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Monday, October 09, 2023
Sunday, October 08, 2023
The Misfit Soldier 1Star DNF@28%
This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress & Blogspot by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission
Title: The Misfit Soldier
Series: ———-
Author: Michael Mammay
Rating: 1 of 5 Stars DNF#28%
Genre: SF
Pages: 270/76
Words: 89K/25K
DNF’d at 28% for the usual reasons.
Saturday, October 07, 2023
Pumpkin Fest '23
When in the Course of human events it become necessary for one people to celebrate a Pumpkin Festival, it behooves them to celebrate like there is no tomorrow. Amen!
The proper way to start a Pumpkin Festival is in the food alley. While most people go this later, we always go there first. It’s not crowded and there are no lines. One year I had to forego the whole food experience because the lines were so long. I didn’t make that mistake again.
I tried some chicken parm sliders, but they were so bad that I threw them out after eating just one. Thankfully, Old Reliable, ie, french fries, came through in a pinch. It is almost impossible to ruin french fries and the vendor selling these certainly didn’t. They were hot and salty. Perfect!
Once you are done eating, then it’s time to make the rounds. Lots of vendors show up, from artsy-fartsy crappola (Mrs B buys a flower head dress with flashing lights every year) to the local dojo-master who breaks boards to obnoxiously loud amateur bands. It’s all fantastic! And sometimes you see things like the above picture that make even the obnoxious bands worth hazarding.
Then it is time to park your backside on a bench and watch the people ebb and flow under the glowing orange moon. But wait, that’s no moon! (say it in your best Admiral Ackbar voice).
No, it’s a PFO!!!!! (Pumpkin Flying Object) Run for your lives before the little orange men probulate you. What’s that, it’s just a pumpkin balloon with the name of the biggest realty company in the town? Oh Willard, say it ain’t so!
Then comes the part we all look forward to every year. A firetruck pulls up to town hall and fully extends its ladder to the screams and ululations of the crowd.
Then the Citizen of the Year runs around the oval with a police escort, waving a pumpkin torch. They ascend the brightly lit ladder, stopping every couple of steps to egg the crowd on to longer and louder shows of town spirit, ie, screaming at the top of one’s lungs as long as possible.
Finally, the giant pumpkin is lit and all’s right with the world.
What a grand time. Even this year, when it rained buckets earlier and everything was wet and it was threatening rain all evening, we enjoyed ourselves tremendously. Another great success in the Social Life of Mr and Mrs Bookstooge.
Friday, October 06, 2023
Currently Reading & Quote: Sense and Sensibility
Colonel Brandon alone, of all the party, heard her without being in raptures. He paid her only the compliment of attention; and she felt a respect for him on the occasion, which the others had reasonably forfeited by their shameless want of taste. His pleasure in music, though it amounted not to that ecstatic delight which alone could sympathize with her own, was estimable when contrasted against the horrible insensibility of the others; and she was reasonable enough to allow that a man of five and thirty might well have outlived all acuteness of feeling and every exquisite power of enjoyment. She was perfectly disposed to make every allowance for the colonel’s advanced state of life which humanity required.
~Sense and Sensibility, Chapter 7
This quote is from Marianne Dashwood’s viewpoint, from Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility. She is 17. It made me laugh so hard because “Ancient” Colonel Brandon is 10 years my junior. Oh, I love Austen’s writing almost as much as I do Dickens’.
I am posting this because,
A: I Have Words in need of getting loose
B: The Pumpkin Festival might get rained out tonight AND tomorrow and thus I’ll have nothing to post about it tomorrow. Thus this post is my “Blog Insurance”.
Thursday, October 05, 2023
Mutineer (Empire Rising #7) 3.5Stars
This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress & Blogspot by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission
Title: Mutineer
Series: Empire Rising #7
Author: David Holmes
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: SF
Pages: 389
Words: 151K
I enjoyed this even though it wasn’t the transition of power from Awesome-Admiral Happypants to Ensign Mighty Niece like I thought. Das Admiral is front and center and takes a mighty hit from the bad politicians. He’s hurt, he’s down but he’s not done, not by a long shot! There’s dastardly politicians still to kill. There’s dastardly Really Bad Aliens to kill! There’s thrills and chills as new good aliens pop out of the woodwork like weevils from a biscuit!
Das Space Battleos gets biggemized, to the point where thousands of missiles get fired but thankfully we don’t have to follow every single one to their destruction. We do still get “then X missiles made it through and exploded and destroyed/damaged X ships”. So if that’s your space jam, bring your own toast.
