Friday, June 07, 2024

So, This Happened...

Normally, I get between 40-60 visitors a day and between 50-100 views. That is quite a variance I know, but that’s how the blogging game goes. However, in the last week or so, the numbers have been really weird. I get these spikes in numbers of views. You can see the first one, on May 27th. That was just over 200 views. Then on the 30th I got another spike up to 300. Things seemed to settle down and then BAAAAAAM, on the 5th I got 650 views, the largest amount I’ve ever gotten in my entire blogging time here at wordpress. I figured that was that but then the 6th happened and as you can see, by 4pm I was up to over 300 again.

My first thought was “bots”, but while I complain, quite legitimately, about some of the shenanigans pulls, they have been really good about not recording bot visits and cleaning up spam comments. I also noticed that a lot of the views were from my Bookstooge in 100 Books page. Then yesterday a lot of of the views were posts with books that I had DNF’d.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m really happy to get these huge boosts, but I just wish I understood them. Have any of you had any weird spikes in your stats over the last 2 weeks?

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