Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Champagne for One (Nero Wolfe #31) 3.5Stars

This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress & Blogspot by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission

Title: Champagne for One
Series: Nero Wolfe #31
Author: Rex Stout
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Mystery
Pages: 155
Words: 59K

I enjoyed reading this, but at the same time, it felt really, really, REALLY sameold/sameold.

I also had a serious problem with who was murdered and why, once it was all revealed. I could understand the Murderess and why she wanted to kill, but why did she go after her late husband’s illegitimate daughter instead of against the woman who he allegedly knocked up? It’s like blaming the cake for being burned instead of blaming the chef who forgot to set the timer.

And for the first time, Archie annoyed me. I get that he and Wolfe have a complicated relationship where they trust each other yet get on each other’s nerves, but that’s no reason for Archie to act like a total child because Wolfe won’t let him take part in another part of the case. He really gets petulant this time around. I don’t know why it bothered me so much this time around, but it did.

All the elements of a good Wolfe mystery were here and like I said at the beginning, I enjoyed this. I just didn’t enjoy it as much as I could have.


From Wikipedia

Synopsis – click to open

Archie Goodwin receives a phone call from an acquaintance, Austin “Dinky” Byne, asking for a favour. Byne routinely acts as a chaperone for an annual dinner hosted by his aunt, Louise Grantham Robilotti, which is given in honour of four young unwed mothers living at Grantham House, a charity supported by her late husband. Byne claims to have a cold and is unable to attend; although skeptical, Archie agrees to stand in for him, despite Mrs. Robilotti’s being a former client of Nero Wolfe’s who bears him a personal dislike. During the dinner, Archie learns from one of the unwed mothers that another, Faith Usher, has a bottle of cyanide in her purse; Faith has been suffering from depression, and her friend fears that she might attempt suicide. Archie promises to watch over her, but towards the end of the evening Faith collapses and dies from cyanide poisoning after drinking a glass of champagne.

Alone of the guests, Archie maintains that Faith Usher did not commit suicide, claiming that he observed her constantly throughout the evening and that she never had an opportunity to pour the cyanide from her bottle into her glass. Although the authorities and the other guests pressure Archie into changing his story, Nero Wolfe believes him and decides to settle the matter by solving the case himself. He is given further incentive to do so when Edwin Laidlaw, another of the chaperones, approaches him to hire his services; Laidlaw is the father of Faith Usher’s child after a brief affair they had the previous year and, ashamed of his conduct, is desperate that his secret is not revealed.

Although Wolfe’s investigation begins unpromisingly, he becomes convinced that his suspicions are correct when the police receive an anonymous tip revealing Laidlaw’s secret. Although the police are skeptical due to the tip’s anonymous nature, it suggests to Wolfe that someone else knows Laidlaw’s secret and has become agitated by the ongoing investigation. His investigations begin to focus on both Faith Usher’s estranged mother Elaine, herself an unwed mother, and Dinky Byne, whose false reasons for canceling on the party look increasingly suspect given the events. He assigns Saul Panzer and Archie to investigate the two respectively, leading to a break in the case when both Archie and Saul tail their respective targets to the same location: a nightclub where Elaine Usher and Dinky Byne are meeting with each other.

When confronted by Wolfe, both Byne and Elaine Usher attempt to lie their way out of the situation, but their stories are inconsistent. Byne admits that he knew that Laidlaw was the father of Faith Usher’s child, and claims that he had them both invited to the dinner without their knowledge as a spiteful prank. During their conversation, however, Orrie Cather infiltrates Byne’s apartment and discovers a letter revealing that Mrs. Robilotti’s deceased first husband, Albert Grantham, was the father of Faith Usher. This, coupled with some unwittingly suggestive comments from Byne, leads Wolfe to identify the murderer.

Summoning the guests to his office, he has them reenact the circumstances under which Faith Usher received the poisoned champagne multiple times. This demonstrates that Mrs. Robilotti’s son Cecil, who gave Faith the poisoned champagne, had a routine way of handing over a glass that someone who knew his habits would be able to predict. He accuses Mrs. Robilotti of poisoning Faith Usher; Byne was blackmailing her with the knowledge that her former husband was Faith’s father and invited Faith to the dinner as a threat. Mrs. Robilotti murdered Faith to conceal the secret and out of resentment over her husband’s affair and, learning that she was in the habit of carrying cyanide, acquired some from another source to make it look like a suicide. Archie is vindicated, and Mrs. Robilotti is taken into custody.

