Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Lallia (Dumarest #6) 3.5Stars

This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress & Blogspot by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission

Title: Lallia
Series: Dumarest #6
Author: EC Tubb
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: SF
Pages: 154
Words: 44K

Dumarest meets another chickie-boo, has some adventures in space, finds an ancient artifact that performs miracles of healing and gets a better idea of where Earth is located. Of course, Chickie-boo dies. I suspect every girl Dumarest meets is going to fall in love with him and then die. Talk about a Black Widower

These adventures of Earl’s are like mini-adventures. Just enough to keep life interesting but not long enough to call it an adventure steak. It’s like getting one big steak tip, knowing there’s a whole bowlful of them.

So while I’d like gorge myself, Tubb is forcing self-control on me by doling these out one at a time. It’s good for me, so I can only complain so much about it before being forced to admit the justice of it all.


Dumarest is searching for old charts, and takes passage as a cargo handler on a run-down old trading ship. The dynamics of the flawed men forming the crew are well-described. An agent of the Cyclan confronts Dumarest, and indirectly this reveals a secret property of Dumarest’s ring. Dumarest is healed by an alien ship or device, which gives him a vision showing where Earth is located.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

My Grave Ritual (Warlock Holmes #3) 4.5Stars

This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress & Blogspot by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission

Title: My Grave Ritual
Series: Warlock Holmes #3
Author: Gabriel Denning
Rating: 4.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Fantasy Parody
Pages: 268
Words: 98K

Once again, another fabulous read.

This time around, I was bowled over at just how Denning took a Sherlock Holmes short story, parodied it AND tied it into a bigger narrative that overarched the entire book. It was impressive, especially when you consider the original short stories about Sherlock Holmes weren’t really tied to each other. Denning did a great job of twisting the original stories and stringing them altogether to make a cohesive whole without making it feel clunky.

In that regards, Dennings really shows his writing chops. I really wish he had other books I could read but sadly, it appears that Warlock Holmes was his only literary endeavor.

I guess I shall have to just savor the final two Warlock Holmes’ books that I have left all the more. That’s not really a bad problem to have if you think about it…


From the Publisher

Synopsis – click to open

As they blunder towards doom, Warlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson find themselves inconvenienced by a variety of eldritch beings. Christmas brings a goose that doesn’t let being cooked slow it down; they meet an electricity demon, discover why being a redhead is even trickier than one might imagine, and Holmes attempts an Irish accent. And, naturally, Moriarty is hanging around… in some form or other. Just as Holmes and Watson are hitting their stride, a pair of ancient enemies return. James Moriarty reclaims his criminal empire and Irene Adler bests Watson with a kiss.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Predator: If It Bleeds 3Stars

This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress & Blogspot by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission

Title: Predator: If It Bleeds
Series: —–
Author: Bryan Schmidt
Rating: 3 of 5 Stars
Genre: SF
Pages: 292
Words: 115K

Much, much better than that horrible Eyes of the Demon collection. At the same time, some of these stories just felt like they were missing something. Like the author had heard about the Predator but hadn’t actually seen any of the movies or read any of the comics. Yet some of stories were so spot on that it felt like a good starter script for another “good” Predator movie.

Overall, I was quite satisfied with this collection and I think I’ll let it stay in my personal library for if I ever decide to re-read it.


Table of Contents:

Click to Open

INTRODUCTION by Bryan Thomas Schmidt

DEVIL DOGS by Tim Lebbon


REMATCH by Steve Perry


STORM BLOOD by Peter J. Wacks and David Boop


SKELD’S KEEP by S. D. Perry


BLOOD AND SAND by Mira Grant

TIN WARRIOR by John Shirley

THREE SPARKS by Larry Correia

THE PILOT by Andrew Mayne

BUFFALO JUMP by Wendy N. Wagner

DRUG WAR by Bryan Thomas Schmidt and Holly Roberds

RECON by Dayton Ward

GAMEWORLD by Jonathan Maberry

Fire Elemental - MTG 4E

Glad it was a woman who drew this, so in 20 years she couldn’t be accused of sexism. Cause this elemental is HOT! hahahahahahaa. Oh, I crack myself up sometimes.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sakura Fight (Cardcaptor Sakura #4) (1998 Anime)

  • Episode 13 – Sakura and the Elephant’s Test of Strength
  • Episode 14 – Sakura, Touya, and Cinderella
  • Episode 15 – Sakura and Kero’s Big Fight
  • Episode 16 – Sakura and the Rainbow of Memories 

This dvd was a mix of capturing Clow cards and fill-in stories about Sakura’s history and current life. It was cute, it was fun and it filled a Sunday afternoon perfectly. While this is aimed at the tween girl crowd, CLAMP still tells a good story that everyone can appreciate.

