Raw Data:
Novels – 17 ↑
Short Stories – 1 ↑
Manga/Graphic Novels – 0 –
Comics – 1 –
Average Rating – 3.29 ↓
Pages – 3846 ↑
Words – 1333 ↑
The Bad:
False Flag – 1.5stars of fake “american”, sigh
Mostly Harmless – 1star of complete and utter pointlessness
The Good:
Monster Hunter Alpha – 5stars of the ultimate Werewolf fight
My Grave Ritual – 4.5stars of Warlock Holmes
Sakura Fight, the next several episodes in the Cardcaptor Sakura anime, went down like silk.
Miscellaneous Posts:
- 8 Journals or My Week XI
- Firebreathing – MTG 4E
- The Blog Tag
- [Art] Lady of the Fall or My Week XII
- The Great Pumpkin Saves the Town or Pumpkin Festival 2024!
- Fire Elemental – MTG 4E
- [Journal] Renoir, Letter to Morisot or My Week XIII
- Fissure – MTG 4E
- 11 Years or My Week XIV
- Flashfire – MTG 4E
What a mixed month. Good times at the Pumpkin Festival, bad times with getting needles in the eyes. And everything in between. I rode the rollercoaster of emotions for the full gamut. The month ended on a pretty down note when the volunteer situation I mentioned earlier in one of My Week posts got booted up the ladder to the paid people in charge. They officially endorsed the no youth decision. I didn’t even realize how upset it had made me until I couldn’t sleep. I was awake for close to 40hrs after that happened because I was so stressed out. Thankfully, I’ve been purposefully letting it go and praying that my attitude stays right. But boy, 40hrs without sleep took a long time to recover from. I guess I’m not 30 any more.
On the reading side, I managed to bag a total of 19. That pushes me over the 150mark for the year, which is always my unofficial goal. So now I’m coasting for the rest of the year, which is always a good feeling to have, as life seems to get especially busy from now until New Years.
Cover Love:
Lallia, the next book in the Dumarest series. Chickie-boo dies, just so you know.
Plans for Next Month:
Got a serious Hate Read going for Neuromancer. That is so I can participate in Scifi Month. Oh, the Hate will be strong in this one! I guarantee that with every iota of my being.
Blogging will probably be lighter, quite a bit lighter in fact. I just got the wind knocked out of me in October and I know that kind of thing always plays havoc with my desire and ability to churn out the posts.
I am going into work early today and looking at a 10hr+ day. So I don’t know when I’ll be able to respond to comments. Just making sure you know I’m not ignoring your comments.