Monday, September 02, 2024

Feedback - MTG 4E

I think every SFF fan of the time knew what magical feedback was. It was a staple in our stories after all. Might even be a staple today, but I rather doubt it. Feedback relies on rationally thinking out your magic system instead of just throwing stuff on the wall and saying “magic!”

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Cthulhu Resurgent (Cthulhu: Harrison Peel #2) 2.5Stars

This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress, Blogspot, & Librarything by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission

Title: Cthulhu Resurgent
Series: Cthulhu: Harrison Peel #2
Editor: David Conyers
Rating: 2.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Short Story Collection
Pages: 262
Words: 108K

This is where I get off the Harrison Peel train. Once again, he goes through some mind breaking experiences (his fiance is killed in front of his eyes by a shoggoth masquerading as a human) and while not shrugging it off, pretty much does shrug it off. He should have been left a mindless, gibbering wreck. Instead, he just soldiers on. Usually, that’s what I want. But as I discussed in the review for the first book (Cthulhu Reloaded), that is NOT what I want, or any true fan wants, when it comes to Cosmic Horror. Conyers continues to snub his nose at convention, so I say “phooiey” to him!

Not a very good start to my reading month, now is it?


Table of Contents & From the Publisher:

Click to Open
  • “The Spiraling Worm” (2007) (by David Conyers and John Sunseri)
  • “The Road to Afghanistan” (2013)
  • “The Eye of Infinity” (2014)
  • “The Temporal Deception” (2015) (by David Conyers and C. J. Henderson)
  • “The Gravity Museum” (2021)

Humans are a mistake. The laws of physics prove it.

Army intelligence officer Major Harrison Peel has spent a lifetime fighting eldritch horrors, constantly clawing through the veil of reality ready to annihilate our world. But how do you win the war when these alien gods — and not terrestrial life — are the true nature of reality? In Antarctica, a new threat emerges. Shape-shifting aliens called Shoggoths that can mimic people and integrate into human society, who are manipulating us from within. Then Peel discovers their true intensions… If Peel can’t defeat these Shoggoths abominations, they won’t just destroy us, but enslave humanity into a billion years of servitude…

Saturday, August 31, 2024

August '24 Roundup & Ramblings

Raw Data:

Novels – 13 –

Short Stories – 0 –

Manga/Graphic Novels – 0 –

Comics – 1 –

Average Rating 3.21 ↓

Pages – 3303 ↓

Words – 1076K ↓

The Bad:

Dragon’s Den – 2stars that finally sunk the series for me

Last Contact – 2.5Stars of Star Wars dying for me, all over again 🙁

The Good:

Lady Susan – 4Stars of epistolary fun

The Hell-Hound of the Baskervilles – 4.5Stars of Warlock Holmes amusing me greatly


Everlasting Memories, the second dvd of the Cardcaptor Sakura anime series. As sweet as ever.

Miscellaneous Posts:


Ahhh, you know, I really like doing those My Week posts. Cuts down on trying to remember everything and regurgitate it in one paragraph!

Our washer has started leaking. Going to be finding out if it is a fixable leak or if it means we’ll need to buy a whole new one. That’s going to be expensive. I guess that red Porsche I was eyeing is going to have to wait another year.

From a reading perspective things started out bad. Three sub 3star books in a row made me feel like it was the worst reading month ever. I felt that way the whole month even though I had a whole bunch of decent books. It wasn’t until the end when I read Warlock Holmes that I felt like things had turned around. This is exactly why I don’t trust my feelings and put out the hard numbers each month. Keeps me grounded in reality.

Cover Love:

The Infinite and the Divine, a Warhammer 40K: Necrons novel. I had several choices this month, but this just appeals to me.

Plans for Next Month:

Guess what? I actually DO have something different for September that I can tell you about. Whooowhee!

