Saturday, October 14, 2023

A Hero Arises

As the Shadow Emperor slowly conquered the land, as his unstoppable Warriors defeated town after town, district after district, stronghold after stronghold, resistance began. But resistance needs a spearpoint, a leader, a hero as it were. Unfortunately, heroes do not spring forth from the void, fully fleshed, trained and ready to do those hero’y things they do. This instance was no different. Our hero was battered. He’d had a foot cut off when his captain ran from the pirates and they exacted revenge on the entire crew for daring to resist them. The captain was dead by the way. Our hero had joined the pirates, because it’s pretty hard to swim in shark infested waters with a recently amputated foot.

The Stormcrow clan of humans was never a popular clan, but when the Steampunk Elves saw that there was nobody else with the ability to lead the resistance, even a rogue pirate captain starts to look good. And that, dear reader, is how A Hero Arises.

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