With so much darkness out there, violence, destruction and existential despair and hopelessness, watching a movie today is fraught with the danger of wondering if anything is worth it. CCS is a good antidote to such a world view. It’s not a deeply philosophical counterpoint, mind you, but considering how shallow the bad movies are, it only follows that an antidote should be just as shallow. I guess today is your lucky day, hahahahaa!

Friday, October 11, 2024

The Great Pumpkin Saves the Town or Pumpkin Festival 2024!

The (Great) Pumpkin Festival officially starts at 5pm. So we drove down to the local County Store to park at 4:30pm. This was possible because I worked my backside off at work to get out at 3pm. Yeah, I’m just that good.

As is our custom, (and yes, we do have a custom when it comes to the Pumpkin Festival) we first went down to Food Alley. Not every place was open but most were and we took advantage of that to score ourselves some food and some open tables. Trust me, after 5:30pm it is standing room only, everywhere.

Mrs B stopped at the Fried Tempura vendor and got a fried vegetable platter. It was a lot!

It was also incredibly greasy. Just the way fried food should be!

Last year I had seen a vendor selling Elephant Ears, so this year I was curious enough to find out just what that was.

It turns out Elephant Ears are massive amounts of fried dough. HUGE!

Then we wandered around, looking at various vendors selling brightly colored crap.

Or vendors trying to sneakily separate you from your money for other kinds of brightly colored crap.

It was perfect! Even the obnoxious bands playing all over the place. I believe there were 3 this year. One in the center of the Oval, one off to one side and the third down at the beer garden a street over. There was also some “music” up by the Post Office. So no matter where you went, you were assailed by sight and sound. And jostled by people.

Unless you were me. Because I had a staff and people don’t mess with guys in cloaks who carry a staff as tall as they are.

Then the (Great) Pumpkin rose into the sky and the town was safe for another year!

Eat your heart out, Linus

Thus Sir Bookstooge navigated another deadly, people infested adventure and nobody died. That’s how you know it was good.

The End

[Art] Lady of the Fall or My Week XII

Tonight is the Pumpkin Festival. I wanted something to celebrate that event, as I don’t know if I’ll be able to get pictures and write up a post like I did last year (Pumpkin Fest ’23). So I asked Miss Ross to do something Festival’y and I think she delivered in spades. I’m pretty happy with this and I hope you can enjoy it too.

The week, up to this point, has been something else. My coworker took the week off, just because apparently,  so I was working with the new guy. He’s been hired to work in both the field and the office, and he’s 6’6″. I’m 5’3″. It has made setting up our equipment a real chore and I’ll be glad when things return to normal next week.

Other than that and the falling temps and leaves, not much else to report.

Have a good day and if there is a Pumpkin Fest post, it won’t be until after 8pm tonight,  so don’t hold your breath 🙂

Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Watsons 4Stars

This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress & Blogspot by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission

Title: The Watsons
Series: ———-
Author: Jane Austen
Rating: 4 of 5 Stars
Genre: Classic
Pages: 46
Words: 17K

This is an unfinished novel that Austen began, stopped and for unknown reasons, never picked up again. It is 5 chapters long, which is why I’m giving it the “novella” tag.

While I enjoyed this little “taste”, it had many of the same elements in Austen’s full novels so it wasn’t a novelty like Lady Susan was.

I almost didn’t rate this because it wasn’t finished and so I didn’t know how the later, unwritten part of the story would have changed my outlook on the beginning. But I am rating what I was able to read and that gets 4stars from me.

There have been several “completed” versions by various authors. One of them, a descendant of Austen wrote a full 500+ page novel based on this. At some point I plan on reading that. It is entitled “The Younger Sister”.



Synopsis – click to open

The timeframe of the completed fragment covers about a fortnight, and serves to introduce the main characters, who live in Surrey. Mr Watson is a widowed and ailing clergyman with two sons and four daughters. The youngest daughter, Emma, the heroine of the story, has been brought up by a wealthy aunt and is consequently better educated and more refined than her sisters. But after her aunt contracted a foolish second marriage, Emma has been obliged to return to her father’s house. There she is chagrined by the crude and reckless husband-hunting of two of her sisters, Penelope and Margaret. One particular focus for them is Tom Musgrave, who has paid attention to all of the sisters in the past. This Emma learns from her more responsible and kindly eldest sister Elizabeth.

Living near the Watsons are the Osbornes, a great titled family. Emma attracts some notice from the young and awkward Lord Osborne while attending a ball in the nearby town. An act of kindness on her part also acquaints her with Mrs Blake, who introduces Emma to her brother, Mr Howard, vicar of the parish church near Osborne Castle. A few days later Margaret returns home, having been away on a protracted visit to her brother Robert in Croydon. With her come her brother and his overbearing and snobbish wife. When they leave, Emma declines an invitation to accompany them back.