Mrs B and I will be visiting family from the 11th to the 16th. I’ll be posting my Annual 9/11 Post but will have comments turned off and then there won’t be any more posts until we come back. I’m sure I’ll still be around to visit you all, but the blog will not be active for those 5 days. I’ll get a post up on the following Friday about the whole time.

On a scheduling note. I usually schedule my posts for 5am, Eastern Standard Time, which is -5 GMT. Starting tomorrow, I’ll be changing that to 6am. Not a big change, but I am experimenting with some small things to see if it can help with some larger issues.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Book Haul of Misery II

(Please read Book Haul of Misery I if you haven’t already, to get the background on my journey to hell and back.)

Well Stranger, you decided to come back, did you? I’m not sure if that qualifies you as very brave, or very foolish. Maybe you’re a mix of both and Fate brought you to my camp fire so as I could beat the foolish right out of you with this here bag of fritos chips. But either way, let me continue my tale fraught with woe and misery.

Opened August 29th, 2024

After having received the first book, Hard Magic in 2019, hopes were running high that the following two books would quickly arrive too. Unfortunately, as we all know, covid hit in 2020. Coupled with a paper shortage, things were delayed. If you read the comments section at Vault Books, you can chart our dissatisfaction as the months and then years rolled by.


Children were born and grew up into toddlers. Old people died. Matrix Resurrections was released and promptly forgotten. Dune, Part I was released and gave hope to millions of Dune fans around the world. I discovered the talented Angelina Ross. I was no longer a callow youth in my 30’s. The world as we knew it in 2019 no longer existed.

Now remember Stranger, during these four long, arduous years, there were no updates of any kind from Vault Books. Every tiny bit of info that was gleaned was pulled, like a rotten tooth, from the unwilling mouth of Lord Larry himself. I now know what a nagging wife feels like. It is a horrible feeling and it was a horrible experience.

And then, a miracle occurred.

Hallelujah and Amen! Spellbound was in the house in February 2023!

Spellbound dustcover
Spellbound actual cover
#98 – Because I’m just that special

Covid was over. Alternate printers, the original printers had gone out of business (supposedly), were found. Trees were chopped down like grass and paper was no longer in short supply. We all expected that in 6 more months, we would have the final book in our hands. The End was in sight.

Or. So. We. Thought.

Wut?! That pesky work calling you again Stranger? You should quit that boring job and become a land surveyor like me. Fresh air. Sharp machetes. No busybody managers micromanaging your every move. You don’t like the cold and the heat you say? You pansy. Get out of here. But be sure to come back next week when I’ll make you cry buckets with the final tale of woe of this most Miserable Journey Ever. I do suggest you bring your own fire though, I don’t share with pansies…

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Yakov Pasinkov (The Russians) 3.5Stars

This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress & Blogspot by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission

Title: Yakov Pasinkov
Series: (The Russians)
Author: Ivan Turgenev
Translator: Garnett
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Classic
Pages: 64
Words: 17K

There was a quote that sums up Russian Literature exquisitely:

I felt very miserable, wretched and miserable beyond description. In twenty-four hours two such cruel blows! I had learned that Sophia loved another man, and I had for ever forfeited her respect. I felt myself so utterly annihilated and disgraced that I could not even feel indignant with myself. Lying on the sofa with my face turned to the wall, I was revelling in the first rush of despairing misery
~bolding is mine

Reveling (I believe the double “L” in the quote is the old timey way of spelling it) in despairing misery. Do you understand that? If you don’t, or can’t, then Russian works are probably not for you. However, I CAN UNDERSTAND IT PERFECTLY! Which is why I enjoy Russian novels and novella’s so much. Even ones that have no real plot and are just ramblings about various character studies.

I was pretty pissed off that I couldn’t find a bleeping summary of this novella online. Not even that ***** liberal activist hotbed of partisanship and censorship, Wikipedia, had a separate article on this. It was just lumped in under “Works of Turgenev”. Now how lazy is that? Aren’t there any REAL Turgenev fans out there? Don’t they CARE that this novella doesn’t have its own article, that it doesn’t have an indepth summary or a bunch of blather by some idiot cramming in “meaning” from his mouth and *ss? I felt truly ashamed for anybody who claimed to be a Fan of Turgenev because they were THAT lazy. Shame on all five of them! If I ever come across them, I shall not even look at them or meet their eye.

