Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Death of Ivan Ilyich (The Russians) 3Stars


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Title: The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Series: (The Russians)
Author: Leo Tolstoy
Rating: 3 of 5 Stars
Genre: Classic
Pages: 82
Words: 22K

While I found this engaging and well written (ie, translated), I also had issues with it on multiple levels.

On a literary level, Ilyich is an unpleasant man who becomes even more unpleasant as he sees his death approaching. I did not enjoy reading about him. And as he got sicker and became more and more unpleasant and unbearable, it was not cathartic knowing he was going to die. The story starts AFTER his death and even that was unpleasant as the people he associated with were just as unpleasant as him.

On a spiritual level, I also found this unpleasant. Ivan Ilyich is dying and somehow magically sees God’s Plan and loses all fear of death, or something like that. There wasn’t one mention of Jesus Christ or His death, resurrection and redemption of humanity. This is one ongoing issue I have with old time’y Russians who claim to be Christians. Most of their spiritually is as mystical and unknowable as any pagan religion. This was one of the more egregious examples and it totally rubbed me the wrong way.

Thankfully, at just over 80 pages it didn’t last long. I’m glad I read this but like a lot of these Russian novellas, have no plans to ever re-read it.



Ivan Ilyich lives a carefree life that is "most simple and most ordinary and therefore most terrible." Like everyone he knows, he spends his life climbing the social ladder. Enduring marriage to a woman whom he often finds too demanding, he works his way up to be a magistrate, thanks to the influence he has over a friend who has just been promoted, focusing more on his work as his family life becomes less tolerable.

While hanging curtains for his new home one day, he falls awkwardly and hurts his side. Though he does not think much of it at first, he begins to suffer from a pain in his side. As his discomfort grows, his behavior towards his family becomes more irritable. His wife finally insists that he visit a physician. The physician cannot pinpoint the source of his malady, but soon it becomes clear that his condition is terminal (although no diagnosis is ever stated by the physician.) Confronted with his terminal condition, Ivan attempts every remedy he can to obtain a cure for his worsening situation, until the pain grows so intense that he is forced to cease working and spend the remainder of his days in bed. Here, he is brought face to face with his mortality and realizes that, although he knows of it, he does not truly grasp it.

During the long and painful process of dying, Ivan dwells on the idea that he does not deserve his suffering because he has lived rightly. If he had not lived a good life, there could be a reason for his pain; but he has, so pain and death must be arbitrary and senseless. As he begins to hate his family for avoiding the subject of his death, for pretending he is only sick and not dying, he finds his only comfort in his peasant boy servant, Gerasim, the only person in Ivan's life who does not fear death, and also the only one who, apart from his own son, shows compassion for him. Ivan begins to question whether he has, in fact, lived a good life.

In the final days of his life, Ivan makes a clear split between an artificial life, such as his own, which masks the true meaning of life and makes one fear death, and an authentic life, the life of Gerasim. Authentic life is marked by compassion and sympathy, the artificial life by self-interest. Then "some force" strikes Ivan in the chest and side, and he is brought into the presence of a bright light. His hand falls onto his nearby son's head, and Ivan pities his son. He no longer hates his daughter or wife, but rather feels pity for them, and hopes his death will release them. In so doing, his terror of death leaves him, and as Tolstoy suggests, death itself disappears.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Lallia (Dumarest #6) 3.5Stars


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Title: Lallia
Series: Dumarest #6
Author: EC Tubb
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: SF
Pages: 154
Words: 44K

Dumarest meets another chickie-boo, has some adventures in space, finds an ancient artifact that performs miracles of healing and gets a better idea of where Earth is located. Of course, Chickie-boo dies. I suspect every girl Dumarest meets is going to fall in love with him and then die. Talk about a Black Widower!

These adventures of Earl’s are like mini-adventures. Just enough to keep life interesting but not long enough to call it an adventure steak. It’s like getting one big steak tip, knowing there’s a whole bowlful of them.

So while I’d like gorge myself, Tubb is forcing self-control on me by doling these out one at a time. It’s good for me, so I can only complain so much about it before being forced to admit the justice of it all.


