Saturday, August 24, 2024

Marvel Champions: The Playening II

Bookstooge MacLeod, also known as the Immortal Lowlander, once again assembled his Hero’s deck to face the villainous Rhino!

Knowing that being all schemey/weemey wasn’t his thing, The Lowlander chose She-Hulk to do some serious face bashing!

With the help of Aggression cards like Relentless Assault, which took out a minion AND damaged the Rhino enough to kill his first iteration, things were looking pretty good.

Finally, with the help of 2 Tac Teams, I simply sniped Rhino down to 3 health and beat him to death with one final attack by She-Hulk. It was a brutal slugfest with almost no worrying about scheming. She-Hulk pretty much stayed in hero form so the Rhino had no time to scheme.

The downside was that she was down to 1 health by the end and I gambled everything on the final draw of the villain deck being a flop. To be honest, I got lucky.

This took me a while but mainly because a lot of the cards were new to me and I had to read them and figure out how they worked together. I plan on using the same deck next month and hoping to have a slightly different game with less immediate face bashing. I’d like to experiment using some scheme thwarting. But until then, remember:

There Can Be…..
…..Only None!

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