The Bad Politicians left a bad taste in my mouth. Just like they should. But I still didn’t enjoy that aspect of the story, even though it was very necessary. Going number two is ALSO necessary but it doesn’t mean I have to like it, or like hearing other people talk/write about it.
But don’t worry, this series is Number One in my books!
From Bookstooge.blog
Awesome-Admiral Happypants (because there are lots of admirals but only the most Admiral’y of them all gets to be in charge with that title) saves humanity from a bunch of bad aliens, finds even more good aliens, and finds the Really Bad Aliens.
Politics gets involved, Awesome-Admiral is court-martialed by jealous incompetent and totally stupid Politicians and the Powers That Be blow off the new good aliens and pretend that the RBA’s don’t exist.
Awesome-Admiral doesn’t take it lying down and goes to his wife’s space system to start preparing humanity, along with his niece, Ensign Mighty Niece. Of course, she’s some sort of lowly officer now, but she’s going to stay Ensign Mighty Niece from hereon out in my books!
The End!
Tuesday, October 03, 2023
Mirror of the Night and Other Weird Tales 3Stars
This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress & Blogspot by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission
Title: Mirror of the Night and Other Weird Tales
Series: ———-
Author: Edwin Tubb
Rating: 3 of 5 Stars
Genre: Horror Anthology
Pages: 148
Words: 59K
I was talking with somebody, at some time (I think it was Snapdragon Alcove) and she asked if I’d ever read anything by E.C Tubb. I hadn’t, so I decided to rectify that situation with this standalone collection of short stories by him.
Tubb was quite interested in the supernatural and more specifically, the occultic supernatural. But he was also just fine writing about messed up humanity.
One of the stories is about an older man who has had a stroke. He is convinced his wife has been taken over by an alien and in the end kills her. Only the reader knows everything the narrator is seeing and thinking has been corrupted by the stroke he had. That was the non-occultic kind of scary.
Then you have a story about a guy who robs a cultic temple and takes the jewel from the idol’s forehead. It is a snakegod and he convinces a friend to help him get back to Britain. On the ship ride back, he is mysteriously crushed to death in a locked cabin. The friend returns the jewel and becomes an adherent of the snake god cult.
Tubb is better known (or so I gather) for a science fiction series called Dumarest. I don’t know a thing about it, but after this collection, I’m going to track down a couple and see how they compare. While I wasn’t particularly wowed by this collection, it kept my interest and made me want to check out more by Tubb.
Table of Contents:
Monday, October 02, 2023
Sunday, October 01, 2023
Dead Skip (The DKA Files #1) 2.5Stars
This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress & Blogspot by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission
Title: Dead Skip
Series: The DKA Files #1
Author: Joe Gores
Rating: 2.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Crime Fiction
Pages: 167
Words: 55K
I wanted to like this a lot more than I did. This series (DKA stands for Dan Kearney Associates) is about a business that tracks down and repossesses cars that have been stolen or not paid up on.
Unfortunately, Joe Gores, the author, seems intent on dwelling on the seamy side of such a business and everyone under questioning is some sort of filthy wretch. Every woman’s bosom comes under scrutiny from at least one of the men in the agency and apparently all anyone can think about, man or woman, is how they’re going to get laid next.
Add in the racism (EVERYBODY in this story is a racist, from the black woman to the mexican car owner to the white policeman) and the language used and I was done by the time the story was done. I realize there is a point where you are describing “events on the ground”, but it is beyond unnecessary to write out a whole paragraph using every racial slur I’ve heard to date (given, that’s not that many, but it’s enough). All I could think of was “why was this included?”
The story itself was intriguing. DKA is chasing down a missing car and in the process uncover an embezzling scheme and murder. It was great. But Gores just couldn’t help but dirty things up. As such, I won’t be tracking down any more stories by him.
From the Publisher
In the first book of Joe Gores’s razor-sharp Daniel Kearny Associates series, a DKA investigator clings to life after a devastating car crash. The police are ready to write it off as a drunk driving incident, but the DKA team knows it was an attempted homicide. Now they have seventy-two hours to search the backstreets of San Francisco and find the truth about the “accident” from a stripper, an embezzler, an ex-con, and other unsavory characters
Saturday, September 30, 2023
September '23 Roundup & Ramblings
Raw Data:
Novels – 12 ↓
Short Stories – 1 ↑
Manga/Graphic Novels – 4 ↑
Comics – 1 ↓
Average Rating – 3.14 ↓
Pages – 3625 ↓
Words – 1152K ↓
The Bad:
One Piece #43 – 2stars of complete and utter manga burnout
Black Sun Rising – 2stars of romance masquerading as SFF
The Good:
The High King – 5stars of series ending goodness
Mortal Errors – 4stars of Hitchcock picking good tense stories
X3: The Last Stand was a thoroughly forgettable movie that even the people in the comments forgot about as they typed.
