Friday, March 07, 2025

[Journal] Inkblot: Old Leather Collection


I know the pictures make this look a good bit purple’ish, but in real life, it’s a much more dark blue. This was one of Paperblanks “Old Leather” collections, where they had various colors and tried to simulate that look of scuffed leather. If you look at the big picture versions, you’ll see all those “scuff” marks and recognize “old leather”. Of course, it’s not actually scuffed and it’s not old leather, but it sure does look like it. I had some old leather book marks once that had those same kind of scorings and beatings just from getting moved around and pressed. That’s what leather does after all, takes a beating and keeps on enduring. From the name you can tell they were trying to be clever. I’ll give them points for trying anyway.

The Old Leather Collection had several beautiful options, but sadly, Paperblanks only carried three that had the flap on the front, all the rest were open edged and were closed by an elastic band. That’s just not acceptable to me. It’s not aesthetically acceptable (as they would not match all the rest of my paperblank journals that DO have a flap closure) and it’s not privacy acceptable to me. Should my journal fall out of my bag in a public place, I know that flap will keep it closed and if someone picks it up, they won’t be able to see anything of what I wrote. It’s not so much that I’m concerned as I just value my privacy, even in such little things.

In one of the previous journal posts, Lashaan (from Roars and Echoes) asked if I would ever consider buying a boatload of just one style of journal and using that for years and years. I had never thought of things in that light and I had to sit back and give it a think. I wouldn’t want one of the Embellished Manuscripts, where they are highlighting an author and a particular work, because after 2-5 years I’d get tired of that. It would have to be a design oriented journal that I could just look at and enjoy. Or something plain that didn’t challenge me on an artistic level at all. A journal like this one is very close that ideal of plainness. But not quite. After two of these in a row, I’d go quietly insane and like Abdul Alhazred the Mad Arab, I’d probably end up writing the Bookstoogenomicom, that most evil, alluring and world ending book. And ain’t NOBODY got time for that any more.

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