Monday, March 03, 2025

Metal Giants (Short Story) 3Stars


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Title: Metal Giants
Series: -----
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Rating: 3 of 5 Stars
Genre: SF
Pages: 30
Words: 10K

Take War of the Worlds and replace the Martians with a mad scientist and the tripods and aliens driving them with an AI that wants to exterminate humanity and voila, you have this story. Of course, the mad scientist repents of what he did and dies in rectifying the situation, but man, WotW was all I could think of when reading this.

March is not turning out to be much of a “reviewing” month for me, so I’m going to end now. I just don’t care.

From Bookstooge

A mad scientist creates an AI, which in turn begins building its own robotic servants who begin exterminating humanity. The mad scientist in a fit of remorse builds a giant wheel and crushes the AI to death and dies in the process.

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