Thankfully, I’m not a totally lazy git. Just a mostly lazy git. So I wrote a flaming synopsis, all on my own. Like a GOOD reviewer would do. In fact, I will lay claim to being one of the world’s best book reviewers, EVER, because of this masterful accomplishment. And it’s all thanks to my love of reveling in despair and misery. So there.

The End.


From Bookstooge.blog

Synopsis – You Know You Want to Read It!

An unnamed narrator relates his various interactions with the titular Yakov Pasinkov and various figures related to the narrator and to Pasinkov. Our narrator met Pasinkov at school, and become his mentee. They separated after school, met again years later in St Petersburg where Pasinkov smoothed over an issue for our Narrator with a young woman who the narrator was in love, as was Pasinkov. Then they separate for years again and our Narrator meets Pasinkov on his death bed, where he learns of Pasinkov’s love of the aforementioned young woman, who has since married and had a daughter. Our Narrator meets her, relates Pasinkov’s death and the woman reveals how her sister had been in love with Pasinkov. And some letters of Pasinkov reveal how he was loved by yet another peasant woman. So everybody loved somebody who didn’t love them and everybody was miserable or died, or both. The End.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Jester at Scar (Dumarest #5) 3.5Stars

This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress & Blogspot by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission

Title: The Jester at Scar
Series: Dumarest #5
Author: EC Tubb
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: SF
Pages: 176
Words: 54K

This felt extremely short, even though it was longer than the previous book, Kalin. Earl has his little adventure on Scar, the mold harvesting planet (yeah, it’s just disgusting) and then has the chance to go be a rich son of a gun on some no-name world and flips a coin. The coin goes against that choice, and the book ends. BAM. I was totally expecting him to go to the other world and have continuing adventures there in this book.

On the plus side, no naked ladies on the book cover. Or in the book either. The lady portrayed is the wife of the said Jester and she’s a snotty nosed blueblood who begins to learn that taking care of your people is what is important, not just ruling over them. That theme was done a bit heavy handed, but I had a bottle of bbq sauce on hand, so I swallowed the morality lesson without too much problem.

By this point, if I was Earl Dumarest, I’d give up on finding Earth and I’d go to war against the Cyclans. Every book they have either tried to kill him, have him killed or spiked his plans for finding Earth in one way or another. I’d try to find their secret homeworld and nuke their sicko little world of brain boxes into nothing. Given his success rate of staying alive on planets that just want to kill you, I think his chances would be pretty good. John Wick In Space!

Going to end with some more cover love. This series has some great art and I am just loving it. While I know they won’t last for the whole series, I am trying to enjoy each one as it comes along. Live in the moment as it were.

Should be Embiggenable


From Wikipedia.org

Synopsis – Click to Open

Dumarest finds himself on a planet with an economy based on transient labor harvesting spores of fungi valuable for different properties, which grow abundantly on a planet with rapid seasons. He must survive the natural hazards of the monsoon season, and prepare for the hazards of the harvest as many of the fungi are dangerous to lethal. Ultimately he is given a task, by the “Jester”, that wins him freedom but costs him the fruits of his labor. He also confronts a Cyclan because they have become nemeses by this point in the saga. Dumarest’s red ring is mentioned repeatedly in this novel.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Hell-Hound of the Baskervilles (Warlock Holmes #2) 4.5Stars

This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress & Blogspot by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission

Title: The Hell-Hound of the Baskervilles
Series: Warlock Holmes #2
Author: Gabriel Denning
Rating: 4.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Fantasy Parody
Pages: 251
Words: 91K

In the previous book, A Study in Brimstone, the book ends with Moriarty having possessed Holmes’ body and about to send a fireball at Watson to kill him. This book starts after that point.

Watson knew something was off with Holmes, so he poisoned his tea, shot him in the chest 4 or 6 times and then kicked the fireball back into his face, thus effectively killing Holmes’ body and hopefully displacing Moriarty. Now Watson, not sure that Holmes is actually dead, has to keep the corpse a secret while filling the place with fresh flowers every day to hide the smell of rotting corpse.