Dumarest is searching for old charts, and takes passage as a cargo handler on a run-down old trading ship. The dynamics of the flawed men forming the crew are well-described. An agent of the Cyclan confronts Dumarest, and indirectly this reveals a secret property of Dumarest's ring. Dumarest is healed by an alien ship or device, which gives him a vision showing where Earth is located.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

My Grave Ritual (Warlock Holmes #3) 4.5Stars


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Title: My Grave Ritual
Series: Warlock Holmes #3
Author: Gabriel Denning
Rating: 4.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Fantasy Parody
Pages: 268
Words: 98K

Once again, another fabulous read.

This time around, I was bowled over at just how Denning took a Sherlock Holmes short story, parodied it AND tied it into a bigger narrative that overarched the entire book. It was impressive, especially when you consider the original short stories about Sherlock Holmes weren’t really tied to each other. Denning did a great job of twisting the original stories and stringing them altogether to make a cohesive whole without making it feel clunky.

In that regards, Dennings really shows his writing chops. I really wish he had other books I could read but sadly, it appears that Warlock Holmes was his only literary endeavor.

I guess I shall have to just savor the final two Warlock Holmes’ books that I have left all the more. That’s not really a bad problem to have if you think about it...


From the Publisher

As they blunder towards doom, Warlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson find themselves inconvenienced by a variety of eldritch beings. Christmas brings a goose that doesn't let being cooked slow it down; they meet an electricity demon, discover why being a redhead is even trickier than one might imagine, and Holmes attempts an Irish accent. And, naturally, Moriarty is hanging around... in some form or other. Just as Holmes and Watson are hitting their stride, a pair of ancient enemies return. James Moriarty reclaims his criminal empire and Irene Adler bests Watson with a kiss.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Predator: If It Bleeds 3Stars


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Title: Predator: If It Bleeds
Series: -----
Author: Brian Schmidt
Rating: 3 of 5 Stars
Genre: SF
Pages: 292
Words: 115K

Much, much better than that horrible Eyes of the Demon collection. At the same time, some of these stories just felt like they were missing something. Like the author had heard about the Predator but hadn’t actually seen any of the movies or read any of the comics. Yet some of stories were so spot on that it felt like a good starter script for another “good” Predator movie.

Overall, I was quite satisfied with this collection and I think I’ll let it stay in my personal library for if I ever decide to re-read it.


Table of Contents:

INTRODUCTION by Bryan Thomas Schmidt

DEVIL DOGS by Tim Lebbon


REMATCH by Steve Perry


STORM BLOOD by Peter J. Wacks and David Boop


SKELD’S KEEP by S. D. Perry


BLOOD AND SAND by Mira Grant

TIN WARRIOR by John Shirley

THREE SPARKS by Larry Correia

THE PILOT by Andrew Mayne

BUFFALO JUMP by Wendy N. Wagner

DRUG WAR by Bryan Thomas Schmidt and Holly Roberds

RECON by Dayton Ward

GAMEWORLD by Jonathan Maberry

Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Watsons 4Stars


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Title: The Watsons
Series: ----------
Author: Jane Austen
Rating: 4 of 5 Stars
Genre: Classic
Pages: 46
Words: 17K

This is an unfinished novel that Austen began, stopped and for unknown reasons, never picked up again. It is 5 chapters long, which is why I’m giving it the “novella” tag.

While I enjoyed this little “taste”, it had many of the same elements in Austen’s full novels so it wasn’t a novelty like Lady Susan was.

I almost didn’t rate this because it wasn’t finished and so I didn’t know how the later, unwritten part of the story would have changed my outlook on the beginning. But I am rating what I was able to read and that gets 4stars from me.

There have been several “completed” versions by various authors. One of them, a descendant of Austen wrote a full 500+ page novel based on this. At some point I plan on reading that. It is entitled “The Younger Sister”.



The timeframe of the completed fragment covers about a fortnight, and serves to introduce the main characters, who live in Surrey. Mr Watson is a widowed and ailing clergyman with two sons and four daughters. The youngest daughter, Emma, the heroine of the story, has been brought up by a wealthy aunt and is consequently better educated and more refined than her sisters. But after her aunt contracted a foolish second marriage, Emma has been obliged to return to her father's house. There she is chagrined by the crude and reckless husband-hunting of two of her sisters, Penelope and Margaret. One particular focus for them is Tom Musgrave, who has paid attention to all of the sisters in the past. This Emma learns from her more responsible and kindly eldest sister Elizabeth.

