had to read a whole book, instead of a magazine, of them, I think I can safely say this would have gotten 2.5stars. These were the kind of stories that get salted between good stories in the old collections; that way you didn’t notice their mediocrity as much. You just forgot about them. But here, all you had was mediocre and so while I have already forgotten them, I can’t collectively forget them.

I have several issues of this magazine to try out. What does give me hope is that you can still get subscriptions (paper or digital) to AHMM, so they must have done something correct to keep on going this long. I just hope I find out what, because this issue was not very good.

What I am afraid of is that people are so undiscriminating in their reading tastes that anything with Hitchcock’s name will draw them in and they will accept any old sock as a “good story” when it really isn’t.

I’m just being really negative right now though. So here’s to a brighter future in later issues!


Table of Contents:

  • Department: EDITOR'S NOTE: UNEXPECTED by Linda Landrigan

  • Department: THE LINEUP

  • Fiction: SHANKS COMMENCES by Robert Lopresti

  • Fiction: LEWIS AND CLARK by John M. Floyd

  • Fiction: SPRING BREAK by R.T. Lawton


  • Fiction: WIND POWER by Eve Fisher

  • Department: BOOKED & PRINTED by Robert C. Hahn

  • Fiction: FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY by Ron Goulart

  • Fiction: FASHIONED FOR MURDER by Shauna Washington

  • Fiction: MR. CROCKETT AND THE BEAR by Evan Lewis

  • Fiction: CARRY-ON by Wayne J. Gardiner

  • Department: THE STORY THAT WON

  • Department: COMING IN JUNE 2012


2024, Alfred Hitchcock, crime fiction, short story collection, ahmm,

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