Here the story breaks off.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

The Blog Tag

From Pooja on her post The Blog Tag. I haven’t done a Tag post in quite some time (a year and a half in fact!) and this felt like a good one to do.

The Blog Tag

How did you come up with your blog name?

I was on Devilreads from 2009-2013. During that time I used my real name and a real photograph of myself. During that time I also had enough run ins and threats from crazy writers and rabid fans that I swore never again. So when Devilreads began their campaign to censor reviews under the guise of “guidelines’ and silence people, I left for Booklikes.

I chose Bookstooge because I read so many books (you’d be surprised how many people on a site dedicated to reading think 100+ books a year is some impressive number, sigh) and stooge because I was willing to do a lot to make sure that books (and the attendant reviews) had a very high place in my life. There is no “wrong” way to review, whatever Devilreads and the idiots who inhabit that stygian darkness may claim.

On the avatar side of things, I started using one with this review:

Since then I have gone through several facelifts until I am where I currently am now.

If your blog was a person (fiction or real), who would it be?

Hands down, it would be Shrek. Mrs B told me that and she’s 110% correct!

What helps you create new content if you feel like you need some inspiration?

Rockstar, baby! The power of caffeine running through my veins powers everything I do.

Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with?

I do consider myself to be collaborating with Miss Ross, as she does the art for the artwork posts and I do the words side of things. But the reality is that I would not willingly choose to share the writing aspect of blogging with anybody. I chronicled that decision here:
A Loner But Not Alone

The words here at are mine and mine alone. I take the glory and the responsibility. Words are important to me.

Is there anything more you wish you had or would like to learn as a blogger?

I think every blogger wants more, something. Finding out what that is is part of the fun of being a blogger. For me, it is interaction, specifically, comments. I want more of those suckers, I really do.

As for learning, I wish I knew how to be a better craftsman when it comes to the words I write. I want to look at my posts and see exactly which word is needed at “that” point to make the whole thing flow like a stream.

Do you have a specific style of blogging?

My blog is mainly book reviews. I do try to leaven things out with various non-review posts, which can run the gamut from Tag posts like this to personal posts where I bare my soul and cry like a baby for you all to see (yeah, ok, maybe NOT quite that personal) to Art related posts. I would say it is 50-60% book reviews and the rest is whatever I feel like.

As for “style”, I am not sure. Intelligently Ironic? Punchyouintheface-fu? Studiously Ignorant? Pugnaciously Pink? Whatever style, it’s me and don’t you forget it!

And there we go, the Tag is finished. I like short tags like that.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Last Stand (Empire Rising #12) 3.5Stars

This review is written with a GPL 4.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at WordPress & Blogspot by Bookstooge’s Exalted Permission

Title: Last Stand
Series: Empire Rising #12
Author: David Holmes
Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars
Genre: SF
Pages: 364
Words: 143K

Man, I did not see the Kurullians showing up and saving the day, not at all. I was seeing humanity about to be destroyed, again, and I knew it couldn’t happen, because of the snippets from the beginnings of each chapter, which are from 500 years later. So I saw an untenable position for humanity, saw no way out and yet knew the author would pull a rabbit out of his literary hat, somehow.

And yet.

And Yet.

I was as tense as anything waiting for things to work out.

That takes skill on an author’s side to be able to do such things. I realize this is book 12 but Holmes has shown a consistency in his skill level that I appreciate. Doesn’t mean he’s a wordsmith like Rex Stout or a story teller like Charles Dickens (Holmes could use a good editor to cut down on some of the expositional scenes that go on for pages) but he has not let me down yet.

If you like military science fiction, I highly recommend this series. It’s a bit more space ship oriented than I care for, but it is good nonetheless.


From the Publisher &

Synopsis – Click to Open

The orbital Battle of New Shanghai has been lost. What is left of the Allied fleet under James Somerville’s command is in full retreat. The Imperial Marines and Colonial Militia on the planet’s surface are left alone and without support. With a Karacknid fleet in orbit and tens of thousands of ground troops being landed, it is General Johnston’s duty to fight Humanity’s enemy to the last man. For he is the only thing delaying the Karacknid fleet from pushing on to Earth and completing their conquest of the Human Empire.
Meanwhile James must scrabble together what meagre forces he can and ready the defenses of the homeworld. With his fleet already beaten once, hope has all but been extinguished. Still, he will make his last stand and fight to the death for the sake of his family and his Empire.

When a fleet of Kurullian worldships show up to help defend Earth and the Alliance, James realizes they have a very slim chance to strike at the heart of the Karacknian Empire and challenge the Warlord himself, which is the only chance the Alliance has in the long term.