Thankfully, a case comes along that Watson can solve on his own AND has the side effect of bringing Holmes fully back to life, just not of restoring his body though. So for the whole book Holmes is in a state of corpsicle’ness that is very slowly healing. Great stuff!

Once again, familiarity with the Sherlock Holmes canon of stories will make for a fuller, richer and more enjoyable read, mainly because you’ll get just how the author is japing at the originals. Making fun of something is much more satisfying if you know WHAT is being made fun of after all.

The humor is once again right up my alley. In the second story, “Silver Blaze: Murder Horse”, Holmes is trying to get addicted to gambling so he’ll have another connection to the common man. Of course, the horse he bets on goes missing and he has to solve the case or else he can’t get addicted to gambling. In the process, he magically teraports in several dead horse corpses to the flat. I was laughing my head off and my stomach hurt. It was fantastic!

The first four stories were short stories and just like the real canon, The Hell-Hound of the Baskervilles is a novella, so it takes up the majority of the book. We find out a lot about Warlock Holmes’ origins and I must admit, the humor just wasn’t there. It was a very grim story and while Denning did try to lighten things up (Foofy the Hell-hound anyone?), there just wasn’t that bust a gut laughing experience I was hoping for. And the ending is yet another “Oh no, what have I done?” kind of thing as Watson realizes that maybe Moriarty isn’t actually gone.

I really enjoyed this and tore through it in two evenings. If rotting corpses and horse corpsicles don’t make you laugh though, you might want to avoid this series.


From the Publisher & Table of Contents

Click to Open
  • The adventure of the blackened beryls
  • Silver Blaze: murder horse
  • The reigateway to another world
  • The adventure of the solitary tricyclist
  • The hell-hound of the Baskervilles

The game’s afoot once more as Holmes and Watson face off against Moriarty’s gang, the Pinkertons, flesh-eating horses, a parliament of imps, boredom, Surrey, a disappointing butler demon, a succubus, a wicked lord, an overly-Canadian lord, a tricycle-fight to the death and the dreaded Pumpcrow. Oh, and a hell hound, one assumes.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Fear - MTG 4E

With all those skulls, that is Where Angels Fear to Tread.
ba dum tish! Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all week….
….and that’s a threat you should Fear!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Book Recommendations II

Please read the Intro Post if you haven’t already. It explains pretty much everything (except how to use your microwave. Nobody can explain that!) Given how many responses I got from the Get-Go, my plans to collect responses over several months fell by the wayside. I’m able to start right away! That makes me pretty happy.

Recommendations & Responses

Beaton recommended Murtagh by Christopher Paolini. Now, I have read the previous books in the Inheritance Cycle, but I’d rather cut out my eyeballs with a pickle than read another book by Paolini. But just to be clear, in case you missed that subtle context, that is a N-O-.

Snapdragon recommended Merlin: The Lost Years. She was upfront that it was Young Adult. So I gave it an extra 5 seconds of thought but decided that I just wasn’t up to facing YA at this point in my life. So no-go.

Lashaan recommended the comic book Batman/The Shadow: The Murder Geniuses. Given my penchant for reading the ultra-pulpy, ultra-awesome Shadow novels, this was a no brainer. YES!

Chartreuse Flag Hall of Shame

Now we come to the S-A-D part of these Book Recommendations posts. The part where someone has recommended something so egregious, so outlandish, so beyond the pale of good taste and common decency that I am forced to respond with the Nuclear Option. No, not banning them from my blog, but something even worse. I give them the shameful Chartreuse Flag. This flag of infamy will affect future generations and possibly destroy worlds. It’s that bad.

And Jennifer Mugrage has more than earned it. She not only earned it, she brought three shovels, one for each hand and a one for her mouth, to dig her own grave. She had the unmitigated gall to suggest I read a Miss Marple Mystery, knowing how I feel about them. For those who don’t know, Miss Marple is a small town busy body who sticks her nose where it doesn’t belong and solves crimes, without even being a real part of the story. She’s almost as bad as Poirot.

The Most Important Part

Recommend me some more books!!!! Leave a comment with your recommendation of books you think I should respond to. I have the list of all the recommendations so far, so don’t you worry, I’ll be getting to them all eventually. And I had a lot of fun doing this 🙂