For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
1st Corinthians 1: 18
Despite a world experiencing increasing lawlessness and chaos, despite whatever issues I am experiencing, the truth is that God is in control. He had a plan for the salvation of mankind before He even created the cosmos. He knew me by name. When I stand before the throne of Judgement on the last day, all of my sins, all of my faults, all of the evil within me, will have been paid for by Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross. The proof is His resurrection. And I celebrate that today. And you can too.
You are not perfect. You know this. And God demands perfection. Not because He is a hateful tyrant but because He is perfect and can accept nothing less. He is Perfect Justice. He is also Perfect Mercy. He has shown you that mercy by giving you the chance to accept His Son Jesus as your Savior and your Lord. Jesus was perfect and He will take your sins and imperfection if you give them to Him. For the love of God people, don’t turn away and reject that!!! Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. The least you can do is ASK! It costs you nothing. A mere five seconds of your time.
I know most of the time I deliberately try to be positive and upbeat about what the Resurrection of Jesus means to me personally. But I have that hope and I don’t know that you do. I want you to have that hope and eternal assurance. So please, I beg you, ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you.
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