Miscellaneous Posts:
- Conversion – MTG 4E
- Warrior
- 9/11 – The Slide into History
- Adventure Suites: How the Other Half Lives
- 2023 NH Highland Games and Festival!
- Coral Helm – MTG 4E
- The Staff of Prophecy
- Cosmic Horror – MTG 4E
- WP Reader Changes
- Currently Reading & Quote: Charmed Life
What a great month!
Taking the couple of days off to celebrate our 15th in the middle of the month really helped both of us. Took the stress away for 3 days and allowed us to catch our breathe before diving back into life.
I am in the middle of negotiating so I can keep putting up artwork once a month. If I can pull that off, that will give me the outlet for telling little micro-fictions with each picture continuing the mythology of Bookstooge, the Emperor in Shadow. I have fun making stuff up like that, mainly because I just let my ego go completely out of control 🙂
Started playing some Magic with Spalanz over the net, like I had done with Dave earlier this year. Considering they are both bigger Warhammer 40K fans than I am, it seems only right we’re playing some WH40K Commander. Markus played his favorite little Necrons and then experimented with the Tyranids while I tried to pilot the Emperor Botherer’s deck. I had a great time.
My reading for September was the at the lowest level since January. As can be told by all the numbers in the Raw Data section. Considering that allowed me some breathing room in regards to writing, I was perfectly ok with that. Especially since I just broke the 200 barrier this month. The rest of the year is just going to be coasting.
The window replacement stuff is done! That was quite the process and I am very glad it is over. Plus, pouring out all the money on it is now done too, so our bank account can begin to recover.
On a slightly sadder note. I really miss Meatbag Intern. I’m currently working with a guy who’s been with our company for about 2 years. He’s had no land survey experience before so I take that into account. BUT. He shows very little initiative, can’t seem to handle more than one instruction at a time, ignores what I tell him half the time and even when I walk him through something, doesn’t understand the underlying principle and thus can’t extrapolate what I’m aiming for. When I tell him to do A and B, he doesn’t think ahead and realize that C is the next step. He’s not incompetent, he’s just not as good as Meatbag. I soldier bravely on though. Us outdoorsy manly men do that kind of thing you know.
Cover Love:
Dedication of the High Priestess. While the story wasn’t up to what I was hoping for, that cover almost makes up for it.
Plans for Next Month:
Going to be easing up on the reading even more, hence my reviewing numbers will down, so I am hoping to keep a couple of days each week clear. Not for anything, but because I need to make sure I don’t burn my little writing self out. October of last year was when I worded myself out and had to take the month off from reviewing. You all did a great job of commenting on the lists that I read, but I don’t want to repeat that. So I’m deliberating easing up now.
A Pumpkin Festival is coming up, so we’ll be attending that and I plan on writing about it. IF it isn’t rained out (a distinct possibility, every year, sigh)
Groo is the only visual medium I plan on consuming in October. I’m letting manga go, I’m letting Asterix go and I’m letting Bone go, at least until New Years. I’m almost completely burnt out on the visual so I need to stop now.
Going to be watching and reviewing the Wolverine trilogy for my X-Franchise movie watching. Origins, The Wolverine and Logan. I’ve watched, and enjoyed, Origins before, so at least that will be good. We’ll see about the others.
Friday, September 29, 2023
Currently Reading & Quote: Charmed Life
They filled their pockets and then their hats. Then a furious gardener chased them with a rake. They ran. Cat was very happy as he carried his full, knobby hat home. Mrs. Sharp loved apples. He just hoped she would not reward him by making gingerbread men. As a rule, gingerbread men were fun. They leaped up off the plate and ran when you tried to eat them, so that when you finally caught them you felt quite justified in eating them. It was a fair fight, and some got away. But Mrs. Sharp’s gingerbread men never did that. They simply lay, feebly waving their arms, and Cat never had the heart to eat them.
~Chapter Two
Hahahahaahaha! Man, that’s some good comic writing right there 😀