Living near the Watsons are the Osbornes, a great titled family. Emma attracts some notice from the young and awkward Lord Osborne while attending a ball in the nearby town. An act of kindness on her part also acquaints her with Mrs Blake, who introduces Emma to her brother, Mr Howard, vicar of the parish church near Osborne Castle. A few days later Margaret returns home, having been away on a protracted visit to her brother Robert in Croydon. With her come her brother and his overbearing and snobbish wife. When they leave, Emma declines an invitation to accompany them back.

Here the story breaks off

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Last Stand (Empire Rising #12) 3.5Stars


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Title: Last Stand
Series: Empire Rising #12
Author: David Holmes
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: SF
Pages: 364
Words: 143K

Man, I did not see the Kurullians showing up and saving the day, not at all. I was seeing humanity about to be destroyed, again, and I knew it couldn’t happen, because of the snippets from the beginnings of each chapter, which are from 500 years later. So I saw an untenable position for humanity, saw no way out and yet knew the author would pull a rabbit out of his literary hat, somehow. And yet.

And Yet.

I was as tense as anything waiting for things to work out.

That takes skill on an author’s side to be able to do such things. I realize this is book 12 but Holmes has shown a consistency in his skill level that I appreciate. Doesn’t mean he’s a wordsmith like Rex Stout or a story teller like Charles Dickens (Holmes could use a good editor to cut down on some of the expositional scenes that go on for pages) but he has not let me down yet.

If you like military science fiction, I highly recommend this series. It’s a bit more space ship oriented than I care for, but it is good nonetheless.


From the Publisher &

The orbital Battle of New Shanghai has been lost. What is left of the Allied fleet under James Somerville’s command is in full retreat. The Imperial Marines and Colonial Militia on the planet’s surface are left alone and without support. With a Karacknid fleet in orbit and tens of thousands of ground troops being landed, it is General Johnston’s duty to fight Humanity’s enemy to the last man. For he is the only thing delaying the Karacknid fleet from pushing on to Earth and completing their conquest of the Human Empire.
Meanwhile James must scrabble together what meagre forces he can and ready the defenses of the homeworld. With his fleet already beaten once, hope has all but been extinguished. Still, he will make his last stand and fight to the death for the sake of his family and his Empire.

When a fleet of Kurullian worldships show up to help defend Earth and the Alliance, James realizes they have a very slim chance to strike at the heart of the Karacknian Empire and challenge the Warlord himself, which is the only chance the Alliance has in the long term.

Monday, October 07, 2024

Dead Men Walking (Warhammer 40K: Necrons) 3.5Stars


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Title: Dead Men Walking
Series: Warhammer 40K: Necrons
Author: Steve Lyons
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: SF
Pages: 267
Words: 96K

Every Warhammer 40,000 book starts with the following quote:

It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries The Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.

Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants - and worse.

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim darkness of the far future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.”

This book, Dead Men Walking, captures the essence of the bolded part of that quote. A lot of the Warhammer 40K that I’ve read has been about the “good” parts of the society; Ciaphas Cain the rich and famous Commisar, Ibram Gaunt the disciplined yet moral Colonel-Commisar and then you have my forays into the non-human side of things with the Tau and now the Necrons. All of those are the exception to the rule of the Empire of Man. DMW sets the record straight about what it is like to be a normal citizen of the Empire and how your life is weighed, sometimes literally, against a box of ammunition. Is it cost-effective to rescue World X? If not, then so long Citizen. But heaven forbid if those same citizens turn on the Imperium before it abandons them, then’s it chop, chop, off with their heads.

This book is about a Necron Tomb resurrection on a mining world and how the Imperium screws things up. Technically the “main characters” are the Kreig Death Korps, but I’m lumping it in with my Necrons read because they are the main bad guys and we get to see just how bad ass they are. Unlike The Infinite and the Divine, where the Necrons almost come across as chummy, bonhomie babies, here they are shown for the absolute monstrous dealers of death that they are. Unkillable killing machines that grind the troops of the mining world to dust. Whether it is the elite Death Korps, or regular Astrum Militarum or even citizens drafted into a world army, it doesn’t matter. They all die. One of the main characters we follow who was a regular citizen, realizes that is going to be his final fate and instead of fighting and raging against it, stoically does his best to kill as many Necrons as he can before he dies.

