Saturday, June 15, 2024

[Art] Garden's True Spirit

With Solar System Alpha Prime now protected by the Solar Guardians of Sun, Moon and Earth, we now return to our on-going story of the Mad Emperor Bookstooge and his quest of dire vengeance upon the Pegleg Pirate Ninja, the Hero of the People. Last we saw Hero, he was Flying Deep into the Mountains of Night, the last stronghold on Earth3.

Hero was hoping to gain an alliance with the Spirit of the World Garden, who was so powerful that she had kept the Mad Emperor at bay by her simple refusal to have anything to do with him. An act of utter negation as it were. It was through her power that Alpha Prime had been protected. While Hero sought an alliance, to use the Mountains of Night as a base of operations, Emperor Bookstooge had sought a crack into the World Garden. He had found a thread, a crack through Hero’s flight.

It was all a charade. Hero was no more a threat to the Mad Emperor than you or I would have been. The crack into the World Garden had been sought and with Hero’s unknowing aid, it was now found.

Would this spell the corruption of the World Garden? Would its power be co-opted to slake the Mad Emperor’s thirst for conquest of the stars themselves? Or would this attack upon her power simply make her even stronger, more impervious? Destruction, Stagnation or Growth?

Once again, I must apologize dear reader, for your humble narrator has no idea. Is the future safe, are the Stars themselves about to be conquered? We are all on this adventure of discovery together. Until next month, I bid you adieu.

~the mad laughter of a Mad Emperor rolls across the cosmos~

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