And that is why this book is titled as such. Every man and woman who is fighting is a dead man from the get go and there is nothing they can do about that.

I call that soul destroying. It is also why I don’t read a lot of the Space Marines stories in WH40K (plus, those guys are just jerks and they DESERVE to die, horribly). I try to cherry pick my stories so that there is at least an iota of hope within the pages.

The cover is hard to parse at this size, but it is supposed to be part of some sort of gun that the soldiers carry.

Overall, I enjoyed the action and the Necrons being described, but I absolutely hated the stark reality of this universe.


From the Black Library

When the necrons rise, a mining planet descends into a cauldron of war and the remorseless foes decimate the human defenders. Salvation comes in an unlikely form - the Death Korps of Krieg, a force as unfeeling as the Necrons themselves. When the two powers go to war, casualties are high and the magnitude of the destruction is unimaginable.

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Mary Poppins in the Park (Mary Poppins #4) 3Stars


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Title: Mary Poppins in the Park
Series: Mary Poppins #4
Author: Pamela Travers
Rating: 3 of 5 Stars
Genre: Middlegrade Fiction
Pages: 272
Words: 49K

Exactly more of the same. The same plot points, the same beats, the same style. Once each story opened, I knew exactly where it was going. That’s just fine for a childrens story. But since this is the fourth Mary Poppins book I read, it was a bit tiresome for Adult Me.

I have no regrets whatsoever about reading this omnibus of Mary Poppins books, but I am glad I am done with these stories. I wouldn’t recommend them on their own but only to those of you who might have children or want to be reminded of what a child’s mind can handle.


From Wikipedia

This fourth book contains six adventures of the Banks children with Mary Poppins during their outings in the park along Cherry Tree Lane. Chronologically the events in this book occurred during the second or third book (Mary Poppins Comes Back and Mary Poppins Opens the Door respectively). Among the adventures they experience are a tea party with the people who live under the dandelions, a visit to cats on a different planet, and a Halloween dance party with their shadows.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

KTF Part I (Galaxy's Edge #16) 3Stars


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Title: KTF Part I
Series: Galaxy's Edge #16
Author: Jason Anspach & Nick Cole
Rating: 3 of 5 Stars
Genre: Military SF
Pages: 267
Words: 87K

KTF stands for Kill Them First, which is one of the mottoes of the Legion.

It turns out that Ravi, the last Ancient in our universe, didn’t die in the previous book. He simply broke a covenant that freed Dark Forces to act as they were going to eventually anyway.

And all during this time, the original Savage has been biding his time, learning, becoming knowledgeable in the power that Goth Sullus called The Crux. The power that Prisma is trying to learn about. She is now with her mother, who is also a savage in thrall to this God of the Savages. He is the one who set the original Savage Wars in motion and now, he not only plans on starting the Second Savage War, but he also has plans to contain the Consumption, the Dark Force that has been trying to gain access to our universe. With that power under his control, he truly IS approaching godhood.

I enjoyed this much more than the previous book but not enough to redeem the path the authors are going overall.

The Consumption is the Dark Force that Tyrus Rechs was trying to warn everyone against. It is the force the Legion was created to eventually fight against and when the Legion went bad before Article 19, the force Dark Ops were created to fight against. And it turns out he was being used by the Savage King even way back then. So everything we thought we knew has been thrown into question.

This was a good, enjoyable military science fiction story and if this wasn’t book 16 in a series, I’d probably give it a much higher rating, maybe even a 4star. But the authors, Anspach and Cole, have spit on me and my Star Wars fandom and I can’t overlook that, nor will I. 3Stars is as high as my reading conscious will let me go.


From the Publisher

The Savage Wars never ended.

As Kill Team Victory and General Chhun take control of the cities on Kima, a war every bit as spiritual as it is physical rages in the deepest parts of galaxy’s edge. The Legion, and the Republic military at large, struggle to deal with a sudden multitude of planetary invasions and uprisings -- with rumors of mysterious ships breaking the peace achieved by Article Nineteen. Meanwhile Captain Aeson Keel continues his search for Prisma, aided by friends from both his past and present. But only mankind’s oldest ally can hold back the tide of ultimate destruction. For an unknown darkness is closing in, and the Republic once again stands on the threshold of galactic war.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Mostly Harmless (THGttG #5) 1Star


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Title: Mostly Harmless
Series: THGttG #5
Author: Douglas Adams
Rating: 1 of 5 Stars
Genre: SF
Pages: 148
Words: 64K

In the first book, I stated that the philosophy of Hedonistic Nihilism portrayed by Adams disturbed me. That got some good comments going.

Well, I feel flipping vindicated. The book ends with the Vogons destroying every version of Earth on every possible space/time continuum. And Arthur just sits back and enjoys the thought of the coming total nonexistence coming his way.

I cannot state strongly enough how abhorrent I find that attitude.



Two sub-2star books in a row is a REALLY BAD WAY TO START THE MONTH!!! Just saying...

From Wikipedia

Arthur Dent plans to sightsee across the Galaxy with his girlfriend Fenchurch, but she disappears during a hyperspace jump, a result of being from an unstable sector of the Galaxy. Depressed, Arthur continues to travel the galaxy using samples of his bodily tissues/fluids to fund his travels, assured of his safety until he visits Stavromula Beta, having killed an incarnation of Agrajag at some point in the future at said planet. During one trip, he ends up stranded on the homely planet Lamuella, and decides to stay to become a sandwich maker for the local population.

Meanwhile, Ford Prefect has returned to the offices of the Hitchhiker's Guide, and is annoyed to find out the original publishing company, Megadodo Publications, has been taken over by InfiniDim Enterprises, which are run by the Vogons. Fearing for his life, he escapes the building, along the way stealing the yet-unpublished, seemingly sentient Hitchhiker's Guide Mk. II. He goes into hiding after sending the Guide to himself, care of Arthur, for safekeeping.

On Lamuella, Arthur is surprised by the appearance of Trillian with a teenage daughter, Random Dent. Trillian explains that she wanted a child, and used the only human DNA she could find, thus claiming that Arthur is Random's father. She leaves Random with Arthur to allow her to better pursue her career as an intergalactic reporter. Random is frustrated with Arthur and life on Lamuella; when Ford's package to Arthur arrives, she takes it and discovers the Guide. The Guide helps her to escape the planet on Ford's ship after Ford arrives on the planet looking for Arthur. Discovering Random, the Guide, and Ford's ship missing, the two manage to find a way to leave Lamuella and head for Earth, where they suspect Random is also heading to find Trillian. Ford expresses concern at the Guide's manipulation of events, noting its "Unfiltered Perception" and fearing its potence and ultimate objective.

Reporter Tricia McMillan is a version of Trillian living on an alternate Earth who never took Zaphod Beeblebrox's offer to travel in space. She is approached by an extraterrestrial species, the Grebulons, who have created a base of operations on the planet Rupert, a recently discovered tenth planet in the Solar System. However, due to damage to their ship in arriving, they have lost most of their computer core and their memories, with the only salvageable instructions being to observe something interesting with Earth. They ask Tricia's help to adapt astrology charts for Rupert in exchange for allowing her to interview them. She fulfills their request and conducts the interview, but the resulting footage looks so fake that she fears it will destroy her reputation if broadcast. She is called away from editing the footage to report on a spaceship landing in the middle of London.

As Tricia arrives at the scene, Random steps off the ship and begins to yell at her, mistaking Tricia for her mother. Arthur, Ford, and Trillian arrive and help Tricia to calm Random. They remove her from the chaos surrounding the spacecraft and take her to a bar. Trillian tries to warn the group that the Grebulons, having become bored with their mission, are about to destroy the Earth. Random disrupts the discussion by producing a laser gun she took from her ship. Arthur, still believing he cannot die, tries to calm Random, but a distraction causes her to fire the weapon, sending the bar into a panic. Arthur tends to a man hit by the blast, who drops a matchbook with the name of the bar - "Stavro Mueller – Beta" - and Arthur realizes that this is the scene of Agrajag's final death. He sees Ford laughing wildly at this turn of events and experiences a "tremendous feeling of peace".[1]

The Grebulons destroy the Earth, believing that their horoscopes will improve if it is removed from their astrological charts. It is revealed that the Vogons designed the Guide Mk. II to achieve their desired outcome by manipulating temporal events. As a result, every version of the Earth in all realities is obliterated, fulfilling the demolition order that was issued in the first novel. Its mission complete, the Guide collapses into nothingness.